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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. I am stumped.... I have an audio captcha that works fine every where except IE. The problem arises due to the page running under ssl protocols - so when in the https IE fails http is fine... here is the page https://www.getholding.com/order.php?action=signup if you need any more code just ask - you can have it all
  2. Safari is a bit of a caching freak - it has a VERY aggressive caching policy - which has caused me no end of problems in the past.
  3. Christ my post was awful!!!! terrible english (I was tired). try again - basically a curl request happens between the 2 servers - no matter what client you are using it is the 2 servers performig this transaction NOT the client. Ergo the javascript you are using as a tracker will NOT get executed - you will have to pass ALL teh infomation you want processed (like your id etc.) in the curl headers so that the processing script has all the data it needs to do checks calcs etc...
  4. mail($row['email'],"Email From Customer","Message:<p> </p>" . $_POST['comment'], $header . 'From: ' $row['email'] . PHP_EOL); missed out a concatenation!!!! try this mail($row['email'],"Email From Customer","Message:<p> </p>" . $_POST['comment'], $header . 'From: ' . $row['email'] . PHP_EOL);
  5. eeeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuugh don't say that! - I am hoping they are 26-30 and like quote HAVING FUN unquote
  6. make sure the files it is trying to include is actually there and the permissions on it allow access.
  7. I'll have the slutty one if you don't mind! no offence hoodedclaw but I am a busy man - no time for this romancing malarkey!
  8. javascript works in a browser curl requests are sent between firefox and they are 'direct' connections between the servers the servers don't execute any javascript because javascript is designed to control userinteraction on a web page - as there is no need for any of that it doesn't get executed.
  9. problem 1. use $_SESSION not $SESSION. $SESSION = will just set a common old variable (called session) name - while you have a session id you have NOTHING in you session. problem 2. if the user deos not accept cookies then teh onlyway to propagate any kind of state is to pass variables via url or post headers. Depending on your servers settings you may not be able to maintain state across requests if the user won't allow a cookie. when using sessions, the cookie set on the client is just an identifier to a session. ONLY the server can change the values of a session variable whereas any real data stored client side is open to manipulaion - so NEVER store a variable that could be switched to identify someone as admin in a cookie!
  10. if you don't need full gregorian calendar support you can just use the timestamp $now = mktime(); $then = $now - (60*60*24*10); then you can use that timstamp in the date function... I am intrigued by you massive switch statement - sounds like the ideal candidate for some OOP with a splash of polymorphism to me...
  11. That html markup is awful!!!! divs are for sectioning up you bits of content - all those div class=name could be paragraphs but in this case the most appropriate markup would probably be a definition list.
  12. ??? Tut tut. A link to another page is a link NOT A BUTTON. use <a> tags add teh onclick and onkeypress atribributes to open the new window...
  13. opening new windows is considered a docuemnt effect and as such should be controlled by javascript. http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_advanced.html gives details on how to add eventhandlers to elements - use that to add the onclick and onkeypres eventhandlers and make tehm open a newwindow - note microsofts implementation means the 'this' object reference is useless - which is pretty bloody useless in itself if you ask me (another 'feather' in the MS cap).
  14. you have answered your own question. You need to check the size of the image - if its less than the forced width/height then don't resize it.
  15. chmod id a php function that works on all platforms - even windows has the permissions system!!!!
  16. nope ajax would be the best option and just updating content on certain elements, failing that its submitting the form that the select box is in to the same page so it can use that info to generate content.
  17. make sure you use umask when using chmod
  18. Tough job but you could simply monitor tranascations where someone has just created an account and transferred all teh points/cash into another and that account lies dormant for a while you can bet you life they are trying it on. When you identify these then you can simply remove that amount from the suspect account. All that can be automated.
  19. that kind of thing... yes
  20. text fields normally need quotes around them so for each $xxx you need to use '$xxx' when the field is NOT simply an integer.
  21. you could pass it in the url header("Location: uploadmultiplefiles.php?numfile=" . $_POST['uploadsneeded']); then in the uploadmultifiles script look fro $_GET['numfile'] to give you the number.
  22. <?php ob_start();?> <html> <?php $con = mysql_connect(""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("shenmue232", $con);// database name $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_emails"); $header = 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . PHP_EOL; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { mail($row['email'],"Email From Customer","Message:<p> </p>" . $_POST['comment'], $header . 'From: ' $row['email'] . PHP_EOL); } header ( "Location: thanks.html" ); mysql_close($con);//close connection ?> </html> <?php ob_end_flush();?>
  23. Have you tried clear left? a clear should only move the element to 'the next line' if there is a floated element that will intefer with it withi it's own container... browsers obviously render this differently but give it a try and see how you do. You may have to play with the caontainer divs to make it work.
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