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Posts posted by ober

  1. I use xampp, and as jcombs notes from his experience with wamp, it was also very easy. So easy in fact, I wish everything was that simple.

    Once installed, the default content in htdocs contains an xampp service panel where you can secure your xampp folder, set mySQL username / passwords, etc.. etc.. very easy to install and use.

    Ditto here. I used to install separately and that's how I build servers, but for a local dev box, why bother with all that hassle?


    I'm curious if anyone has experience with xampp vs. wamp and which is better and why? I've never used wamp and I'm curious if I'm missing anything.

  2. I used to own a 30-06 Remington 7000 series rifle.  That was when I used to hunt deer.  I've moved away from where I used to hunt and now the area I live in only allows shotgun hunting so I sold my rifle.  That... and I don't really have a great interest in hunting.


    So now I don't own any.  But I've shot everything from a pistol to a muzzle loader.

  3. I can't personally think of another way to go about it than using cookies.  IPs are out for the reasons you stated.  You can't store it in sessions and there really is no unique identifier beyond that.  Chances are that even the web-savvy people aren't going to go to the bother of deleting the cookie just to vote again.  Even if they did, that would be a pain to repeat.


    If you wanted to go one step further, you could put some flood control in place by IP and use the cookie method as well, so no one from the same IP could vote again in less than a 5 or 10 minute span.  That would be annoying enough to deter people from deleting and voting again right away.  You might catch a few people behind a firewall and piss them off, so it's up to you in terms of trade-off.


    Sorry, but I can't think of another way to do it.

  4. It makes it impossible to open in the same window/tab even if you want to.

    Umm... since when?  You can right click on any link and open it in a new tab or window even when the target is set to _blank.  I don't know a browser that stops you from doing that.  I actually prefer to have links open in a new tab.

  5. Yes, it will load that page into memory on the server and look through it.  100 error messages isn't something I'd worry about, however. 


    However, if these 100 messages can be categorized and only loaded in specific places, then it probably wouldn't hurt to do it.  Loading that up on a page that will have no errors is just inefficient.  Then again, I've seen worse coding.

  6. The username and passwords are encrypted using either md5 or sha1.  The timestamp is a timestamp.  You can use functions in PHP to extract the actual date and time from that value.  I have no idea what the location is.


    I'm not sure why you would encrypt the userid... that's just silly.  I would NOT store the password as plain text however.. that's a security concern.

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