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Everything posted by ginerjm

  1. Are you hashing your password into the db and forgetting that when you try and find it again? Can you show us the error message you are getting?
  2. Why not use your glob call to get a list of image filenames and store it in a SESSION variable? Then display the first x images by getting their names from the session var array? When done also save the index of the last item displayed as a session var. On subsequent executions of your script - if the session vars are set, then use them to pull up the next x number of images until there are no more.
  3. Looks/sounds like an sql question, not something on a php forum.
  4. Simply read and understand what I gave you and then carry it on to whatever lengths you need it to go. Since this is a almost definitely a homework exercise, you're probably supposed to figure out a more elegant method than my brute force one so you should probably put some effort into it.
  5. I don't see a password comparison here at all. PS - Why would one create a form to SHOW somebody's password??
  6. Sounds like a home work assignment. If you really have some code that YOU have written, show it to us so that we may help you.
  7. You still have to have an ajax process hitting the server with each new addition to your search argument. Could be slow.
  8. Because of your penchant to go into and out of PHP mode constantly, your error is because you are building that tag OUTSIDE of php mode. Better script organization and techniques would alleviate the need to use <? more than once in a script.
  9. DO YOU READ ANYTHING I WRITE? I gave you a corrected path to use. What happened when you tried it? And - did you look up the example I told you to check out earlier?
  10. 161 is probably a quote problem above there. 141 you typed something wrong in that line the last - I haven't seen so can't help btw - don't need to use php tags just because you start a new line. This kind of coding: <?php if(isset($_SESSION['user'])){?> <?php makes absolutely no sense at all. You have other instances of this silliness as well Plus - if you are not going to make use of the PHP 'heredocs' feature for your html, then at least break it up into logical chunks to make it easier to debug as you are about to do now.
  11. that's what you asked and that's what I replied. Actually you should be checking if isset and then check for a value. if (isset($_GET['request'])) if ($_GET['request'] <> '') request has a value by the way - using $_request is not safe. why aren't you simply using $_GET?
  12. No - it means it equals 1 (or possibly 'true') As for your 2nd - if it is <> null, then wouldn't you assume that is equal to anything at all?
  13. Are the errors PHP errors or logical errors?
  14. in English you are doing : a) if you have a query string AND the 'p' argument is 1 or nothing you set line 470 (although you left off the quotes on http_host) b) if you have a query string AND the reset argument is 1 AND 'p' is 1 or nothing you set line 474 (and again, you are missing quotes). So - is that what you expect? (Try adding the quotes.)
  15. If you take the time to do your own research and read the manual as I suggested, you will find an example of exactly what I believe you are looking for.
  16. You are looking for file names that match your search word? Look up the 'glob' function in the php manual.
  17. Your syntax on the multiicell calls is incorrect. See the manual. It s/b (w,h,string,border,align,fill). You have a number preceding the border parm that doesn't belong there. Also - as I discovered with the multicell - you have to reset your y position after a call to it if it puts out more than one line.
  18. Sounds suspiciously like another post on the forum - just different labels for the EXACT same homework assignment.
  19. Add an array: $sz=array("10px","12px","14px","16px","18px"); Then in your $row loop add this : echo "<span style='font-size:${sz[$row]}>"; At the end of the $col loop, add this to the newline echo: "</span>"; Be sure you keep things enclosed in the proper loops.
  20. I fail to see how it is a "close working example" when it doesn't output any numbers..... for ($I=1;$I<6;$I++) { for ($num = 1; $num<=$I;$num++) echo $num; echo "<br>"; } This should be a closer example.
  21. I wouldn't call it an "auto-complete" in that case. IMHO, an auto-complete does its thing while still presenting the same page with only the proposed results(s) being modified. To me it sounds like you want to regenerate the page after each character is typed which would be more time consuming than simply letting the user type in their search request.
  22. What are the limits of this exercise? Interesting that you began some code, but never produced any output.
  23. Is this search bar being used to pinpoint an item in a dropdown or some other screen element or do you expect this to trigger an ajax request to hit the server with some kind of 'like' query? The latter could be very cumbersome with a slow or unreliable connection, especially if you expect it to interpret your input value as your example showed, and not be just a straight auto-complete.
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