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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. if you make each date a link you can use the title attribute of the a tag. When the user hovers over the link it will display the text in that is in the title attribute vale. Alternatively you could use javascript - but this is a little more complex....
  2. Yes that is the cascade.... <table> <tr>   <td class="left"></td>   <td></td>   <td class="right"></td> <tr> </table> td { border: none; text-align: center; } .left { text-align: left; } .right { text-align: right; }
  3. if you are using this to check values from a form becareful. the variable will be set if it was present in a form - even if the user didn't put any data in there. I always use isset to check a whole list of vars are present then !empty for those that are required (or !is_null)
  4. you have output some html or whitespace before that line of code gets executed.... headers must be sent before you do that.
  5. this is my ajax obj creation function... I have no probs with it so far - works in IE FF Opera - not tested safari yet! function GetXmlHttpObject(handler) { var objXmlHttp=null; if (window.ActiveXObject)  // ActiveX version { try { objXmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); objXmlHttp.onreadystatechange=handler; return objXmlHttp; } catch(e) { alert("Error. Scripting for ActiveX might be disabled"); return; } } else if (window.XMLHttpRequest)    // Object of the current windows { objXmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); objXmlHttp.onload=handler; objXmlHttp.onerror=handler; return objXmlHttp; } }
  6. If you can cope with it give each cell a margin of 1px - it will leave a small gap between cells and IMO looks quite nice while removeing the 'complexity' of defining classes for various parts of the table. But I am very lazy! ;)
  7. NOt bang up on this but if you use this header... header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); that will prevent the browser automatically cahcing the file - then you will need some magic to prevent the user saving the file - javascipt unfortunately so they could disable it. In that case use javascript to construct the page - that way they need it on to see it so you can then control them saving...
  8. echo out the query and run it in phpmyadmin I suspect you are retunring 0 rows.
  9. remove the border on the table - just have borders on the td's
  10. no because if you don't they will use the browsers default which in the case of ie is tha awful purple!!!!!
  11. What you are trying to achieve applies to framsets. You need to use ajax to do what you want to do. Grab the nwe content and then use document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = newcont; where new cont is all the html you want in there.
  12. Thank you. My brain is still not back on track!! ;)
  13. these are values that the attibute font[system-font] can take - as far as I know it is only declareable using the shorthand for font liek so font: icon normal normal bold .9em/1.6 Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font: system-font font-style font-variant font-weight font-size/line-height font-family [url=http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#font-shorthand]http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#font-shorthand[/url] will help
  14. ToonMariner


    then u'll need to use javascript to scroll to the bottom of the iframe (why not use a div with fixed height instead?) This will help.. [url=http://radio.javaranch.com/pascarello/2005/12/14/1134573598403.html]http://radio.javaranch.com/pascarello/2005/12/14/1134573598403.html[/url]
  15. this all lies in your table structure. there are lots or ways around this so unless you can show any table structure and how you want it used then can't really give u a specific answer. I personally have a table just for images - upload all the image info into that table (path, atl text etc. etc.) then I simply store a comma separated string in a filed called 'images' for any record that needs to see them - then grab all those images using `image_id` IN (3,56,23) - (just an example string of image id's)
  16. just a supplement to ober's post.... if there is a criteria met in your php code then you could then place echo 'onLoad="sendRequest(\'' . $variable . '\')"'; inside the body tag. Alternatively you could use futher js to call the send request based on what the user has entered into the form. say u have two text boxes and you want to send the request when the 2 values are equal then right another function that checks to the 2 values (and they are not empty) if they are eaual call sendrequest. Then simply add the onChage or onKeyUp attribute of the input field pointing to your new script.
  17. I wrote a script MANY moons ago for a prediction league (www.prediction-league.com) which I should re-visit and re-new. It only had about 200 memebers but they seemed to like it. The answer to your ? is yes it is possible ;)
  18. read this - the second example is about multiple file uploads... [url=http://uk.php.net/features.file-upload]http://uk.php.net/features.file-upload[/url]
  19. OK I got writers block... I know this is easy. have a string of a full path to a file want to replace the last '/' with '/thumb/' sure i can user just str_replace for this but i just can't think PS please sympatize! I did the Great North Run yesterday!!!!
  20. no thats OK ponsho has it... In your script you declare $visitor_ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; but after that you refer to $REMOTE_ADDR which you have not defined previously - hence it will be empty
  21. in your script use $_GET['section'] to get section and $_GET['page'] to grab the value of page
  22. I believe there is a plugin for IE that allows you use :hover on any element in css - but it is a plugin and not many people will have it so stick to obsids suggestion - making sure that the users don't suffer any if js is switched off.
  23. I always specify a:visited the same colour as a in my style sheets as I too dislike the differences in colour. So my vot is to a:visited
  24. ToonMariner


    ???? what do you mean 'stay at the bottom' are you scrolling content above the iframe? perhaps if you posted a link to the page so we can see it in action and then maybe some screen shots of how you want it to behave we could help a little more.
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