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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. cool thanks, i just started with it, since i saw so many of the same questions around here.
  2. ah good to hear that worked out. Now what i would do is place a reset.css above your existing css. This will screw up some things at the beginning, but it will make sure that most other browser differences are gone. You can find one here, i use it myself: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/. in a nutshell, it will reset the differences most browsers have. after that you can easily style elements yourself. More info can be found here Now something to pay attention to is that IE 6 has a margin bug on floated elements, to eliminate that you can say display:inline to anything that is floated (easiest to remember way). After you have done that, let me know, what version you see weird stuff and we will fix it. also, i haven't looked, but images require an alt="" tag in the declaration, so don't forget that. If you use a background image, make sure if you use no-repeat that there is a space between no-repeat and the url(image.jpg) like: #element{ background: #000 url(../images/image.jpg) no-repeat; } instead of #element{ background: #000 url(../images/image.jpg)no-repeat; }
  3. Cool thanks, going to try that out cheers!
  4. I just tried work bench and it seems to be really nice. I first opened up the wrong application that came with the package, opening up some sort of command line thingy. Really nice, although it doesn't allow to edit the look and feel of the the boxes, it makes that up by the ease of inserting tables. Have to take a closer look to it though, but it sure looks promising.
  5. IE does not forgive omitting a doctype! and it shouldn't. this is typical the case here. Your page is not centered in IE, because of omitting the doctype. it now interprets the page as if it were IE 5. And for centering in IE 5 we need text-align:center; and not margin :0 auto;
  6. so in otherwords place a doctype above the <html>tag Typical usage: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> ... </head> <body> ... </body> </html> also make sure it's at the first line and there is no space at the left of that doctype.
  7. Well, quite some people hate IE, because they have no idea what they are doing. Not saying that that's the case here, but your markup is missing something vital And that's a doctype, this makes IE to go back to IE 5 isn't that great! See my signature....5 out of 10 this is the cause of browser differences So it's not IE it's you as coder that should supply a doctype. Anyway i like the looks of your site, nice black white and red great all time combo
  8. Uhm i have a feeling you are using javascript to set the inline style for the div in question. right now it's display: block; top: 69px; left: 69px; change the script to make it: display: block; top: 69px; left: 0px; that way it we sit right underneath you top button But if i am honest the menu doesn't look very nice in markup, maybe a have a look at the suckerfish menu.
  9. oh wow, thanks alot m8, Every day I learn a new word. today its uml and localization. Great article i'll sure try to apply it, ty!!
  10. I searched a bit more with the magic word "UML" after i saw it's only free for 30 days (poor fellow here ) And i found this: DIA there is only one word for it and that's : AWESOME Its free, it has loads of graphs and other stuff So if anyone needs this DIA is the bomb thanks for the magic uml word!
  11. Yeah your site is getting to starting to work pretty good, certainly considering what your starting position was But i have the same I know little of php, that's why i am here, to afraid of screwing things up or get hacked. Jing is real, and high quality, too bad you can only record 5 min. but its either 5 min or 400 dollars for a professional product.
  12. isn't this just a matter of consistency? As in choose a method and stick to it? That's what I always thought. not sure though
  13. HI all, I know not much about php, but i thought before i start creating a nice application that is useful, i ask a bit around for advice. I was thinking that it could very well be smart to make something like a language file. In that file are for instance the names of table headers, error messages, button text etc. I thought that would be nice because that way i can easily translate a complete site, by using just one file, a language file. I thought i could use define() in that file to create some constants like: define("invalidname", "the name you provided is invalid"); Than In my index I include that file and use the constant in the right places. Now the question i have is, would this dramatically slow down my website or application, because it's loading the language file. Or is it a good approach. I really have no idea, but it seemed to me like a nice idea to separate standard stuff like errors, and button text instead of having to edit all files separately. Love to hear tips and advice, better methods on this. thanks
  14. hi crmamx, I never used that tool, but i found a video where they show how to use it. It seems they use printscreen to start it, than ctrl+c to copy and than ctrl+v to paste it somewhere. video: I must say i use capture myself and since 2 days Jing to make the video's i showed you. it can also make screenshots. capture: http://www.analogx.com/contents/download/System/capture/Freeware.htm Jing: http://www.techsmith.com/jing/
  15. WoohoOOOO that is awesome! that was exactly what i meant. Thanks a bunch! for some reason i need visual stuff to insert it in my brain, this will certainly help, thanks! -edit: seems i had to search for the word uml (if i were english i probably would have found it myself )
  16. RLJ, your stubbornness shows clearly you lack in trusting someone else in the advice they give. your html is as incorrect as hell. Now you may think my ego is bruised, but it's not or that my way of writing is of someone with a big ego but I am only trying to help your ignorant ass. And pretty much everything i said above is helpful. But you probably don't know, because that's why you are here..... asking for help. Now i don't pretend to know everything in fact i don't but i do now the following: look at your form: <form action=SCRIPT.php method=POST> <textarea name="pastwork" id="pastwork" rows="6" wrap="hard" style="border: 1px solid #808080; width:480px; padding: 5px;"></textarea> <input type="submit" value = "Submit"/> This is what it should look like: <form action="SCRIPT.php" method="post"> <textarea name="pastwork" id="pastwork" cols="20" rows="6" style="white-space: pre-wrap; border: 1px solid #808080; width:480px; padding: 5px;"></textarea> <input type="submit" value = "Submit" name="submit" /> </form> now you don't have to thank me, because you wont mean it nor do I give a crap. But next time someone tells you what your missing, maybe think again, before saying something stupid. Have fun, i suppose you can solve this riddle yourself!
