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Everything posted by ober

  1. Thread closed.  Please ask this in either PHP Help or Miscellaneous.  This board is for questions about the website or the forums specifically.
  2. Women:  They're all monsters... it's just what [i]type[/i] of monster they are.
  3. that should be a seperate function altogether... do a search on this board for posts by me for some examples.  Or look on www.ajaxfreaks.com for a tutorial on how it should be handled.
  4. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the syntax, because it looks like you're trying to do some JS OOP, but you can't get the status or the onreadychangestate before you do the send.
  5. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,79168.0.html
  6. IE is an awful browser and expecting another piece of software to work like it doesn't really make sense. That's like asking Windows XP to work like Linux Mandrake.  They're the same "type" of software, yet they're nothing alike.
  7. Admittedly, the post in the FAQ didn't contain what I just posted in it, but read this: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,96050.new.html#new Javascript script tags trigger the IPS and you won't be allowed to post them.  Add a space or figure out a different way to post them.
  8. Can you throw some alerts in and tell us where it might be stopping or crapping out? That link doesn't show us anything that can actually be used.
  9. I'm not sure where you learned to use AJAX, but you've got problems everywhere. 1) you need to create the object outside of the function.  Right now your object is only in the scope of the function that creates it.  2)  debug(responseText); is never going to work because responseText only exists as an attribute of the object. 3) xmlHttp.readyState=="complete" isn't even valid. You can either go to ajaxfreaks.com and read through a tutorial or two or search this board for posts by me where I've shown a full example of a working app.
  10. "full screen" is meant as a mode of presentation.  It's not supposed to have scroll bars. EDIT:... however, while in full screen mode, hit Ctrl+F7.
  11. Can I use this to attach to a database at a website, or is this a local app only?  And if I can, what the hell do I put in for the server name?  The IP?  And why does it keep tacking on the domain I'm running from for the username?
  12. Except mine was Services..... :P
  13. ober

    MySQL users

    It would help others if you posted how you solved it. 
  14. ober

    MySQL users

    Please do not request all of your threads be deleted, even if you solved them.
  15. oh yeah... I should have remembered that's what caused my former headaches.  For some reason IE doesn't like form tags in the response.
  16. what do you use to import though?  Because the only thing you can choose is "sql" in phpmyadmin.
  17. Depends on where you're trying from.  I found out this morning that my company blocks all IRC ports, so I can't use the chatroom at work.
  18. I'm moving a vbulletin board from one server to another and then converting it to SMF.  I got the export on the old server to finally work and I've tried to import it on the new server, but it keeps bombing out.  Apparently vbulletin stores it's attachments in the database, instead of in a folder elsewhere.  And as soon as the database gets to the point of importing the attachments, it errors out. And as I'm sitting here writing this, I'm wondering if it's my export type.  Currently, it's all exported to a text/SQL format.  Do I need to be exporting it as something else since it's obviously storing binary images in there?
  19. eh... I've run into that error before.  It's an absolute whore to troubleshoot.  IE sucks for this kinda stuff. The only thing I can suggest is to throw more alerts in there to try and pop the error out into the open. I've also had trouble in the past when 2 events try to use an object at the same time.  You might try creating more than one object instance and using a different object for each link.
  20. What's the poll for?  *sigh*... I give people freedom and they abuse it.  I guess I'll have to remove the ability to post polls in this board too. Here's an idea:  You give me an idea of what you want to do and I'll tell you whether you should use AJAX or not.
  21. No Neal... Cleveland, OH area ;) And SA, I've been wanting to change the name for a long time.  I never really liked it and my web presence isn't huge, so I don't think I'll really be affected.  Most of my work comes from recommendations and me seeking out work.  I want to redesign my site anyways and project a newer, sharper image.  I'm on the edge of it really taking off and I want to be happy with the name before that happens. In reality, I may not change it, but I'm just not content with it.
  22. To update x different divs, you need to create x different objects.  Each has it's own "update" function.
  23. ober


    www.smartftp.com - been using it for years
  24. *(&!@#.  glws.com is taken :(
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