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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. try this: Both firefox and chrome gave the same results here, so maybe try the following. .widget li { border-bottom: 1px solid #D1DCDC; font-size: 15px; letter-spacing: 0.064em; line-height: 1.3em; list-style-position: outside; /* changed this to outside instead of inside */ list-style-type: disc; margin-left: 20px; /* added this to adjust the outside display */ padding: 0.6em; width: 90%; } or do this .widget a { display: inline; /* inline instead of block, incase you like that inside-list-position thing */ width: 100%; }
  2. Yep that's what i thought, when i read you first post
  3. hmm i think the author could have done the same by assigning a background color to div's #content #news and #nav in combination with the use of padding, instead of using margin and setting a background image to #container and container2. so instead of this on #content #nav #news: #nav, #content, #news{ margin: 1em 3%; min-height: 400px; } i am pretty sure this could have been done without extra header requests or divs: #nav, #content, #news{ padding: 1em 3%; min-height: 400px; } + assignment of background color
  4. Are you insinuating I am using bad practices?... Your new avatar is GREAT! Ha thanks!, but no i really mean local testing is always better faster and secure
  5. also have a look at: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/
  6. oei oei oei! that is awesome! thanks for sharing ignace!
  7. I used xampp, and i am now using wamp, its even better for my needs phpmyadmin is also included.
  8. people can order a pizza for 1 cent in a similar way. if the website is made by monkeys. http://advosys.ca/papers/web/61-web-security.html#hidden
  9. lol well for that little snippet, just open up your notepad, paste: <?php echo phpinfo(); ?> and save it as .php make sure you remove that file ones you know the settings.
  10. I used basename() a while ago and it seems to do the trick for me, but i am no expert. define( 'DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); if(isset($_GET['page'])){ echo '<div class="content">'; include(dirname(__FILE__).DS.'pages'.DS.basename($_GET['page']).'.php'); echo '</div>'; } Hope this helps P.s. the above should check if file exists of course, any ways the basename() seems to be perfect for stripping
  11. Zohab, off topic, if your testing code just do it local. save you time, and avoids bad practices such as not using external stylesheets
  12. isn't that 2 requests per domain? so that would make it 20 subdomains
  13. we are not visionaries. Got an example online so we can check it out? for css and html?
  14. I like to see some mark up to really, I must admit i here and than use an extra div to give a certain part a special color, instead of an extra header request. IF you use it scarcely i don't see any problem in that
  15. cssfreakie

    ie6 issue

    i need solution not suggestion about using any browser. solution: http://tinyurl.com/6fnbv6g including an implied suggestion!
  16. Thanks Philip! Really awesome this work bench.
  17. Hi everyone, I thought I leave a little checklist, which you could use when creating websites. Although some stuff might be obvious for some people, I see these things omitted on a daily basis when helping out others with their css and html. Note though this list is not not limited to the stuff below, but it will definitely save you quite some time. Use the following in order. 1. Always use a valid doctype! It should be on the first line if you view your source code in the browser. 2. Place a reset.css above your own style! A reset.css is vital to eliminate browser differences. 3. Use conditional comments to target versions of IE! (so don't use css hacks) 4. Don't use inline style! (it's redundant, slower, chaotic and easier to make mistakes) Use an external stylesheet instead. 5. Don't use tables for anything other than displaying data in an orderly way. 6. Don't use a clearfix-div if you can use a overflow:hidden; Hope this will save you a lot of time!
  18. I am not sure what program you mean to which you uploaded (imported) it, but the only reason i can think of is that it's either not an image, but has an image extension, or you are writing the path or filename of the image wrong or contains spaces. (I noticed that your are also using a wide variety of upper and lowercase characters in your file system, which maybe caused a typo) If you mean with uploaded, to your website, try to type in the full path to the image for instance. (example) http://bayarearcsociety.com/images/christmass/dinner/maincourse.jpg and maybe you named it enigine.jpg, but it's infact engine.jpg.png You can't just change the extension of an image. you need to use an image editor to convert it to a different filetype.
  19. what do you mean with broken? Is it that the bullet of the list appears above the text? As shown with "categories" Maybe have a live example of this because the image won't tell me anything about the markup nor of the dimensions.
  20. your design looks good enough! black white and red are great. Just for your next project, start of with a valid doctype and a reset.css than design the website for firebug (gecko) and adjust it with conditional comments for specific versions of IE. Oh And I can also recommend to use <h1><h2><h3> elements for your headings. indexing bots love em good luck!
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