  17. But that is more a php thing really. You are generating a mediabox, than button box, becuase you have them in the same if statement. Also you $i doesn't have a staring value. I recommend you place your processing script in the php help forum, becuase the problem you now have has nothing to do anymore with html or css. You script is just producing it wrong. Be as precise as possible (this is what i have, it produces this, and this is how I want it to look like) I bet there are some php guru's that can fixed that. But at the moment your php script is wrong
  18. Thanks gristoi, I'll certainly check it out. I tried another workbench before, but it had so many options, and it seemed more like a programming language that I removed it. I'll give it ago Thanks!
  19. Although you might think i am drifting away, the script you provided is missing stuff (like doctype <head> etc). I don't feel like debugging stuff that is invalid from the start. I hope you understand that, because if vital stuff is missing, you never know what the result of that omission will be. if you don't believe me, google, what happens if you don't have a doctype for instance. Just take the advice and use it. If stuff is displayed differently in several browsers, either your css sucks or your html. Now i think i pointed out that your html is so fixed that and try again.
  20. well you must have missed something when copying than. this is the code <div class="media-box"> <img src="http://i55.tinypic.com/2d962ww.png" alt="" /> <br /> <b>Test text</b> <p> <a href="?action=xxx&id=95">Text bottom</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="clearrow"></div> <div id="extra"><!-- dont leave an id empty ---> <p><a href="?action=xxx&id=102">Text bottom</a></p> <input type="button" value="Back" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;" /> </div> As you can see there are 3 divs. Now your processing code might have produced it wrong, but that's hard to tell from here. What i would make is a script that only outputs, the media boxes. you include those in a wrapper div.
  21. Hi all, normally what i set up a database i get a pen and pencil and just start drawing, after that i make it digital with inkscape (a 2d grafics program) But that takes quite some time. Does anyone maybe know simple tool (not to advanced) to quickly make a database more visual, with diagrams and relationships between tables. I have searched a bit, and even instaled some, but they are all pretty advanced and farm from what i mean with visual. So in a njt shell a simple program to create a visual database, with tables and relationships Cheers!
  22. hmm, you could try the php include(); function. otherwise you need to stick with iframes, but than you need javascript to refresh it.
  23. well that's a little better, but a html page looks different: see below how a html page looks like.... Now also i recommend you learn this the proper way: (css = target something, and set a style.) Also this: <style> should be <style type="text/css"> Your php should start with <?php and not <? Also indent your code properly so it's easier to read for yourself and others on your team not to mention me or others helping out. Now the code below works. Notice the indentation, and how i wrapped everything in a div. That way we group all media boxes etcetera and that way we can target it. Also notice i gave the containers an ID this makes it not only better to read, but also easier to target! Hope this hellps, but seriously, buy a book, because your website will be a mess if you don't read about the whole idea behind css. (which is target, by using selectors ids or classes and set style to it) Good luck! cssfreakie. P.s. maybe have a look at my blog, quite some best practises there which you already omitted. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en" > <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>test stuff</title> <style type="text/css"> div.media-box{ float:left; margin-right:40px; overflow: hidden; background-color:#CCCCFF; padding:3px; margin-bottom: 10px; border:1px solid #fff; color:#CC0000; } .media-box img{ background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: center; margin:5px; } .clearrow{ /* i added this class after the 3th media box you can use a for loop in php to do this automatically*/ clear:both; } </style> </head> <body> <!-- START: Content --> <div id="wrapper" class="contentContainer clearfix"> <div id="main" class="wideMainContent"> <div class="article"> <div id="mediaboxes"> <div class="media-box"> <img src="http://i55.tinypic.com/2d962ww.png" alt="" /> <br /> <b>Test text</b> <p> <a href="?action=xxx&id=95">Text bottom</a> </p> </div> <div class="media-box"> <img src="http://i55.tinypic.com/2d962ww.png" alt="" /> <br /> <b>Test text</b> <p> <a href="?action=xxx&id=95">Text bottom</a> </p> </div> <div class="media-box"> <img src="http://i55.tinypic.com/2d962ww.png" alt="" /> <br /> <b>Test text</b> <p> <a href="?action=xxx&id=95">Text bottom</a> </p> </div> <div class="clearrow"></div> <div class="media-box"> <img src="http://i55.tinypic.com/2d962ww.png" alt="" /> <br /> <b>Test text</b> <p> <a href="?action=xxx&id=95">Text bottom</a> </p> </div> <div class="media-box"> <img src="http://i55.tinypic.com/2d962ww.png" alt="" /> <br /> <b>Test text</b> <p> <a href="?action=xxx&id=95">Text bottom</a> </p> </div> <div class="media-box"> <img src="http://i55.tinypic.com/2d962ww.png" alt="" /> <br /> <b>Test text</b> <p> <a href="?action=xxx&id=95">Text bottom</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="clearrow"></div> <div id=""> <p><a href="?action=xxx&id=102">Text bottom</a></p> <input type="button" value="Back" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;" /> </div> </div> </div><!-- end main --> </div><!-- end wrapper --> </body> </html>
  24. I'll just repeat myself: php is a server side language, it happens on your server, and than it send s stuff to your browser. now that last thing is what i need to see, so not your php script, but the html. There is no way i can tell how to target something if i am looking at a php script. since i can't know how it will look after processing, so again, run the script, and copy paste the source of the output. run script in browser, right click, view source copy / paste.
  25. i would not use iframes. Anyway, google tells me this: http://www.codingforums.com/archive/index.php/t-117626.html keywords, refresh iframe in current window
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