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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. Sorry didn't read OP properly gurroa's method would work IF you add the swap of the current image too...
  2. javscript... http://www.hashemian.com/tools/javascript-countdown.htm just use the results of your query to set the parameters needed for the javascript...
  3. Hey kids! OK stuck on this one. I have a language class with a static method so it can be accesed without instantiation for use all over the shop... anyway I am using the oop mysqli and wanted to know how to make this available this inside the static method.
  4. well the test is to give those elements that disappear something that triggers hasLayout. so in the css give those floated divs a border and then see if they show up... if they do then it is hasLayout.
  5. I know - I was giving you an example of how to echo out properties of an object... what did you want to echo out?
  6. echo $AirFighter; $AirFighter is an object not a string - you can convert in php5 using the __tostring method http://uk.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.magic.php otherwise you should be echoing out properties of the object like so... echo $Airfighter->indentity; you will get the same error on line 11 once you have this one sorted....
  7. check that open_base_dir or safe_mode is not set in your configuartion file...
  8. you could do this in teh query itself (mysql date/time support is better than php's) <?php $qry = "SELECT date_add(`datefield`, INTERVAL 1 WEEK) as `nxtweek` FROM `table` WHERE {conditions}..."; $qry = mysql_query($qry); $qry = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry); $newdate = $qry['nxtweek']; ?> try that and see what happens...
  9. you could loop over the array and turn each element into a var of its own... what exactly do you want to achieve? and whats wroing with just reading the $_GET['var'][] array.
  10. you are passing 'this' to the function so lose the [0] - you are passing the object itself NOT an array...
  11. i think you will simply have to not put the option in to be 'sure' that it can't be selected.
  12. well thats the thing - if you use the translator on dictionary.com (http://dictionary.reference.com/translate/) and put in your word/phrase its spits out the chinese that I can see. if I cut and paste that directly into phpmyadmin it stores the string and appears as chinese. when I echo that out on my page i get the ?'s. If i try to paste the chinese chars into my html editor I get the rectangles. If I store the unicode [pre]&#35831;&#24037;&#20316;[/pre] I get the chars I want. go on miniclip and switch the language to chinese - if you look at the source code the chinese chars are in there.....
  13. I have decided to create a similar method as a resource file for my language pack. I have a table with a filed for each langugae and a filed for the key - this enables me to generate an array with the as listed in the database table and the corresponding string... OK great... When using characer sets like chinese and japanese I only see the <pre>??????</pre> or those infernal rectangles. My databse can store the characters as they are (looks like Chinese in there!!!) but the page just won't play ball I have. Will add this is on my onw development machine and not the live server... Any help would be much appreciated. (I use utf-8 as the encoding lang of the html page - is there some requirement for utf8_encode of is it something more fundamental).
  14. not really possible - the only options you have are javascript (can be switched off) or a java applet (can be disabled). only 'reliable' method is transferring data over secure socket layer (https://).
  15. $string = "This-Is An! Example234"; $string = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-z]*/','',strtolower($string));
  16. they may be on the same servers that does not mean to say the configuration for each domain is identical...
  17. record ip addresses of people using this form - have a time lapse on its use (1 post per min or similar). the only way to is to record and control usage...
  18. you need enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute decalred in your form tag.
  19. 550 error suggest a server misconfiguration - your host may not allow you to set those parameters in the htaccess file. Ask your server admin dudes.
  20. well if your code is correct, the paths are correct, you have checked that no errrors occur by setting error_reporting on and its still don't work then that would be a very good indicator....
  21. make arrays from both lists using explode(); array_intersect(); will then tell you which elements match up - use that result to put the matching name(s) inot the list boxes you need.
  22. ToonMariner


    Mate already been answered in another thread - mods will tell you off!!!!! if you can check the width and height of the tootip div then use some ajax to generate the image in the fly and return the value that is needed in the style="backgound-image: XXX".
  23. are the servers set up to not allow includes to or from other domains???
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