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Everything posted by Mahngiel

  1. Where's the option for "voluntarily eaten by a bear to avoid headache of converting boards to IPB"
  2. @ a) input[type=XXX] {} @ b) http://caniuse.com/#feat=input-placeholder This has the most comprehensive list methinks http://wufoo.com/html5/
  3. Sounds like you're not saving anything. It shouldn't take anybody long to figure out the schema behind a database if you have any experience with mysql Sounds like you're implementing a user bookmarking system. You need to prepare your articles with some sort of identification. I'd suggest adding the post's id to the element that contains the post body. This will give your javascript something to find. Your backend script will catch that ID, ensure the user is logged in, and input an entry with the user's ID and the aforementioned post ID. Then, when the user requests his 'bookmarks', you query the table for matches on the user ID and retrieve all posts associated with post IDs.
  4. background images ARE resizeable in CSS. What the OP seems to need is background-size: cover;
  5. I'm pretty certain the set_value only works if there's a validation rule for the field. On a side-note: why do you wrap your form inputs in a div with a non-contained string? You should use a label instead.
  6. We're all pulling teeth and grasping at straws here. Either OP explains what is really going on or we're just spinning our wheels.
  7. if the data is THAT insignificant, you could always create a flatfile
  8. I am Mahn for president, and I approve this message!
  9. if this game is your own, you should have a working knowledge of the language you're using to write the game. if you don't know what you're doing in order to write this application, I suggest you start with an easier task.
  10. give it a try and let us know how it works out. we'll be here if you have issues.
  11. that's not a question. that's a statement. we don't write code for you, we help you with problems you have. so far, the only problem you have is using outdated code - to wit Pikachu tried to help you solve.
  12. rofl. you're cute you never defined a question, just posted some code you lifted off an antiquated source. what do you want from us?
  13. what are you trying to post? if it's another image, you can use $_FILES['name'] instead.
  14. are you applying the height with CSS or table properties? Are you certain there aren't any overriding properties?
  15. Pun @ ambiguity. Today is voting day here... i'm in the spirit.
  16. I approve of your disagreements, but dislike your trolling.
  17. Else uTube would have done this 5 years ago
  18. Is there any correlation between the events in other rooms with each other? What is the entire scope of the project? You haven't given us more to work with than a vague abstract. The first stage should be to plan everything out. Think about what you want to accomplish in it's entirety, and then plan how to get there.
  19. The navigation's focus properties are terribly distracting.
  20. you should be using round. it will make your like a shit ton easier. $differential = round( ($totalScore - $courseRating) * 113 / $courseSlope, 1)
  21. A question we should be having is what to call such accolades? Likes? Kudos? Approvals (think "I am Mahn for president, and I approve this post!" )? Thanks? Some contextual examples: "8 people like this post." "3 people approve this." "This post has had 31 kudos." "14 users said Thanks". "2 users accept this solution / answer."
  22. spans are inline elements, meaning they do not obey the box model IMO you have things backwards and you should be using the span for the text either way, you can force a span to follow the box model and accept sizing properties by setting its display to block
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