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Everything posted by ginerjm

  1. If he showed us code, pray tell me what interface he is using then?
  2. Since the OP has not even shown us any real code yet, I'm going to stick with my original advice. If he/she doesn't know PDO/myqli prepared statements, it's time to do a little reading up on them. The manual makes it pretty clear and simple to understand.
  3. Kind of weak to be sorting by country when you only select a single country. You should also sanitize your input value and not just put it into that query. You'll be asking for injection trouble. Use a PDO or mysqlI prepared query to avoid that.
  4. You didnt' show us the url that is calling this script. That is expected to have the org_id defined in it and apparently doesn't. You ARE doing a GET from your calling screen's form and not a POST?
  5. What line number gives you that error? I'm guessing the second line that says $get_id = $_GET['org_id']; That means that your url does not contain a query var in the format of "&org_id=xyz" or "?org_id=xyz". Exactly what does your calling/incoming url look like?
  6. I only follow one forum - the php one. And up until this recent anomaly I never ever received a message of any kind from a specific post unless I made a post to that specific post. All seems to be ok now. Don't know still what exactly was changed for my benefit, but I thank that person.
  7. As I already said - I don't look at attached code - only that which is posted (correctly) on this forum.
  8. Don't understand at all what you have done. As a member of this forum for several years now and having made hundreds of posts and received hundreds of messages I thought I knew what I was doing. Up through yesterday I had never received an email from any posted topic that I had not already made a response to. How did this behavior get altered since I certainly did not do it?
  9. Defiantly?? 1 - perhaps this would be better posted in a wordpress forum? 2 - when posting code here (and in most forums) you should use the appropriate tags to present it better. Here that would be "code" and "/code" wrapped in square brackets. 3 - code that is formatted more like code and not a paragraph of text is easier to read, interpret and understand for those who are unfamiliar with it, by far.
  10. Since I don't look at code that is not posted here, I will offer this solution. Why not build a query of what you need for your output and only select the records that meet your needs? That way you will not have any record for a state that does not have associated cities/stores.
  11. As I originally said I'm getting emails re: posts that I have NOT subscribed to, aka, have not made replies to yet. Just received two more un-solicited posts. Please make it stop!
  12. Ok - so my post was in the wrong forum. NOw that a moderator-type has seen this, does that mean that it is being looked into? (Just received a third un-solicited post btw.)
  13. Suddenly I just received two posts in my email concerning two new forum posts that I have not subscribed to. This is a definite change in how the forum has operated for me. Has somebody changed something here? I know I didn't.
  14. It's hard to help without seeing your code attempts. That's how it works here. Oh - and if your reference to 'mysql' means that you are using the MySQL extension to access your database, stop now and go read up on the mysqlI or PDO extensions and use one of them for your database accessing. See the manual for why this is if you don't know.
  15. Despite all that horrible looking logic to supposedly sanitize your input, I'll offer you this: You didn't do the insert.
  16. The short answer is NEVER
  17. Your code suggests you are trying to do this: Replace "john, smith" with some values such as 'replaced, replaced'. Is that really what you are expecting to find in your file?
  18. Personally I would never give someone that kind of open access. If your task is to allow a user to bro(wse 'some' files that you have, I would put them in a set of folder(s) and use my own code to search them for whatever extension the user provides. That way he/she cannot browse anywhere else. You could also provide a dropdown list of folders to be checked, but let your script verify that the folder they select is one of the ones you expect by comparing the one chosen to a list that you store in your script or in a db.
  19. Perhaps it doesn't like your from address. Drop the <>
  20. Where is the image name? You have a field named 'image_path' in your img tag, but where is the name? Look at the source html code that this produces. What does it look like?
  21. It apparently is an add-on to standard php. You'll have to find someone who uses this add-on for help.
  22. The function 'file_get_html' doesn't exist in my version (?) of the PHP manual. How are we supposed to help you when we don't know what your code looks like?
  23. So now you should be showing us the code that is pointed to by these error messages. Maybe some lines prior to them as well so we have some context
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