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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. well that needs javascript so just disable scrolling!
  2. easiest implementation would be to just call another page!
  3. if you use a strict doctype you may find it solves a lot of issues with IE's boxmodel implementation.
  4. alternatively you could ensure that the site works without javascript and create some select boxes...
  5. quickest would be to open in a new page but as this is a doc effect you'll be using javascritp to show hide this table... if so just disable scrolling on the page until the vid is closed/hidden.
  6. I don't think browser will abandon old doc types. We don't want to get to a situation where the only people capable of generating a website are skill pros. The internet is for all and as such anyone must be ablt to knock up a page quickly - this will obviously mean using nasty markup etc etc. So in that situation we will still have to accomodate those sites. What we are really addressing are the sites that are built to serve all. It is those sites that pro developers will produce; and with an eye on producing good looking, well functioning and crossbrowser/platform compatible sites. This is where the standards will take the web. The technology of the future will change - xhtml will be served as intended (despite the fact that in terms of site function the present technology's implementations don't hit the right note and yet xhtml pages still work and look good etc etc). What the standards provide developers is the tools and confidence to ensure their sites are future proof - unlike the days when we had to produce completely separate markup for netscape and ie - remember how bad that was??
  7. Morning all! Quick question. I have read in a couple of places that a form on a page under the HTTP layer will still encrypt data before sending if the action of that form points to HTTPS. My question is 'Is this true?'. Surely the client and the server need to exchange the public and private keys before any encryption can take place or does the client and server set up the keys first and then send the data?
  8. meta is done by the browser and the header is done by the server before it even gets to the browser. I NEVER use meta redirects - you could already have sent a packet of info you didn't want to - the client COULD disable the redirect and view what you had sent. some search engines don't like meta redirects if they encounter them.
  9. ToonMariner


    it doesn't lack at all - ie6 lacks if (but far less so with strict doctype!) grids are useful in terms of design but for good semantic markup you should NEVER use a grid system in html. use divs and position/float when nessecary.
  10. Nope. Thats what browsers do and only the user of the browser can turn it off. There is nothing you can do on your site to change that.
  11. better toi have a field in the images table that links to the media id and not having the imgs fiels rather than my current set up?
  12. put a clear inside the container div <div id="container"> <div id="littlebox"> </div> <div class="clearboth"> </div> </div> in your css add .clearboth { clear: both; }
  13. Holy crap! this stuff is server side! all the browsers does is pass the info over. I suggest that you print out the contents of the $_POST array in the script that is called and see what the differences are in name/value pairs. one of the issues you will have is the <button> tag which is not universally supported (perhaps you might want to go away and create some decent html first!) I would wager that the infomation that these elements pass is very differnt in each browser hence the processing script does NOT recieve consisten data to process.
  14. Hi guys n gals - a tuff query I am struggling with... I have a table of media (video and audio) these play in a flash player. The videos are fine but the audio have images associated with them... What i need is to select media from this database and when the record is an audio file select an image to go with it. the record has a field `imgs` which contains a , delimted string of numbers - these represent the id of an image in another table. I just want to select a random image from that string of ids or just the 1st id in the string and i'd LOVE to do it in one query! [pre] media table med_id ... type imgs 1 audio 1,2,4,5 2 video 3 video 4 audio 7,8,9 images table img_id path 1 /pics/abc.gif 2 /pics/def.jpg 3 /pics/ghi.gif ....... [/pre] Hope I have explained enough for you to understand - if not tell me off and I'll try again...
  15. yes but I can't use a mass mailing system to send out 1 registration confirmation - these programs charge a flat fee for each campaign and then and additional (very small charge) per email in that campaign. All I need is a set of headers that will allow me send a single email to a specific user and it get to them - at least into the junk box - they can then add the email to their safe list.
  16. don't give the container a fixed height would be the first step...
  17. LOL! I know, doesn't that suck?!! That's what happened to me. The whole point was to ONLY use it on those links that take you away from the site, so they could just kill the window to return. Remember the OLD rule of website Navigation Design (from back in the 90s)? "Never leave your visitors with nothing but a browser back button". OLD rule being the definitive word. In the new age of the web and accessibility users with visual or motor disabilities have issue with tracking where they are. it is simple to recognize that you are not on the same site as before - even if using a screen reader. Fact is the back button is used A LOT and people are used to what it does. Those who don't have the tools (by that I mean eyesight good enough to see a new window opening, or any other impairment for that matter) DO use the back button when they get lost. until fairly recently I still worked really hard to prevent page scrolling on home pages - but studies show that the vast majority of web users do - and are comfortable with - scrolling for content. There are OLD rules of thumb that have been disproved. Fact is the new window and how it shoudl be implemented has already been addressed in the standards. The standards are to promote a consistent approach to building GOOD sites so that all can use them. That should be good enough reason for anyone to just bite the bullet - accept the policies - implement them - and allow the world to enjoy a consistent behaviour over the web... Just becasue and individual likes doing something a certian way does not mean its the best way to do it. Great minds got together to come up with these guidlines to benefit the majority and provide a good platform to move on from. Lets not make that effort a waste of time and ruin it for the majority eh?
  18. yeah I understand the spam issue - this is a registration confirmation email so how can I reduce the spam score?
  19. Hi, I have a problem with sending mail from the site I am working on. Some users recieve the emails but those who use the major web based services (Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, AOL) don't even get mail delivered in their Junk folder - I have tested to check because I didn't quite believe it. I am sending out a html formatted email with just one image in it... Can any suggest a reason for this? Is it just my headers? Can anyone point me to some better headers to try and get through top the inbox... Thank you VERY much for any help...
  20. I think desc is a reserved word in mysql one of teh reasons I always use the back tick in my queries - even if they are not 'nessesscary'... try this $sql = "INSERT INTO `events` (`title`, `date`, `desc`) VALUES ('$title', '$date', '$desc')"; and make sure that the data you are adding fits the expected values of the fields in your database. kenrbnsn - its date is it?? I would remember but as I always use backticks I never have this problem!!
  21. you don't need a session - just report back the id of the image to your ajax response handler. Use that value and store it in a global javascritp variable. Pass the value in your ajax request (remember to give it a default value - 0 should be good) and use it in your query by `image_id` != " . $_GET['current_image_id_passed'] .................... have fun.
  22. is there not a pecl distribution for stats????? you will need a lookup table to grab your z-values etc etc. how ever you can code the computations for working out much of the stats stuff - grab your equations for the normal distribution and roll your own - they are straight forward enough...
  23. I personally prefer to pass objects to classes (instead of creating new objects all over shop and the overhead that goes with it) SO $db = new database; $member = new member; $member->$db = $db; $render = new render; $render->$db = $db; then inside the render and member classes use $this->db->
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