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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. Sorry for my late reply guys I was sleeping And i see this thread is becoming a battlefield between short and long tags Anyway thanks Abracadaver for giving the maths examples. It really helps in understanding this. Ihave done math, but never used that thing ( % ) I just use the long tags since 3 extra letters could potentially save me a lot of time, like you said 95 %, means 5 % where it doesn't work (with .htaccess it seems you can).(i see it here and than on this forum, and when they adjust it to long tags it works) Any way thanks for the code above I Take it with me. And good thing pointing out the <tr> that was indeed missing. (didn't do a w3cvalidation Thanks guys for the help! And the only noob here is me so that settles the above discussion P.s. noobs have the underdog position so i am glad to be one haha
  2. if you want to get a job, i see that as you want to make money the easiest way to do that i think is learn html and css, and build templates for all the opensource cms that are out there. after that combine it with php and mysql and the cherry on top can be javascript. This would be my order in things.
  3. i suppose with an include() function or some custom include like with joomla, it's JDoc include or something. I bet that header is a separate file in the file system. those cms exits of hundreds of files
  4. well, as far as help I know google offers a pie chart api. It looks really nice and it's free. But what do you have so far?
  5. Ugh, must be hell supporting that. nah ones you know the bugs, it's pretty easy, in fact IE 5 is easier than ie 6 But i do use some extra cool css3 things to award people for having a decent browser. But only for extra's , just like javascript Thanks!
  6. Thanks all, I always designed any website i made to be able to work with ie 5 and up, and since some retards still use it i keep it that way untill MS invites me to the funeral of those retards. That's as far as css goes But i really like the looks of that code pickachu gave. Although i find the ternary operator hard to read. In my mind i have to start at the middle than move back and than forth again. I also used that $odd = 1; because i never worked with the % which is still a bit odd for me since the explanation of it says 25%2 has a remainder of 1 for me 25/2 is 12.5 but i guess i need to round it up. Any ways thanks alot guys, i am getting a little better every day at php:
  7. Hi all, I was playing a bit around with results from a database and thought lets give them a nice order in a table, so i thought i set the class per row, so my style sheet can finish it. This is what i got and it works. But some 6th sense whispers me that this can be done smoother. If anyone has ideas or tips let me know i have a lot to learn in php. and after all want to be a good code writer in php. // start table echo '<table class="users"> <th>name</th><th>email</th><th>active</th>'; $odd = 1; $num = 1; while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){ // if( $odd == $num%2 ){ $evenodd = 'odd'; $num++; }else{ $evenodd = 'even'; $num++; } // echo'<tr class="'.$evenodd.'"><td>'.$row['name'].'</td><td>'.$row['email'].'</td><td>'.$row['accept'].'</td><tr>'; } echo '</table>'; thanks
  8. well, first of all i recon it's javascript, because you are talking about random. css does not do anything at random, javascript can. Besides that the excessive use of inline style is a good indication, that something is giving style to elements other than a external stylesheet. Now you changed the code(right?), because now i see 4 images on: http://www.desapioproperties.com.php5-18.dfw1-2.websitetestlink.com/company/ when i press on forward or backward (another indication that this is about javascript, because the site changes when I press buttons but not refreshing.....). If i disable javascript no content is shown at all. At the moment i see 4 little images shown over your left column. Caused by the following: inline style (likely generated by javascript) element.style { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; height: 73px; left: -181px; list-style: none outside none; margin: 0; padding: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 2172px; z-index: 900; } Now if you would set left to 0 it would be nicely aligned. And no that is not in your style sheets, and if you would it would simple be overwritten by the inline style, generated by javascript. (jquery). and this: you can solve that riddle your self because no one here will understand what you mean with that. If you have a problem isolate it, and describe it in a manner so that others know what you are talking about.
  9. Firebug would have probaly told (right-click, inspect element) on exactly which line in css and that's around line 89, of custom.css it does: #maincontent h2 { color: #FF8E00; font-size: 115%; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; } just use firebug. You said you tried it before, but didn't work, that doesn't say 1 bit. just right click and inspect when you installed it, or use google chrome it's already build in. designing without firebug is madness, I think i told that before.
