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Everything posted by ober

  1. SELECT * FROM players ORDER BY money DESC
  2. There is no logical reason I can think of to combine the two where you would run through them in the same loop.
  3. What kind of ranking are you referring to? What values are you storing?
  4. echo "<OPTION value=\"".$row['security']."\">­".$row['last_name']." ".$row['first_name']." ".$row['username']." ".$row['userlevel']."</OPTION>";
  5. echo "Here the code to add to your Review.." . "<img src=http://www.futurewii.com/images/uploads/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"] . ">"; You are missing a quotation mark (bolded). And just call "getimagesize()" on the image after uploading to determine the size.
  6. Do not store them in the database. That's a complete waste of time and DBMS resources. When you upload them to the server, simply append an ID to the front of the filename: 1234_pic_of_my_dog.jpg Then you have a table in the database like this: user_id | media_id 1 1234 1 2345 2 8942 etc. Then when you need to display them, simply get all the ids for the user out of the table and go retrieve all the files that start with media_id_.
  7. Wrong. He wants to bail if either meets the criteria. For your scenario, both would have to fail.
  8. www.cubecart.com
  9. You cannot join multile results into one. If you can use JOIN in your SQL to get all the data in one query, then your problems will be solved.
  10. Where are you storing the images? How are you storing them? How are you trying to get them out? Can you confirm that the upload is successful and the file is present?
  11. Throw print_r($_POST); in front of all of that and verify your values. My guess is that it isn't what you're expecting.
  12. Why don't you post your code and we'll tell you where you've gone wrong?
  13. Did you login to PayPal and signup for their sandbox area?
  14. <?php echo strtotime("+3 hours"); ?> That's one approach.
  15. You're missing a semi-colon after the fclose... can't you test it?
  16. Also, make sure you remove any white space before the PHP tags and any tabs or extra spaces between the PHP tags and session_start(); (new lines are ok)
  17. This is not a PHP question.
  18. You could try removing that line and see if your SESSION is still active. Maybe it's something weird in the server configuration.
  19. PHP will not return until the file has been completely uploaded. Do get a status bar, you'll need to use some AJAX or some other way to query the status.
  20. You'll want to change "a+" to "w+" and make sure you use fclose($file); at the end. http://us2.php.net/fwrite
  21. You are correct, but are you included this page inside of another page?
  22. ober


    The site is down. And in response to your response to my response (haha).. The background stays while when the text color changes to white... this should not be a cross-browser type issue. That's web design 101 stuff. And I don't really care how many times the ID appears, no one is going to look up a "thought" by the ID. Period. End of story. I meant that your site doesn't have any definition. Give it some lines, give it some borders. You don't have any defined "areas" that focus the eye. Achieving the goal != user friendly. And I'm using FF3.
  23. ober

    PHP Gallery

    I assume this person wants to integrate Gallery2 into an existing design. You can do this but it will take some work.
  24. My degree is in computer engineering, so you can guess that I've had a little programming training in school (C/Java/Pascal/ASM/etc). My jobs have forced me into other languages (VB, *nix shell scripting, VBA, etc) and I had one job where I was tasked with building a complex reporting site that involved databases and graphing. That led me to PHP. I just started asking questions on forums and reading the manual. I've probably spent about 30 minutes total reading books about it... because I typically don't learn much from programming books. I'm more of a trial and error guy. *shrug*
  25. There are no image processing capabilities in Javascript alone. You must combine JS with some other server side language like PHP to accomplish the actual cropping action. The only thing you can do with JS is define the area to crop.
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