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Everything posted by ober

  1. Yeah.  I'm aware.  Currently it's set so that Admins have to approve deletions, however.
  2. This is an old thread. It is not pertinent to our current situation.
  3. We can possibly add skins over time, but we need to focus on getting the features and permissions back in order before we do all that.
  4. I'm trying to find a way to increase the size of the sigs! Signature size has been increased to 1500 characters.
  5. Not sure really... I wasn't involved with the installation, and I've never done one otherwise.  I'll let phpfreak respond, but I'd push for having a DB with all the messages.
  6. Yeah, I know I've used it in the past as well. I shouldn't have removed it in the first place, but I'm concerned about speed #1 here. We have a lot of users on a lot of the time (as you may notice when we get errors about too many concurrent connections) and I want to get people on and off of the server as quickly as possible. And as far as SMF, I think there are plans to migrate to another board, but nothing has been announced quite yet.
  7. After some discussion, it was decided to restore this feature. Thanks for asking and I apologize for the temporary inconvenience.
  8. I actually turned it off. We're adding a few profile fields (PHP Version, MySQL Version, and a few others possibly) and since that creates an additional JOIN in the page load, I thought I'd remove a query somewhere else. I don't personally feel that this feature is all that valuable, so I removed it. It's all about performance. I will talk it over with the rest of the mod team and get a consensus, however.
  9. Probably wouldn't be a bad time to migrate to SMF!
  10. highonlove, if you'd really want to be deleted, PM me and I'll remove your account.
  11. There are a few things in the pinned "Resources" tab in Website Critique that you may find useful.
  12. ober


    Yeah, good luck with that. I've installed IE7 and now I can't go back to 6 and there was no way to install them both. Typical MS BS.
  13. Just in case a few of you missed it, Opera released a new version of it's increasingly popular browser. I've been using Opera 9 in beta since the first few releases, and I must say it's a step up from 8. If you haven't tried it out, I recommend having a look and for heaven's sake, get a different skin than the default!
  14. You could always switch to a better browser like Opera :)
  15. If anyone is tracking this topic, the problem appears to be fixed.
  16. You could submit it. It's always reviewed before being posted.
  17. If you do something inappropriate or against the forum guidelines, us admins and the moderators can increase your warning level. Once you get to 100%, it's an automatic ban.
  18. 1) Need more info (your server? hosted somewhere else? do you know if mail() works outside your script? 2) Is "submit" a form submit button? If so, you need to check if it isset()... checking to see if it is equal to 1 will never be true. Also, it should be $_POST['submit']... don't forget the quotes! 3) Wouldn't hurt to check the return of the mail() function and see if you're getting a valid result.
  19. Yeah... we have an entire board for installs. THREAD MOVED!
  20. I'm going to guess that [code]if($l > $pagelevel){[/code]is line 70 and it's not going through the while loop. Do yourself a favor and set a default value for $l before you fetch the data. ALSO, get rid of the while loop. If you're only expecting one value, just run the line inside the while logic. Have a statement like that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. You may also want to check that a value was fetched and your result was valid.
  21. Then you have incorrect login info for the database. Then you have incorrect login info for the database.
  22. I'd suggest splitting it out so you can echo the query. Rule #1 of debugging, always keep your query outside of the mysql_query function so you can echo it.
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