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Everything posted by ober

  1. Nope... and all the permissions should be fixed now.
  2. Sorry, but this is a read-only version of the tutorials to hold us over until the main site is back up and running. There should be no editing of the tutorials.
  3. This is an error in the permissions for a few of these boards. We're working to correct this.
  4. jcombs hooked me up, but you were close... I just changed it to 8 bits/channel instead of 32 and it worked.
  5. That option is grayed out.
  6. Maybe one of you guys can help me... I have a PSD file where I simply started with a new image and I dragged two external images into PS and combined the two into one image. So now I have my background layer and 2 other layers. I just need to export the final image to a jpeg... anyone know what I'm doing wrong because I can only save it as a psd and a few other formats I'm not familiar with. Help? PS CS3.
  7. I don't need 50gigs... I just need more than 4.7. And do you know how much Blu-ray burners are!?!
  8. Sorry, we try not to hack it too much to avoid problems when upgrading.
  9. Anyone have any better ideas?
  10. Nice... thanks... so I guess I'll stick with the writables for a few more months.
  11. I can get a DL pack of 25 -R for $32 at newegg... so it's not too bad. I've searched high and low for RW without luck, so I guess I'll just go that route.
  12. I beg to differ: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD%2BRW_DL
  13. I've disabled attachments from the admincp... not like it mattered.
  14. Deleting of the account does not delete the posts, but the new account he creates would not retain his old posts... which I think is what he's after. And bottom line is, we don't grant these "favors" because it creates confusion and overhead. And you can "delete your account", but it must be approved by an admin and we currently are not approving them for the above reasons. People can reinvent themselves and provide a false identity to those that would have previously steered clear of said person.
  15. At this point I'm starting to think i'm going to just have to run a JS routine after the page has loaded to "re-position" the page.
  16. Sorry, but we don't change usernames. Also, please do not sign up with a new account. It is against the rules to have two accounts with the same user.
  17. As far as the uploads, you can upload files with decent size, but the extensions are limited.
  18. It'd on a div that isn't absolutely positioned, so yeah.
  19. http://www.americanbeautytools.com/v2/index.php?req=prod&cat=handpieces#10517 Very similar to the first post, but I made a slight modification that doesn't seemed to have helped at all.
  20. Anyone ever see these being sold? I can find DVD+R DL, DVD-R DL, and even DVD+RW 4.7Gb variety... but I need the DVD+RW 8.5Gb (Dual Layer) variety. I can't seem to find anyone selling them. If all else fails I'll just buy a pack of DVD+Rs, but that sucks.
  21. Yeah... you need to take that up with SMF. We didn't write the forum software.
  22. Alright, here's what I've figured out: It is apparently going to the right place, but if the page isn't fully loaded when it gets there, it might actually shift the screen slightly after it finishes loading. Can I avoid that somehow?
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