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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. if you are not that hot on css there is a wonderful app called topstyle from bradsoft. www.bradsoft.com
  2. when you create simple semantic markup. If you use the strict doctype it forces ie render in a compliant manner  (or so far as I have experienced). Even then I have done a number of transtional sites and set out to negate the need for css hacks. If you want to rid your self of the css hacks but waht you want to do is 'impossible' just by forming good semantic html you can use the html hack! this involves you placing a div around every element on your page that has padding and border with another div that has no margin padding or border - just a container. It is extra html but if you can live with it I don't care. ;)
  3. [url=http://javascript.internet.com/page-details/focus-onload.html]http://javascript.internet.com/page-details/focus-onload.html[/url]
  4. [url=http://uk.php.net/manual/en/ref.xml.php]http://uk.php.net/manual/en/ref.xml.php[/url]
  5. then use the javascript setFocus function in the onload event of your page.
  6. you can't - the only thing you coudl do is use the javascript window.print(); command on the onload event of the body. This would need the users email agent to support js. Same could be done on a normal web page - BUT I would be very annoyed at something trying to print automatically without my input. I don't want to see warnings that I have tried to print when my printer is off - or that I have been charged 5p for printing something I didn't request when I am using a cluster and have to pay for printing.... I just don't want anything to print out automatically - I want control and that is teh case for the vast majority of users on the web.
  7. You can't - they could open up the email in what ever agent they want you are simply sending mail to an inbox. The only thing you coudl do is ask the user which client they use and store that in the database and use that value to switch style sheest. You shoudl read up on css support in email agents - its not very good. Also web based e-mail like yahoo and hotmail do all kinds of funny things to html emails - like sticking an x on the front of any id attribute value. Best possible result is in-line css and an absolute minimum I have actually resorted to table layouts and using html to do the formatting - not good But works on in the non-standards compliant world of html e-mail.
  8. You could set the href of you css in the link tag to a php script which would output css. OR you could use php to edit the css file. To do this you will need file_get_contents and file_put contents (or the fopen fread fput fclose equivalnet) and to develop a method of finding the relevant lines in the css....
  9. Yep add clear: both; to the css declarations of the footer id
  10. if the left column is the column floated then simply insert <div class="clear"></div> immediately before the closing tag of your right column. Then in your style sheet place div.clear { clear: both; } If it is the right column that is floated then obsidians method is the only viable option to get it to LOOK like it works.
  11. You need a submit action for the form pointing to an appropriate script to perform the transaction. You also do not need two forms in there - just have the one.
  12. if you are wanting the div to LOOK like it goes all the way to the bottom then the only realsolution is to set a background image of the parent container that is as wide and the same color of teh background you want for the menu div. and let it repeat-y.
  13. This shoudl go in the mysql bit but its quiet and I need this asap..... Running on a developer machine I have inadvertently placed a lock on a table and not released it. Could someone please tell me how to kill locks via the command line (running mysql 5.0) thanks guys n gals.
  14. <?php $query = "Select profile_no  from ".$DBprefix."profiles where pro_id='$cid' ORDER BY profile_no DESC LIMIT 0,1"; // $cid is the users unique account number. ?> Does that work????
  15. I have achieved what I needed!!! ;) Setting the table lock simply prevents other connections accessing that table - I can still do the insert/update myself. Only problem is - my logic has failed and left the table locked Can anyone tell me how to kill teh lock from the command line - bettr still kill ALL locks on all tables when logged in as admin
  16. I have never seen 111st or 112nd... But hey maybe someone will invent that. But on reflection.... 101th is not very good! so I think..... $trank = $trank > 9 ? substr($rank,-2,1) : $rank; if ( $trank > 3 && $trank < 21) { $rank .= 'th'; } else { $rank_number = substr($trank,-1,1); switch ($rank_numer) { case 1:   $rank .= 'st';   break; case 2:   $rank .= 'nd';   break; case 3:   $rank .= 'rd';   break; default:   $rank .= 'th'; } OOOOOOOOOOPS my bad. barand has done it. NOTE TO SELF : Read entire thread....
  17. Now I may be wrong here but I beleive there is a difference in how these browsers calculate sizes of elememts. I THINK that ie will make the box 100% of the height of its contents while the other browsers will make the box 100% of its available space. But someone will correct me on that I am sure.
  18. use css... table { font-size: 0.9em; } or u can specifiy which elements.. th { font-size: 1.2em; } td { font-size: 0.8em; }
  19. ? According to the manual you can lock just certain tables.  All I wanted to know is when they talk about threads does that mean that the script running that has locked the table is the only one that can unlock it? I have a gallery script - multi user login so if one person is inserting data into the relevant database table I want to prevent others being able to insert into that table until the current user has finished....
  20. this looks more like poorly formed html - have a look at your source and see if there is an unclosed tag or something like... if the html you posted into the database is echoing out correctly then it is something to do with the parent elements It could also be your styles if you have any...
  21. notwithstanding 11, 12, 13...... if ( $rank > 3 && $rank < 21) { $rank .= 'th'; } else { $rank_number = 1substr($rank,-1,1); switch ($rank_numer) { case 1:   $rank .= 'st';   break; case 2:   $rank .= 'nd';   break; case 3:   $rank .= 'rd';   break; default:   $rank .= 'th'; }
  22. yes - just post it directly into a query - use addslashes if magic quotes are off!!!
  23. Hi everyone... I have a small question about locking tables...... I need to perform a multiple insert on a table and grab the insert ids from the query - so I can only do this (it seems) by getting the last insert id and the number of affected rows... Now I need to lock the table so no other scripts can write to the table while this is in progress. My question is when you lock a table does it lock that table for all other connections other than the one holding the lock? The manual uses the term threads and I am assuming that each thread is a different connection... Many thanks for any help.
  24. Don'y use tables for your layout if its simply to position these images... They should be background images anyway.. If you need some help just come on here and the cs section and we'll keep you right.
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