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Everything posted by ober

  1. This idea has been discussed repeatedly amongst the mods and as phpfreak said and I've said a hundred times, we will not be pruning any members.
  2. I understand what you're saying, but I just don't think it's gonna fly.
  3. Now THAT is an interesting idea.  Granted, the main portion of this site is rather complex and VERY OO.  I think it might be beyond the grasp of a simple competition.  Besides... Ron and I had to sign NDAs to even get access.  A very large portion of that site is dynamic and there's no way we could hand over that much information to the average user.
  4. Agreed.  Use the appropriate measurement.  End of story.
  5. >>I don't claim to know all these langauges. Oh but you do. >>When I say mastered, I don't mean it in that context, I mean I can pick up any of those languages and do anything with them Oh how you contradict yourself.
  6. 1) You're not even listening to what anyone is saying 2) You have not "mastered" any language.  I think Barand may be one of the best at PHP on this board and I still wouldn't say he's "mastered" the language.  I've been around the block with PHP and back.  I feel I know the language pretty good, but there's no way in hell I would EVER claim to have "mastered" a language. 3) You're all talk... and jumbled talk at that.  You say that you're soooo good at all this stuff, yet you ask more questions than ANYONE on these boards... by double.  Look at the freakin forum stats if you don't believe me. I realize I should probably delete all that and walk away from this thread, but I'm tired of listening to all this BS.  All you do is talk about what you want to be and do.  I have yet to see any proof that you're getting there.
  7. I would agree with that idea.  Good luck and post again if that doesn't resolve it.
  8. Another vote here... MUCH better than FCKEditor and easier to configure by far.
  9. Post in freelancing.  It all depends on your skillset.  If all you know is web development, it's not going to cut it.  Very few companies need web developers.  They need application developers, computer scientists, DBAs, design engineers... And coming from someone that just moved and got a new job, I dealt with at least 10 recruiters, some rather heavily, and I posted my resume on all the job sites, some I hadn't even heard of... and where did it get me?  Nowhere.  I ended up emailing a company that I randomly heard about and badda bing, I was in.  Granted, I had another interview that made me an offer the same day, but that's besides the point.  I have a pretty stacked resume for my age and it was still hard. Good luck.
  10. If you don't want to become a tut writer, send the information to either myself or steelmanronald06 and we will add it for you and give you credit.
  11. I signed up a while ago but haven't had time to give it a go recently.
  12. The "free worldwide multiplayer"... whatever image on the front page is blurry as hell.  I'd also rather see you use a more styled link for the navigation rather than the underline.  Something that switches up (background or something) when you hover.  And I love the site too.. been on there before and it's great :)
  13. But in some respects, we want the leeches.  It helps our popularity and gets our content out there.
  14. Please note, we've made some server settings changes and things should work a little more smoothly now.  Unforunately with the popularity of the site, we get TONS of bots and leaches "borrowing" content from the site, which eats up the available connections.  That's why you were seeing what you were.
  15. Is there a reason you can't decompress it in the backend and then just pass the decompressed contents back to the page? 
  16. I have contacted the owners of the server and they are looking into it.  It seems we're getting too big for our britches.  ;) EDIT: As a side note, please do NOT use all caps for thread titles.  It is against the rules and this is your last warning.
  17. Or letting it run it's course and finish indexing (not sure how long that takes).
  18. ober

    DVI vs. VGA

    Native resolution is just that... it's going to look best at that resolution and probably crappy otherwise.  I don't think the cable will help much.
  19. http://www.processlibrary.com/directory/files/searchindexer/ I'm not sure how you're getting that on an XP machine.  Everything I found on google (something YOU could have done) says it's a Vista app.  However, I'd assume you can probably go into the services viewer and disable it: Start->Run->services.msc and look for it. EDIT: also found this: http://www.futuremark.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9738 Are you using the Office 2007 beta?
  20. Jocka, the only reason I list that in my signature is because it's what I test with.
  21. I'd agree that this is a PHP timeout.  You could try setting the timeout in the php.ini file if you have access to it or you could set it through code using set_ini(). Alternatively, you could split the work up and send it to the server in chunks.
  22. It's not being rebuilt from the ground up, but some people have recently been assigned to write new tutorials.  Hopefully we'll get some fresh content on there soon.
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