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Everything posted by ober

  1. Umm... so do you have any ideas? Have you tried anything yet, or do you expect us to sit here and just spit code back at you? I'm not going to write code for you, but I can tell you how to do it: 1) PHP can't display a timer live on the page, but you can log the time they showed up on the site in a database and everytime they access another page, do a simple subtraction. 2) You can get some browser information from the headers, and send them to specific portions of the site depending on the browser, but you should really be able to develop a website that works across all browsers, except for maybe a few features that might use something like ActiveX, which would require IE. 3) Everytime someone access a page, update a record with their IP with a timestamp. Then you just run a query that grabs everyone that has been active in the past 15 minutes. 4) When someone logs on, update your table that contains the IP, but check to make sure that they haven't been active within X amount of time. 5) Use the mail() function for email, I'm not sure how to do SMS. 6) Track pages used by each IP in another table. Showing how long they were on the site is tricky, since it will have to be based off of their last action, unless you fire off an AJAX event in the background that will run as long as the user has the browser open. You sound like you're in over your head. You might want to get a book on MySQL and PHP.
  2. ober

    PHP Form

    Why are you opening and closing the form each time you display a checkbox? That's not going to work. Also, to have 2 buttons that perform a specific submit operation, you're going to have to use JavaScript. To answer the first question, if you have a field that is set to 0 or 1 depending on whether or not they're allowed, you just need to check for that condition when doing the echo of the record. If you gave us a link or explained the problem a little better, we can help you more.
  3. Not Safe For Work.
  4. [a href=\"http://cssplay.co.uk/opacity/png.html\" target=\"_blank\"]http://cssplay.co.uk/opacity/png.html[/a] That works in the latest weekly of Opera! :) And the comments say that it worked since the early releases of Opera 9. So I guess that'll soon be a thing of the past. :) As far as your site, I guess I'm not sure where you're using the Opacity. And yeah, foo puts up some racy photos from time to time ;-)
  5. Just in case you haven't checked it in a while, I've added a few things over the past few months to the Resources thread. The one I'm most excited about is the last entry under "tools", which gives you a full menu of nothing but developer tools in Opera. It's the last part on the page of the link provided. If you've never noticed that thread before, please read it and visit some of the links. There is some valuable stuff in there. And if you have something to add, please post it here and I'll add it!
  6. Mark, Are you saying you don't like the site, or are you referring to the NSFW material he blogs about? ;-) And moberemk, I know a lot of people that use Opera. It really is a great all around browser. Sure, it has it's issues, and doesn't do some things well or at all (opacity being one, but I think they're fixing that). If nothing else, its user base has probably doubled since they stopped charging for it. It's definately worth testing your websites against it. EDIT: BTW, does anyone know of a site that uses opacity so I can test it on the latest version of Opera (Preview 2, some weekly version)
  7. Is the file, by chance seperated by tabs instead of spaces? If so, you can use whatever function you'd like to read in line by line (fgets for example) and then you can just use explode() to break the string up into its various pieces.
  8. There are many other threads about this topic on this board. The scripts section of the site was messed up during the last security upgrade of the forums. I'm closing this thread for now.
  9. ober


    Thread Closed. Please do not bump threads that are nearly 6 months old.
  10. You could read through some of the other posts here.... or are you looking for sites that we think look good? If it's the second: www.forgetfoo.com (warning: some of his designs aren't Opera friendly... but he does some amazing stuff and changes the layout fairly regularly) www.joelonsoftware.com - nothing fantastic, but it's simplistic and I like it pretty much anything by jcombs_31 who posts here pretty regularly and obviously css zen garden, which you have in your sig
  11. I don't think you're going to find much if anything. Obsidian is right... it's layout that becomes the problem and it'd be hard to produce standard CSS.
  12. I'm pretty sure anything that is streamed would also not be available to the user directly from their machine. And I'd be wary of the flash implementation. There are players that can usually play files like that.
  13. Awesome work!
  14. I do agree that the main nav is hard to read with those images. You may want to tone them down a bit or swap them out for something else. And moberemk, after all the things people have said negatively about me here, I'm not sure you want to be associated with me ;-)
  15. Andy is right here. Definately stick to lowercase. And maybe I'm moberemk's evil twin, eh?
  16. It really is a great game. Just be prepared to download a ton of patches. :-/
  17. Yeah... you have to have a pretty hot machine to run it. My specs: P4 3.4GHz LGA775 2GB DDR400 (and BF2 gets into about 1.6GB of that) Nvidia 7800 GT 2 x 120 SATA drives Triton Headphones And you can't game without a Razer mouse and mousepad!
  18. It's a good start, but needs some work: 1) centered as the others mentioned 2) I'm not sure why you have 2 different logos... that looks a bit odd and I'd go with one or the other. I personally like the red one... and if you're going to go with the one with the grass/background image, make the words part of the image because the text resolution isn't fine enough and it looks jagged and cheap. 3) the footer is damn near unreadable 4) the whole header area needs work. Your nav could be a bit more flashy (note: NOT FLASH... just more flashy) and you need to pick a design for that area and stick with it. Work on it, throw up some more content and then post again. It has a lot of potential.
  19. Well, it's not like I can sit here and tell you to "insert tab A into slot B". I know nothing about either system that you're using. However, I'm sure there are hooks in both systems you are using that would allow you to combine them. If not, I'm sure there are systems out there that will. I suggest asking the question in PHP Help. And be prepared to offer up some details.
  20. I'm sure it's possibly to re-route to a specific port, but again I go back to the security issues. The only way I'd do something like that would be to have a seperate PC that doesn't talk to my other PCs on my home network. And I just don't see that happening.
  21. It may be as simple as using an ORDER BY clause to your SQL statement.
  22. That's a little hard to grasp exactly what you're trying to do. Can you post some code? If it's just as simple as displaying HTML along with PHP, you can jump in and out of PHP code as much as you want. And you can store whatever you want to in a PHP variable if that's the problem.
  23. [code] if($_POST['required_field_1'] == "" || $_POST['required_field_2'] == "" || ..... || $_POST['required_field_n'] == ""){ //put your error here } [/code] Should work, but I'd recommend using the trim function around your post variables in case they hit the space bar in the box or something else got screwy. And it goes at the top of whatever page you do your processing on. Normally you'd submit a form to the same page and if the if statement fails, you display the error message and show the form again. If you're going to go as far as highlighting the ones they missed, you're going to have to set a bunch of flags to change the look of those fields in the form.
  24. [code]SELECT * FROM tablexyz WHERE date_time_field < '" . date("whatever_format", strtotime("5 minutes ago")) . "' [/code]
  25. I'm TOTALLY in Eric... but there's no way I can play in the middle of the afternoon unless I skip out of work. Is this a ranked server or non-ranked? My handle is "ober0330".... surprise, surprise. I'm so boring. I'll have to look you up on bf2tracker or bf2s.com I have about 24000 global points... what do the rest of you have?
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