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Posts posted by ober

  1. I'm not saying you'd always be open to that.  But I personally wouldn't trust my shared hosting with my personal files.


    Besides, is Godaddy really going to let you store more than 1/2 TB of data on a shared account?  (by the way I'm assuming you have a shared account... you may have a VPS or dedicated... I have no idea).

  2. No its not that hard to make a quick sticky.  But a) there is a difference between rules and guidelines.  What many people think should be rules are actually guidelines, because it is not our duty or desire to be the proverbial grammar police. b) As pointed out, most people don't bother reading the stickies.  No point in making them if people aren't going to read them.  Even if you link to it as a response to a "bad post," I assure you, they are not going to follow the link and read the sticky.

    I couldn't agree more.  As far as I'm concerned this discussion is over.

  3. Create a table in the database that is nothing more than:


    PollId | userId


    Then when they vote on a poll, add their user id to this table associated with the poll they are voting on.  Then before they are allowed to vote, check this table to see if they already voted there.  You can take it one step further and only show the results of the poll if they already voted on it.

  4. $query = "SELECT * FROM item WHERE ProductId=".$Prodid;


    Try that.  If $Prodid is not an integer, you need to surround it in single quotes:


    $query = "SELECT * FROM item WHERE ProductId='$Prodid'";


    You should also clean the input (the user can alter anything in the $_GET global array).

  5. Add a column to your user table called "enabled" or something.  In your script where the user is added to the database, set that value to 0 when they sign up.  Send them the email stating that it will need to be approved at the same time. 


    Create a listing for yourself that allows you to select users and update them, which just changes that "enabled" field to 1.  Then when you check the user as they are logged in, check this field to see if they can login or not.  Make sure you send them an additional email when you enable their account so they know they can login.

  6. Explode the string, count the number of elements in the array, and then put the first 2 together if there are more than 2 elements.  If there will be instances where there will be more hyphens in the string, it will get more tricky, but that's the basic way to handle this.

  7. Will it only be in one?


    $sql = "SELECT Device_Code, Chan1_Reference FROM devices WHERE Chan1_Reference = 'CW1002/W' OR Chan2_Reference = 'CW1002/W' OR Chan3_Reference = 'CW1002/W' OR Chan4_Reference = 'CW1002/W'";


    By the way, it looks like you don't have your database normalized.  Tsk tsk.

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