  10. Well first of all you have a minor error in your mark up all images are missing the attribute alt=" " and a big one in you css in your css files (which for some reason are named .txt) you have */CLASSES */ if that is a comment it should be /* CLASSES */ Anyways I think I already gave the solution but you might not have seen it. <div class="left right"> If i changed from ID to class and changed it the right way i get the same result. That was what you wanted right. Same result while moving to class?? If that is the case here is your new code <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"> <!-- HEAD --> <head> <!-- LINK --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" /> <!-- META --> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8" /> <!-- TITLE --> <title>My WebPage!</title> </head> <!-- BODY --> <body> <!-- PAGE --> <div id="page"> <div><img class="a1" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="a2" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="a3" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div class="b2"> <!-- MAIN --> <div class="left" id="main"> <div><img class="a1" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="a2" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="a3" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div class="b2"> <p><span class="underline-link"><a href="/">Home</a></span></p> <!-- CONTENT --> <div id="content"> <div><img class="a1" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="a2" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="a3" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div class="b2"> <!-- CONTENT ROW --> <div class="content-row"> <!-- CONTENT COLUMN --> <div class="content-column"> <div><img class="a1" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="a2" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="a3" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div class="b2"><p>Hello</p></div> <div><img class="c1" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="c2" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="c3" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> </div> </div> </div> <div><img class="c1" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="c2" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="c3" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> </div> </div> <div><img class="c1" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="c2" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="c3" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> </div> <!-- RIGHT --> <div class="left right"> <div><img class="a1" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="a2" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="a3" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div class="b2">Hello</div> <div><img class="c1" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="c2" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="c3" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> </div> </div> <div><img class="c1" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="c2" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> <div><img class="c3" src="imgs/default.gif" /></div> </div> </body> </html> CSS /* TAGS */ a img { border: 0px; } body { background-color: #000000; background: url(imgs/bg.jpg) repeat; background-repeat: repeat; color: #000000; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px; } h1 { font-size: 20px; margin: 5px; } h2 { font-size: 16px; margin: 5px; } p { font-size: 12px; line-height: 15px; margin: 5px; text-align: left; } /* IDS */ #page { background-color: #0F0F0F; margin: 0px auto; overflow: hidden; width: 915px; } #page .a1 { background: url(imgs/gray6/tl.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } #page .a2, #page .c2 { float: left; height: 5px; width: 905px; } #page .a3 { background: url(imgs/gray6/tr.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } #page .b2 { margin-left: 5px; overflow: hidden; width: 905px; } #page .c1 { background: url(imgs/gray6/bl.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } #page .c3 { background: url(imgs/gray6/br.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } #main { background-color: #FFFFFF; margin: 0px auto; overflow: hidden; width: 600px; } #main .a1 { background: url(imgs/white/tl.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } #main .a2, #main .c2 { float: left; height: 5px; width: 590px; } #main .a3 { background: url(imgs/white/tr.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } #main .b2 { margin-left: 5px; overflow: hidden; width: 590px; } #main .c1 { background: url(imgs/white/bl.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } #main .c3 { background: url(imgs/white/br.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } #content { background-color: #000000; margin: 0px auto; overflow: hidden; width: 580px; } #content .a1 { background: url(imgs/black/tl.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } #content .a2, #content .c2 { float: left; height: 5px; width: 570px; } #content .a3 { background: url(imgs/black/tr.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } #content .b2 { margin-left: 5px; overflow: hidden; width: 570px; } #content .c1 { background: url(imgs/black/bl.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } #content .c3 { background: url(imgs/black/br.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } .right { background-color: #FFFFFF; margin: 0px auto; margin-left: 5px; overflow: hidden; width: 300px; } .right .a1 { background: url(imgs/white/tl.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } .right .a2, .right .c2 { float: left; height: 5px; width: 290px; } .right .a3 { background: url(imgs/white/tr.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } .right .b2 { margin-left: 5px; overflow: hidden; width: 290px; } .right .c1 { background: url(imgs/white/bl.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } .right .c3 { background: url(imgs/white/br.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } /* CLASSES */ .auto { margin: 0px auto; } .block { display: block; } .left { float: left; } .hidden { overflow: hidden; } .underline-link { color: #0F0F0F; font-weight: bold; } .underline-link a { color: #C11B17; text-decoration: none; } .underline-link a:hover { color: #F62817; text-decoration: underline; } your main.css is the same maybe google for nifty corners, loads cleaner than this stuff Hope this what you were looking for, i didn't have the images
  11. ok, i'll have a look if i can make chocolate out of this. But seriously any question on any forum, Say what you have, what you did (in code) and what you expect. We are no psychics
  12. ok but a class of right to give rounded corners still is madness if you'd ask me. Anyways, I just ran the code you gave above and changed it as i provided above to and i really don't see what you mean with breaks apart, it works. SOrry to ask this again but please be so exact as possible or host this. I know it might be frustrating, but i really don't see what is breaking, it works here perfectly. nice you suplied an image, but in most newspapers or anything that is informative they say what is going on in the image. sorry but i have a hard time understanding your problem. happy to help though. If i were to post a question i would do this. hello all i have this code: <div id="right">.......</div> which works great, but when i do this <div class="right">.......</div> it doesn't work. this this and this happens, but i expect this this and this... Now is that your case? edit: is it maybe your white background that you want to spread all over the box?
