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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. now that's alot better than what you had at first. colors match this time! although i would stretch out the middle orange till the bottom with a similar space like at the rigth side. Also your menu, still has those default bullets and the underline. If you are interested in making it better maybe have a look here
  2. well in fact the answer was already in my response above so no need to look any further. It's named css because it's an abbreviation of cascading style sheets. styles can be overwritten. This again shows why it's best to read a book instead of jumping in. Not going to elaborate on this. I recommend it all before and you just ignore it. Also since it worked perfectly before, should be a big hint what is causing the problem.
  3. May i assume you have a valid doctype? if so, your css for IE 8 contains an error, got a live site to see it?
  4. good to hear it worked! Note though the solution brimlow offered was a possible solution too, but i though let's do it this way
  5. Hi crmamx i just looked at the source of your site and you are making alittle mess again. It now declares 2 doctypes 2 head 2 titles etc. IF you just use what you did before and stop using style in the head this all should work fine. only include the stuff between the body tag and don't get sloppy (for instance using a table to centre something (magnolia fields) while a paragraph with text-align:center; could do the same. ) press view source and notice the sudden duplicate doctype
  6. Thanks ohdang888, Ill have a look in to that, cheers! css freakie
  7. Cool! The css I get The IPN i should have a look in never worked with digital money Thanks m8 i consider this one solved ! cssfreakie
  8. Thanks Philip! May I assume the script that is updating that would be run on a external (non paypal) redirect script or something after the payment was successful? that css thing would require some javascript i bet or some inline style imported from a database, to set the width or height of an element. Thanks for the input!
  9. that is 2 times yes, the double quotes is because the name consist of more words the use of a capital is because it should be the exact name as on the system.
  10. Hi all, I sometimes see on a website, a little meter that says, we raised 1 million and our goal is 1 billion (or anything lower than that i was wondering on how someone would achieve that (besides the probably GD library), is that done real time? or does someone need to adjust it on a daily bases depending on the donations. If it is done real time, may I assume that it would be pretty risky to connect to the account to fetch results right? Hmm if anyone knows an idea i would love to know. I never worked with pay-pal, and i am playing around with it in case i might need to work with it.
  11. i hope you realize that if you had 1 million rows in your database that code would take much longer than the idea i suggested. besides that you are pulling 150 rows from the table but only iterate over 30 times. that is exactly 5 times to many rows you pul from the database. IF you need 30 rows set the limit of the for loop to 30. now back to your question: in the event that you out put those 30 rows in your forloop are all those echoes the same? or are they the same as the result shown after you refreshed the page? If that last thing is the case maybe use sessions to keep track of the results. Maybe have a look at your code and what i said above with getting the last row to know the number of rows etc. -edit: oh sorry i looked at your for last code, this new code you shown, if i am correct it will always show the first from the array. maybe use array_shuffle() before you output it. but i would not use that code really(i gave a suggestion already which i would)
  12. i am old too look at my profile 1010 years and that's light years 1 method using array_splice $limit = 10; echo '<ul id="photos">'; //start list $cpics = array ("images/pic1.jpg","images/pic2.jpg","images/pic3.jpg"); shuffle($cpics); // shuffle the b***ches $cpics = array_slice($cpics,0, $limit); //limit it; foreach ($cpics as $image) { echo '<li><img src="'.$image.'" alt=" " title="'.basename($image).'"/></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; you may thank me by posting as first on my blog cssfreakie.blogspot.com haha -edit i changed it i read splice but it was slice :)it works now
  13. well basename() is just a nice php function i found a week ago to get the name of the file. so in case you have echo basename(http://www.lalala.lalalala.alalala.com/lalalala/lala/cows.jpg); it will echo cows.jpg now as far as limiting the numer of images, it depends on how you set the array of results, are they from a data base use LIMIT 5 for instance in your query. you could also try a for loop or while loop or place an if statement in the foreach loop that executes code as long as a condition (number) is as you expect. But i think a for or while loop is specially designed for that. Just google for loop or while loop and you see how it can be limited or you could try array slice, maybe easier in this case: http://www.jonasjohn.de/snippets/php/array-slice.htm
  14. No problem! you can send the million in 50 dollar bills to me in the weekend cheers! cssfreakie
  15. ever seen the rel="nofollow" attribute? I read somewhere that this is accepted by google to ignore the link when indexing, since bing is caught in the act of copying search results that includes them too and here is the wise wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nofollow
  16. I read somewhere that the use of rand in a sql query is extremly slow , certainly when it has quite some records maybe try to get the numerical id of the last row of you table (i assume you have such a primary key right? ) select id from users order by id desc limit 1; after that you know how many rows you have and you can let php create a random result. put those in order and use that to set up a query to retrieve 20 row's from the database.
  17. Since i started a little blog on css, i thought lets make a tutorial of this, i improved the code a bit without any css hacks All you use need to use is an ul http://cssfreakie.blogspot.com/2011/03/making-horizontal-menu.html Really detailed and all is explained, hope it helps. But of course there are more roads to Rome
  18. hehe well my php knowledge is not good either but i think i can provide the code for this. What i do know is mark-up and css, and what you are at least missing is the alt=" " attribute! OK here goes nothing echo '<ul id="photos">'; //start list $cpics = array ("images/pic1.jpg","images/pic2.jpg","images/pic3.jpg"); shuffle($cpics); // shuffle the b***ches foreach ($cpics as $image) { echo '<li><img src="'.$image.'" alt=" " /></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; Hope this works for you cssfreakie Edit: to make it realy awesome you could even add a title tag echo '<ul id="photos">'; //start list $cpics = array ("images/pic1.jpg","images/pic2.jpg","images/pic3.jpg"); shuffle($cpics); // shuffle the b***ches foreach ($cpics as $image) { echo '<li><img src="'.$image.'" alt=" " title="'.basename($image).'"/></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; and know you may use that last one with my copyright haha :
  19. I just ate the food chain in the form of a pizza
  20. that wont't work for IE, so use javascript for that.
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