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Posts posted by ober

  1. If you need a 5 day forecast, I used: http://weather.msn.com/


    They have international feeds and the images are very clean and modern looking compared to some of the other feeds I used.  I just parsed out the XML into a styled table and my users simply entered their zipcode into a custom profile field in SMF.  Granted, my user base was only in the US, but it should handle codes from around the world.

  2. If it works in FF it works in Opera and most likely in Safari. Then just check the minor problems in IE... not a big deal.

    That's laughable.


    I ignore anything below IE6.  I have FF3 installed as well as Opera 9.5.  I mainly develop in FF now... used to be Opera.  Working in FF != always working in Opera.  You're more likely to have it working in FF if you develop in Opera.


    I ignore Netscape unless a client specifically uses it to test (and they have).  Safari has only a slightly better market share than Opera so I don't even install it.


  3. Why are you dumping it out in a JavaScript tag? There are no actions in the JavaScript to call it. You can simply put those values right in the form elements if that is what you're trying to do.


    Other things you're doing wrong:


    1) You're pulling the data out before you check to see if you have any results. That's backwards.

    2) Replace:

    $age = $row['age'];




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