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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. You are asking a few thing and some are unclear, since i only see your processing script and not the final output. Php is a server side language and css wont give a crap about that. So what i need is your source code from the script you made a printscreen off. Now i am not sure what your level in css is, but css is all about selectors, #id's and .classes If you want to change the style of something you first need to target it, by either using a selector, an #id or a .class Now setting a background for for instance the div. you can use the class to select it and than set a background property. like so: div.mediabox{ background: #CCCCFF url(../images/my-background-image.gif) no-repeat; } But i recommend you either follow a tutorial on css, buy a book (best option), or google it, because we are here to help with code you tried, not to make it for you.
  2. what about earning credits if someone is happy with the help. after that you can buy a virtually coffee with the credits or buy an outfit for your avatar, lols that would make it really addictive all that is missing than are raid nights and we have a competitor to the world of warcraft
  3. thorpe: I don't intend to be pushing this, just wanted to say it has to be kind of aggravating for those of you that are trying to help because the same thing cssF mentioned above would apply to all. Well that little text was aimed at something different than a solved button, it was aimed at feedback from you, on puzzles/questions i gave other than a simple "solved" that way i could see at what level you are, to either explain things better or not. But yeah a solved button would be nice, but everyone agrees on that. Anyways thx thorpe (or any other php god) for having a look at it.
  4. well if that is the case your form, is missing <head> tags. Now I am happy to help, but I rather work with exactly what you have. IF the above is that, I would say read a bit about webpages, because you are missing quite some things. NOt only a <head> also a doctype a title etc.
  5. Well just set the background of body to gray. body{ background:#999; } than make a wrapper div with a fixed width and center it by using margin. div#wrapper{ width:1000px; margin:0 auto; /* IE 5 needs text-align: center * / overflow: hidden; } Now i used overflow hidden there so it will shrink wrap around the inner elements of that container. more info on that trick can be found here. Did this answer your question? If not, be more precise.
  6. Well there a few thing wrong with the logic of your code and also something are just wrong. first don't use <center> it's not cross browser proof, INstead to center something you can wrap it in a container, a div fir instance and use margin:0 auto; second, you are using classes for each link, while i am pretty sure you they only exist ones.. so an ID would be a better choice. but than again. why assign id's if you can target the inner elements of div with class navigation by just using div.navigation a{ some property here; } Also a horizontal menu can be made much cleaner by using an unordered list displayed inline. tutorial can be found here. and if you want to stick to images have a look here instead of an unordered list have a look here. the same logic/technique can be used. Hope this helps.
  7. well it depends on your client really, Most of mine want it to work in every browser, but it costs more time. on the other hand you can of course reason , that people with a nice browser should get a nicer web page.
  8. I can imagine it's driving you crazy, but your first guess was right, this is hard coded, in your markup. It's inline style inside the <font> tag. maybe scan you files for this: inside a <font> color: #C98AA4; It could very well be a php file that generates this (which would a bad thing, since it's always better to separate style from content), but i have no idea since i don't have your files Also the use of the <font> tag is not a very nice thing either.
  9. lol okay, I just posted above the rounded corners by using the sliding doors technique, IF you want rounded corners on bigger boxes for instance a text field you will need 4 overlapping elements There are crap loads of way to do that really. Just google, rounded corners css with 1 image (that is probably the best, the least header requests that way)
  10. So in other words my script example works but yours doesn't right? well i just adjusted your code for a use full string to work with since i have no idea what your post vars are. as far as the white-space have a look here: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/text.html#white-space-prop There are some differences and you just choose one out of 4. as far as the way you code gets processed, that is more a php or html. Could you maybe post the complete 2 codes. (complete as in complete) than i can have a look what is going on.
