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Everything posted by ginerjm

  1. After further review - I also see that you have wrapped your JS code inside another div tag. People may have problems with my next, but I find it preferable to place my js within my html header tag and not intermingle it with my html code. You can do it I guess, but I fail to see why. Frankly, the div here serves no purpose at all.
  2. At first glance I see the word "div" inside your very first <div> tag. What exactly is that?
  3. I'm not familiar with the mail syntax you show. Is this mailer from some 'package' (as recommended) instead of the simple PHP 'mail' function?
  4. the ".." means the parent folder - it is a common technique to make a relative path (as opposed to an absolute one). The single dot refers to the current directory - something that would mean "check the current folder before looking elsewhere" in your situation. So - if you are using windows, then perhaps your reference to the filename should use a backslash instead of the forward slash you have specified. Just a WAG...
  5. I'm no expert on this, but isn't your path supposed to use a colon ":" to separate multiple path values? You have dot semicolon as your first entry and then your second path that you referred to. I'm wondering if the semi is preventing it from being used.
  6. Have you enabled php error checking to see if there is something else in your script that causes the problem? BTW - I believe that the syntax is very specific: "Location: " must have a trailing space.
  7. Perhaps my mistake. I assumed OP had that html in a heredocs which is how I code most of my html
  8. For those of us who do not read people's attached files, could you show the specific code you are worried about?
  9. In that case you should just leave it all alone.
  10. I always put that line at or near the beginning of my scripts.
  11. If you wrapped your code in the proper tags it would be easier to work with. Also - if THIS code is not actually what produced that message, please give us the right code.
  12. When you finish this project, I highly recommend you read up on how to truly use CSS. Embedding your entire redundant style= string into a php var which is going to also be redundant(!) is not the way to do it. IMHO. Guessing here - but I don't think you need the quotes on the color variable. Just look at the previous color setting you have made: color:$FFF. No quotes there. What puzzles me about the strtolower (and it is not what the function call does) thing is you are converting a string that your code seems to be responsible for producing, so why not just create it in lower case - WHICH you are smart enough to already be doing, so why the function call? Lastly - forgive me if I'm still not understanding - you seem to be setting the var stormintensity into the style string you build,but it has no defined value at that point. Therefore, you are not assigning any (override) color based on content.
  13. My bad - I should of seen what objnoob pointed out about the error. So - the query failed. If error checking had been done ( if (!$results)..... ) you should have seen a hint as to what part of the query was invalid.
  14. Why are you posting code that doesn't pertain to what you want solved? Sorry but I don't understand your last post at all. IF YOU want a color effect on a td, you need to have something akin to: ...style='color:$color_value;' in your td statement. AND why don't you just make the rest of your static style attributes part of a class and avoid having them repeated for each td element? A much wiser and more efficient way of doing things.
  15. I fail to see what the strtolower is supposed to accomplish. Also - if you want to change the color you need to do it in the style but you are not. Also - $stormintensity is a string; $k is not defined (to us); what do you expect to get from "$stormintensity[$k]" ?
  16. I dont' see where you use $tintensity in the <td> line.
  17. You have to have the necessary header in the mail() call. Read the section in the manual - it will tell you what you are missing. Just because you have checked the result of the call to mail once doesn't mean it can't happen at any point in the future. Put the check of the result back into your code.
  18. Leave the quotes off the substituted variable.
  19. You are not checking the result of your call to the mail function. Why? Also - what is the contents of your $email array? You don't show us. Hopefully it is a properly formed return address unlike your "additional parameter" that you have included. You should read up on the mail function in the php manual.
  20. Of course you can set something up. Make the site secure so that they have to login to use it. Only give them login credentials when they make a donation and you receive it. Write the code and if you have a problem THEN post it here for help.
  21. This code seems incomplete. You don't check if you actually got a result from your query, yet proceed as if you did with some comment that suggests you know what to do but just haven't shown us. Then you try to show a redirect header, but you have made no provision to complete the name of the script to be sent to. And most importantly - you haven't expressed any sentiments about your problem and what you perceive to be the issue other than to suggest you have a problem in your title.. Help us out!
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