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Posts posted by ober

  1. I meant answering help questions.  Sad but true, I haven't had time to do more than hit this board and the staff boards lately.  And maybe misc every once in a while if something interesting gets posted (rare, I know).


    What I hate about my current job is that I'm not programming PHP and therefore don't run into tricky stuff too often.  I still do it on the side but I haven't run into anything there that I need help with, hence my lack of need to wait for answers and post answers to other questions.

  2. A possible solution to this would be to promote more people to the guru status. I have no problem doing that as long as the rest of the staff, gurus, and recommended users nominate and vote it through.  And there haven't been a lot of nominations lately... so what does that tell you?

  3. Sorry to take so long to get back to this.


    The field is just the list (it is product specifications).  So I've fixed a handful while I was working on random parts of the website.  I know it would probably make more sense to normalize and dump each spec into a 2 column table and combine it when it's pulled, but I'm taking this over from a previous developer so it would create a fair amount of re-work that I'm not ready to tackle at the moment.


    So the data falls into 4 categories:

    1) a listing with ul tags already applied

    2) a listing without ul tags applied

    3) blank or null

    4) straight text without a list


    So I would need to do the following:


    1) Search to see if the ul tags exist, if so, skip

    2) Search to see if the ul tags exist, if not, place a ul tag at the start and end

    3) Ignore blank/null entries

    4) Ignore entries that do not have li tags


    So... possible?



  4. I don't think this is possible, but I figured I'd ask you SQL gurus.


    I have a client that has a bunch of product information in a mysql database and a lot of the descriptions use unordered lists for display.  Unfortunately he forgot to wrap all the < li > tags in < ul > tags.  Without writing a PHP script to loop through all that and update them, is there an easy way to insert the < ul > tags in the right place?

  5. Depends on the client.. half of my clients are local and will mail me a check or meet up with me to pay cash.


    For the other half, I've used Paypal.  I simply pad the bill a touch in certain areas to cover the fees.


    And always require a certain % upfront before starting work.  And require the remaining % before full delivery.  Never develop on the customer's web space unless you completely trust them (long term client, for example, where proven payment has been provided).

  6. The AJAX functions on the main page are crashing... and giving full path resolution:


    Warning: include(db2.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/.marble/ryannaddy/phpsnips.com/switch.php on line 2


    Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'db2.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/.marble/ryannaddy/phpsnips.com/switch.php on line 2


    Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /home/.marble/ryannaddy/phpsnips.com/switch.php on line 13


    Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: A link to the server could not be established in /home/.marble/ryannaddy/phpsnips.com/switch.php on line 13

    Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)



  7. I've used VB to write DLLs that were used in other VB programs... and come to think of it, I think i actually used one of them in a PHP app as well.  But if you're modifying core PHP functionality, you would want to write them with C.

  8. Control Panel -> Power Settings.  Have at it. 


    I'm on Vista 32, Business Edition.


    No, but you can tweak the individual profiles depending on whether it's plugged into a power source or not.

    ... isn't that what he was asking for?

  9. Check your POP3 (in Gmail) settings for things like filters and make sure that the total you're referring to does not include spam.  Also, the mail client may be smart enough to filter out messages you already downloaded.

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