  13. hehe i am not sure if this is your fix, but if you did this you did it wrong: <div class="left" class="right"> if you did this: <div class="left right"> you did it right was it that?? the css could have looked like this. .right { background-color: #FFFFFF; margin: 0px auto; margin-left: 5px; overflow: hidden; width: 300px; } .right .a1 { background: url(imgs/white/tl.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } .right .a2, #right .c2 { float: left; height: 5px; width: 290px; } .right .a3 { background: url(imgs/white/tr.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } .right .b2 { margin-left: 5px; overflow: hidden; width: 290px; } .right .c1 { background: url(imgs/white/bl.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } .right .c3 { background: url(imgs/white/br.bmp) no-repeat; float: left; height: 5px; width: 5px; } But for the sake of readability, why on earth name it class or id right if it's for making rounded corners name it rounded or something and don't name the classes a123 but rather top-left top-mid top-right or tl tm tr If you would have worked in a team, they would thanked you for doing that now you have something named class left right?? lols i assume you get my drift
  14. can you send me the files otherwise, because looking just at raw code is not going to help me solve this, had two cups of coffee, but a third wont, help me here. ah never mind i'll figure it out, be right back. -edit: have you got a printscreen or image of this thing I am pretty sure this can be done a lot cleaner than your doing it now, and i rather provide efficient code than this
  15. Sorry i am a complete retard in javascript, I can read it, but not write it, I would ask it in the javascript forum we have here. but google also is a great source: http://www.google.nl/#sclient=psy&hl=nl&q=javascript+image+rotator&aq=3&aqi=g5&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&fp=fe0504c4a0089c6f (key words: javascript image rotator )
  16. otherwise google would have a big problem and pretty much all websites on earth. But linking is something different than naming and shaming without a base. So if you mean that with linking i would ask a lawyer first
  17. i could be wrong, but I only see 1 echo there for a td, if you want 3 that seems to be wrong
  18. isn't it just the script that is outputting that list? maybe make it more greedy instead of outputting everything. Not sure what you use, but i bet it's php
  19. and no there is no chrome tag
  20. that would be javascript!
  21. hehe quite a long read, but if i sum it up: you use htmlentities and the similar functions before inserting it in the database? if so that's is a bit odd if i am correct (but i am still a php noob so don't trust what i say ) I use mysqli_real_escape to connect and insert in the database, and on output i use either htmlentities or html_specialchars so on input: mysqli_real_escape on output: htmlentities and the alike Not sure if this helps, but this is how i do it
  22. is this a riddle? and what are the prizes?
  23. I never quoted myself but this time it's perfect.
  24. Hi mate, I love to help, but i don't get a clear idea of what you mean with the word "it" It probbaly is a simple thing, but the way you formulated your question makes it a visionary task. Could you maybe be more precise which element we are talking about which ID to which class etc. a live site or drawing also would be great. also i am extremely curious what this design looks like i seldom see 6 divs that are needed for a fancy looking "hello world"
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