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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. cssfreakie


    this disappoints me a bit. But maybe i am wrong. Answer the following and you can convince me otherwise. Could you give 1 reason why a website would use a template and use include() to insert content between the <body></body> instead of making hundreds of complete pages. Besides that, pretty often a database is used for info that needs to be displayed for instance text for the body, a title a description keywords etc. Now I read a few times that you worked with a database. Than you know that when you fetch data from a database you retrieve them in the form of an array. But its also possible to make a hardcoded array in phpfile instead of a database, but the logic stays the same; where you use tables in a database you can very well use separate files for instnace one with keywords or titles in php in case you rather not use a database. By applying the same logic with the $_GET variable you are already using to include the body content you can very well retrieve an array value (i.e. title keywords etc).
  2. firebug videotut is online have fun with it.
  3. hehe i'll try problem is screencasts may only take 5 minutes (or i need to buy a screencapture program for 400 dollar :'(, but I'll, use the elements of repetition and simplicity. Trust me firebug is very very easy to use. I'll show all the things that are needed. Edit: it's online: http://cssfreakie.blogspot.com/2011/03/using-firebug-for-css.html
  4. I recommend you test this. This is not using javascript nor html5 I repeat NO JAVASCRIPT NOR HTML 5 Just fetch the data from the database, and if they are in the good manner, you can make charts on the fly did i already said NO HTML5 or javascript? i think i did
  5. cssfreakie

    Clear float

    what i always did, when i first started with css, is make a sample page, and just try to play with a new property. If you mastered Floats and positioning, you mastered the hardest part of css. (aside of browser differences) if you can make the question mark i attached with block elements (like <div> <p> or anything with a display:block) you passed the float test. Happy to review your code if you did it. [attachment deleted by admin]
  6. oei i am still busy on that one I was thinking of doing a video on it since it's easier to show stuff.
  7. cssfreakie


    your content doesn't use frames, and i know because i made it for you! You can add metatags titles and all the rest the same way you are fetching your info now. Right now you are including you stuff directly into the body tag. What you could do is something like: $metakeys = "apple, pie, monkeys, banana's"; $title = "cooking with monkeys"; Than in your Head you Include the file and place those variables between the tags for instance. <head> <?php include('yourfile.php'); ?> <title><?php echo $title; ?></title> </head> Now this will probably will need you to alter the script a little, but if it's far from advanced or difficult, in fact i just showed how. I recommend you just play around with: $variables echo and include, ones you know how to use those 3 you can easily adjust your code you have now.
  8. I did that on purpose, another reason, is that inline style is redundant. But I hope you do understand, that the answer I gave above does have the word inline in it, but I was talking about inline elements. And that is something different. there are 2 flavours: block elements en inline elements. By the way you can use tables as long as you use them what they are meant for. Maybe have a look at my blog, pretty much all your questions I turned in to an article. (just so you know)
  9. Hi m8, <h1><b>Server</b></h1> is unnecessary. Adjust the font weight in an external css. <div id="nav"> <a href="Link1">Home</a> <a href="Link2">Forums</a> <a href="Link3">Search Players</a> <a href="Link4">Player Bans</a> </div> Use an unordered list for menu's here is a guide on how to make a menu. <p><center>User Name <input type="text" name="User" size="20" /> </p></center> don't use <center> you can wrap the whole form in a div and give it a property of text-align:center; in an external style sheet. <p><b><center><font color="#CF1111">Please login above!</font><center></b></p> don't use <font> just like <center> it's a bad thing. use color:#CF1111 in an external stylesheet. Biggest tip: use an external stylesheet and give elements either an id or a class to target them if they need special styling. the rest looks okay
  10. cssfreakie

    Clear float

    What did you try? Also I have sent earlier by mail a complete example (custom draw-ed!)on how the float and clear works. maybe have a look at that again. For the code above I can say, throw your editor away or pay attention to the errors it gives, because it's clearly happy with the fact that you are missing a <body> tag. Also there are some </p> there that don't haven a starting tag <p> Cleaning up code doesn't mean getting a digital chainsaw. Just a few tips, float is meant for block elements, and clear is meant for block elements too.
  11. I did that on purpose, another reason, is that inline style is redundant. But I hope you do understand, that the answer I gave above does have the word inline in it, but I was talking about inline elements. And that is something different. there are 2 flavours: block elements en inline elements.
  12. I liked Head first PHP & MYSQL alot, full of drawings puzzles challenges tests. I think the whol Head first series of Oreilly are great.
  13. You will need javascript for this. Where the radiobutton triggers a function that set for instance a div to display. I think Jquery would be the easiest way to acccomplish this.
  14. the google api doesn't require javascript, you can use it , but you don't have to if your not changing the values as a client in real time. proof: Just disable javascript in your browser and copy paste in your address bar: http://chart.apis.google.com/chart? cht=p3&chs=450x200&chd=t:73,13,10,3,1& chco=80C65A,224499,FF0000& chl=Chocolate|Puff+Pastry|Cookies|Muffins|Gelato et voila a piechart. You only need to embed the right code within image tags like: <img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart? cht=p3&chs=450x200&chd=t:73,13,10,3,1& chco=80C65A,224499,FF0000& chl=Chocolate|Puff+Pastry|Cookies|Muffins|Gelato">
  15. well i think you just skipped the 5th linked at google with the keywords "how to use google chart api" this is the result, complete with 5 examples on how to use it. Hope it helps you: http://psychopyko.com/tutorial/how-to-use-google-charts/ Cssfreakie
  16. I use live http headers, webdeveloper and gridfox webdeveloper is pretty usefull And i use foxy proxy, but that's for watching tv shows oversees I also use the inspect (inspect element) of Chrome. That's a really nice tool to see the header requests cache loading time etc etc. No need to download it's in chrome allready. I suspose you meant with developer toolbars, stuff in the browser right? Otherwise i can say i use wamp netbeans inkscape gimp and a tablet and loads of coffee.
  17. Welcome m8 And your right on the experts on this forum, there are some pretty smart guys and girls out here, to help you out, and hopefully you can do the same in the end
  18. welcome! Don't forget to also buy a good book it really helps
  19. well it's starting to look pretty nice, much better than that website you had earlier. Maybe apply some padding to the content in the footer (it now touches the edges) And maybe a nice image in the header, but on a scale from 1 to ten in relation to your previous website i give an 8. And like nightslyer said the boxmodel is of vital importance for layout.
  20. oh sorry, a cms is a content management system. But I have a little feeling you are not setting up such a thing since your question implies it a bit. Just for clarity, don't you mean something like this: http://www.yourinspirationweb.com/ It's starts in Italian, and above you can set it to english (http://www.yourinspirationweb.com/en ) with the little flags. In this case i am pretty sure they just made 2 websites. Isn't that the easiest to do, just make a a copy of your website and translate it? I am not sure what this is for though.
  21. nice, i use jquery here and than, It's the only javascript library i use really
  22. do you mean shift to the left the 18 pixels the scrollbar is width? If that is the case maybe use javascript to check the length of the page according to the screen height, and if the one is larger than expected set margin-right to -18pixels. Not sure though, but that was just that popped up here Why would you want do that, to prevent the little shift? or maybe put the wrapper on overflow hidden and put a container in that with overflow:scroll; But i am now just brain farting
  23. yep I thought just make sure we are on the same level. document.ready(); is the function for jquery i think, but i am not an expert with that.
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