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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. perhaps try mysqllite - perfect for this type of thing.
  2. PMSL!!! Tables can indeed do alsorts - like quadruple the amount of html you need to for a page. I have yet to see ANYTHING that can only be done in tables that can't be done with a good css/div based layout. There are too many reasons to list as to why you should use divs/css instead of tables to construct your pages. SOOOOOOOOOO Do listen - if not to me then the whole PROFESSIONAL web developemnt community, the W3C, the Web Standards Project and the Accessibility brigade (a proud if insignificant 'member' of which I prfess to be).
  3. locate teh part of the script that garbs the image from teh database - instead of echoing out the image - save it into a directory withd a suitable name. The db structure should then be alted - add a filed to store the apth to the new image and set the blob field to NULL. update teh cms to upload the image to this new directory also and have it store the path instead of the blob. Once all blob field records are null remove the field altogether....
  4. function initializemarquee(){ cross_marquee=document.getElementById("vmarquee") cross_marquee.style.top=0 marqueeheight=document.getElementById("marqueecontainer").offsetHeight those lines (and any other with a hard coded getElementById) need to be ablt to accept different values for the element you want the marquee in. this means you need to pass these element ids to the fucntion and swap the hardcoded id's for variables. Also the settings - you will need to be able to make an array of each setting and pass which key of an array the different marquee elements will need to use....
  5. did you look at the validation report?? IMO adding a div would hardly 'fix' it. You need to produce at least some valid html simply to give yourself confidence in any future development of the site not making it go boobies up.
  6. read the notes http://uk.php.net/urlencode
  7. OOOPS I c&p'd the wrong dtd!!!!! Silly me just to prove I am only a slight @rse <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
  8. can't see any headers to let the client know you are sending html email! quick search found this (haven't read it personnally but it may help) http://www.webcheatsheet.com/php/send_email_text_html_attachment.php
  9. denpends on how well structured your html/php is - if these elements can be shifted easily then it will be faily straight forward - otherwise it will be a pig!
  10. Hmmmm This is a fantastic excuse to encourage you to NOT use tables for layout purposes - go away do a div/css layout using a decent DTD (like xhtml 1.1) and watch in wonder as the cross-browser consitency in rendering of your site sky rockets... Trawling through html is a tough job - I suspect you have a ghost td or an unclosed tag or something check out your page on the w3c validation service - make your site validate first - that may well solve problems - if it is still not quite right after that then get back on here.
  11. perhaps you should use some css to absolutley position your blocks of content absolutley - then you could have the fomr afte the page content in the html but still where it is when viewed in a browser.
  12. if you know teh position of the text in the array then I don't see what you need to do but if 9strcasecomp($arr['x']['y'], "Job=" . $_POST['slg']) == 0) { echo 'found';} honestly though mate your explanations are god awful.... truely awful.
  13. this is actually fairly straight forward PROVIDED you have some control over the input. y = ax^n + bx^m + c ..... adnausea... if the user etnters that as a tring then you need to split the expression on the +( or -) elements AND REMEBER THEM! then you need to extract the power vals (n,m) etc... and remeber which part of teh expression they belong to. Then teh multipliers.... the actual math is very simple... y = ax^n + bx^m + cx dy/dx = (a*n)x^(n-1) + (m*b)x^(m-1) + c the rule is... multiply by the old power and reduce the power by 1 - that is differentiation... I would be more than happy to help out on this one steelman... if you want me too that is;) the complexity comes in when you have expresions in the function that you need to differentiate like y = sin^3 x etc etc but they can be recognized and handled effectively I am sure.... Christ this brings back some math from my 6th form and degree courses!!!! oh the days....
  14. errrr.... sorry lost me.... BUT if you have an array of strings that you want to search for a term then use array_keys($arr,$lookfor); - this will return all teh kesy of the array that match. if $arr us multi dimensional - then put the correct index in ie. $arr['jobtitles']. I didn't really understand your post so if I am way off I apologize but your explanation was IMO bloody awful!!!!
  15. just went a read a little more of this thread... YOU can do all this in one query $qry = "UPDATE `tablename` SET `field` = REPLACE(`field`,'http://site/directory','http://site2/directory')"; $qry = mysql_query($qry); Better still just run UPDATE `tablename` SET `field` = REPLACE(`field`,'http://site/directory','http://site2/directory') in your phpmyadmin...
  16. its not one to 'give it a try' there are a few things you need in place - like a merchant account and such forth... READ the info provided by paymentgateways and read it well before you embark down those routes.
  17. yes you can but why are you using a button instead of a submit buton?
  18. you need a merchant account - have a look at protx or world pay google 'online payment providers'
  19. remember! Many hosts restrict you to 50 or 100 queries per page!!!!! better to put all this into a txt or .sql file and execute that in your friendly db admin app (liek phpmyadmin or Navicat)
  20. if getimagesize is returning null values then the path is incorrect or there is something wrong with the image file itself...
  21. agreed - in fact the only cells I would ever consider merging are header cells (where you can spilt something further ie. City - London - Paris - Melbourne. City would span 3 columns. the other headers would then span 2 rows!!! - hope that made sense)
  22. its ALWAYS Frontpages fault!!!! Its a bag of wbank!
  23. you can only have one bg image per element in css2 (when css3 is better supported teh web will be a truely beatuiful place).
  24. submit buttons tell teh browser to take teh data entered into teh fields of teh form and pass them through the heasders to the next page. a simple button doesn't DO anything - you add some javscript to it via teh event handlers to perform some task - as js can be turned off it can prove pointless. I don't use ANY input type="button" on any of my sites - they have no place in my dictionary - links can do the same thing as buttons with the added benefit that you can use the href to make sure something gets done if js is turned off (this is predominantley my ajax requests).
  25. Just to clarify you don't need the doctype declartion files - just inhclude a GOOD DTD at the top of your page... My preferred DTD? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> - it takes IE out of quirks mode which is teh single biggest problem developers have to contend with - there are othe DTD's that do this but I like the structure of xhtml1.1 in terms of standards compliance that your are 'forced' to adopt when validating...
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