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Everything posted by ober

  1. I'm using 9.10, build 8660 (one of the latest beta builds).
  2. I case anyone is interested, I am currently parsing this: http://rss.weather.com/weather/rss/local/44039 The result is this: http://www.whproductions.com/dev/weather/ With a little more styling, that's going to work out ok.  My only bitch is that the feed doesn't contain the weather conditions at night... just the temp. EDIT: I'll post the code for it if anyone is interested.
  3. Do any of you use any kind of weather service on your site?  I'm trying to integrate a weather service into a SMF installation and I'm not sure who to go with.  I'm looking for something that will take a zip code from a profile field and show a 5 day forecast, or maybe just the current weather or "today and tomorrow"... something along those lines. Any suggestions appreciated. 
  4. I'm not sure what this: xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); Even does, unless that is similar to the "abort" command. Secondly, where is your function to return the content?  I don't even see a call to any kind of handler.
  5. What do you mean?  I was using Opera to test it.
  6. Actually... that's not exactly what I was suggesting.  I was suggesting writing a desktop app that would force your browser to a certain width.
  7. I got no delay whatsoever.  It did take a little bit to load the page, however.
  8. No offense, but you have no idea what you're talking about.  IPB is a security nightmare and awful in terms of usability when compared to SMF (both for the regular user and the admin). And I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.  I have a subscription to the AJAX board and it emails me everytime there is a new thread.
  9. That's a pretty specific feature that you're looking for.  Not many people would really be interested in that.  The whole point of the tutorials is to show people how to do the most common things and you should be able to take one of those and adapt it to what you need for your system.
  10. No.... apparently you don't understand server/client association and how AJAX works. The PHP is on the server side.  Javascript is on the client side.  Javascript makes calls to a script on the server and it executes and spits back some response. When you execute an AJAX call, that is done with JS, so all the processing on that page with PHP has completed.  Any AJAX call returns a response from the server, but by the time it gets back to the client, all PHP has been processed. Does that make sense?  It seems like you're unclear on what is actually happening here.
  11. Sorry... the title was bugging me.  I had to fix it.
  12. The page where you are doing your AJAX requests from will not have access to any variables on the calling page.  You MUST grab the variables from the page with JS and pass them to the processing page via REQUEST/GET/POST.
  13. I'm going to guess that you're missing some references... that's the only real possibility. And no offense, how are we supposed to troubleshoot something you didn't write and don't really have any clue about?
  14. Well.... you could write one, but I don't know what your system based programming experience is ;)  I suppose I could write you one for the right price ;)
  15. I doubt it's actually the entire website.  They'd have to install a webserver, possibly a DBMS, etc.  What you're downloading is probably a flash executable.
  16. ted, please wait a bit longer before bumping your thread.  Also, if you have a secondary question, you'd be better off to start a new thread. EDIT: That's not funny.  Keep being smart and this thread will be closed.
  17. You cannot do this with AJAX.  Saving something on the hard disk of a user's computer (other than cookies) requires something like an ActiveX control. Could you imagine the security nightmare if every other website wanted to put a file on your computer?
  18. Not really a browser specific plugin... but you might give this a shot.  I've used it in the past: http://www.pythoness.com/
  19. Well, it would have helped if you showed us the JS code... but have you tried using POST instead of GET?  (I'm only assuming that's the method you're using).  You can pass more data in POST than GET and I think that may be the issue you're running into.
  20. ober


    No offense, but your post doesn't make sense and you broke the forum guidelines with a worthless thread title.  Closed. Try again and next time, post code that actually describes a problem... oh, and you MIGHT want to post the actual problem.
  21. Anytime... although I normally just have a script in a page like that that will delete any CSV files older than 15 or 30 min.  It's an easy script and works like a charm.  So the next time someone opens that page, it'll run that script.
  22. What are you losing?  I don't get it.  There's no reason you can't create the CSV file on the server for a specified amount of time and then just give them a link to it.
  23. Maybe AJAX isn't the answer then... I'd suggest using an iframe or something similar.
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