  11. I am surprised your float:bottom; works since it's invalid as hell. It depends on your code really, there are several ways to do it. Maybe have a look at: Position:absolute; Google it -edit: oh i just saw you also ask for rounded corners in IE, well you can do that in several ways. One i use quite often is named the sliding doors technique. in a nut shell, you take an element that has a nested element in it. and set a background image on both of them. for instance: <a href=" "><span>some text</span></a> both background images will overlap and form 1 nice image. A detailed explanation can be found here: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/slidingdoors/
  12. This also might be something to look at, just for speeding up your website, some best practices from the guys of Yahoo http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html
  13. But did you manage to start up firebug? I mean although its only 4min 33 seconds it repeats exactly what should and can be done. quite often i post a question and you than either mark it solved so you don't need to answer it ( that's my feeling) or you ask another question. I ask those question or riddles/puzzles to see at what level you are, so i know where to explain better, but without feedback I just assume it worked.
  14. First of all did it work the after removing the fixed height? (i bet it did ) Well, the best thing would be to get familiar with the concept of sprites by following a tutorial. in a nut shell: Sprites are big images, that have a lot of small images inside them. This for instance what google uses as sprite: [/img] Now the trick is that you can target certain positions of that large image. maybe this is a nice tutorial, never seen it , but it was the first google gave: http://websitetips.com/articles/css/sprites/ If you want you can post a request on an article at my blog, and I'll do an article on it if the previous was not sufficient.
  15. what version of IE you use, (each version of IE has it's own bugs) can you show your html page? (got codes a live example?) any wayss from the look of it, it looks like the margin bug, when you have this also in a new versio of IE (7, your doctype is invalid or missing. But without code that's just guessing. And if it's the margin bug, use display:inline on everything that floats.
  16. Also i can recommend to use a sprite for all those little buttons, at the moment you have 50+ header requests that is quite a lot. I think it can easily be reduced to around 25. makes your pages load a bit faster.
  17. well it should work if you make sure you remove the fixed height that was there first so from div#top { background-color: #FFFFFF; height: 200px; } to div#top { background-color: #FFFFFF; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; } Otherwise clear your browser memory and depending on your host, it can take a while in case they are caching stylesheets. Otherwise say what browser you use. _edit, i also noticed you websites is loading extremly slow, haven't looked at the cause, but it took 3 seconds EDIT: remove the FIIXED HEIGTH at line 68 of your stylesheet, don't get sloppy, you are setting styles for #top at line 68 and 78 !! reduce it to 1 place
  18. you used it wrong, maybe read some about selectors, ID's and classes, pretty vital for working with css. Anyways this works: I changed your $_POST var to a string with new lines <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> pre{white-space:pre-wrap;} </style> </head> <body> <?php $pastwork = "lalalalalalalalalalalalal lalalalala lalalalala alalalalala alalalalala alalalalala"; echo $pastwork; echo "<br />"; echo "<pre>". $pastwork."</pre>"; echo "<br />"; echo nl2br($pastwork); ?> </body> </html> this outputs: lalalalalalalalalalalalal lalalalala lalalalala alalalalala alalalalala alalalalala lalalalalalalalalalalalal lalalalala lalalalala alalalalala alalalalala alalalalala lalalalalalalalalalalalal lalalalala lalalalala alalalalala alalalalala alalalalala
  19. use this: #left_image { float: left; padding: 0; width: 100%; } div#top { background-color: #FFFFFF; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; } It should work pretty well
  20. add this #left_image { float: left; padding: 0; width: 100%; } I added the width:100%;
  21. maybe try: white-space:nowrap; or white-space:pre-wrap;
  22. HAve a look here with a little adjustment in color, width and padding it's precisely what you need. If you have questions let me know happy to help
  23. crmamx, did you watch the video i made about firebug? I shows exactly where styles come from, and how you can detect style overwrite. Just so you know i made that for you, since you are struggling with css on a daily basis.
  24. cssfreakie


    Like i corrected myself above i meant the the text on your page. to be more precise inside, <div id="content"> </div> And yes you could remove the keywords, but keep the meta tag. that way you can include the keywords dynamically. also shown above like: <?php include('keywordscript-title-that-fetches-stuff-from-a-database.php'); ?> <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $keywords; ?>" /> <title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
  25. cssfreakie


    Ah i mistyped the above, for what i meant between <body> tags, the content that now is show is placed within a div centered in the middle of the page. besides that the menu header footer etc all just stay the same. So we mean the same but I used the wrong words :
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