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Posts posted by ober

  1. Remove all white space.  You probably have a tab character at least in there according to the spacing.  Depending on your editor, that could be your problem.


    Also, one of the error messages points to your ability to save session data.  Have sessions ever worked for you on that server?

  2. My guess is that whatever user is setup on the server to run PHP is not necessarily permissioned (is that a word) correctly to run the perl script.  That is typically the case when it works from the command line but not from PHP.  And if it isn't a user issue, it's a permission issue within PHP.


    I actually had this same problem at my previous job and I can't for the life of me figure out what I did to solve it.  I think I had to modify php.ini to allow it.

  3. Why are you involving Perl in the first place?  Why not go directly to the DB with PHP?  Surely you can use an available library to talk to Sybase.


    Also, if the info isn't going into the text file from the perl script, that seems like a problem with the perl, not the PHP.  Do you administer the server?  What version of Perl are you running?  Is the server setup to allow you to run exec or other system commands?


    Can you post the PHP code?

  4. Yeah. Except I'll have different messages. So I couldn't select all rows. Or maybe I could select all where the thread_id was the same and then order by timestamp. I think I'll try that. Thanks.

    Bingo.  Relate by ID and sort by time.

  5. Wow... I actually have to agree with TFG here.  Insane.


    But yeah, with a credit score of only 636 and not actually owning anything, you don't have a solid backing for loans.  They have really cracked down recently.  Hell, I have a house, 2 cars, a credit score above 770 and I would be surprised if they let me refinance my house right now (mainly due to the fact that because the housing market SUCKS, I know owe more on my house than it is worth... but that is besides the point).


    Sometimes you have to go into debt to build credit and make the banks trust you.  Buy a house, a car... something that you can "own" even if you will be paying on it for years.  You have to build equity in something.

  6. We've had multiple competitions here in the past.  It's currently tabled because of lack of interest and judges.  We may start up another one in the future but a re-usable login system seems like a complete waste of good coding time.  Any hack and their brother can probably mock up a half decent login system.

  7. No degree?  Take 20K off whatever you think it is worth.  No programming job experience?  Take off another 5-10K.


    Seriously.  I'm all about "making it on your own", but I'll be damned if some nerd with a few programming books and a few years of "self-teaching" is going to waltz in where I'm working and make what the rest of the schooled developers are making.


    Formal training does more than teach you programming basics.  It teaches you theory and structure.

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