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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. tabular data indeed fits the requisit of one row/column per data set but that doesn't mean you can't merge certain cells - so long as it all makes sense you are fine. In this case however I don't think you should be spanning cells for the description/price that is actually a layout or styling issue NOT a structural one.
  2. you should not want anything different than that - to be as sure as possible that yur site works on as many clients and OS's as possible DON'T attempt to use any custom 'magic' let html do its thing.
  3. sorry - not got reading glasses on (think I amy have a bit of dyslexia!!!) well first off - drop the tables divs are far superior for layout.... (whole debate which will ensue where people argue over relative merits - I stop that by saying tables for layout have no merits what so ever) when you have done that - give all parent elements 100% height and position relative. then give the footer position: absolute; bottom: 0;
  4. you outer table has a width of 739 that will be the maximum width anything within can be....
  5. if that is all you are doing then a link is far more appropriate - if you are trying to submit form info to add.php then simply use teh action attribute of teh form tag. always remember the KISS principle
  6. Keep it simple to begin with... I would simply go through that site point article. Get them to interact with data transferred to and from pages, and interact with the database. That will be more than enough for a starters class. By all means get into the nuts and bolts in subsequent classes bt diving in and doing an emailer while fun is not really going to let them grasp the fundamentals without distracting them - they will be foxused on the actual email rather than the data interaction IMO. Teaching the ins and outs of the functions and constructs of php should come later on...
  7. in your form make sure all teh check boxes have name="category[]" - so that would mean adjusting which ever script generates the html form... in your processing script use the query <?php $qry = "SELECT `categories` FROM `articleTable` WHERE `articleIDNumber` = " . $articleIDNumber . " AND `category` IN (" . implode(',',$_POST['category']) . ")"; ?> so that would be the script that uses the info from the form to search the database - replace the current query with the one posted above.
  8. http://www.sitepoint.com/article/getting-started-mysql http://www.sitepoint.com/article/mysql-3-getting-started-php your first 2 hour class all written for you..........
  9. li {font-size: 1em; color: #000; }
  10. easier to just use the one form then you wouldn't need the js to do it. Consider doing it that way and if you really can't then post back on here - in the javascript section.
  11. in yoru query use teh UNIQUE term to make sure you don't select multiple values for that field...
  12. Crikey! can't be arsed to read all that code but Iwill give you something that will help A LOT define each check box like so inside you loop that displays them <input type=checkbox name="category[]" value="<?php echo $row['cattitle']; ?>" /> obviously change the bits that need changing to suit your needs... OK so you want to select all teh stuff with the search term that exist in the selected catagories... <?php $qry = "SELECT `categories` FROM `articleTable` WHERE `articleIDNumber` = " . $articleIDNumber . " AND `category` IN (" . implode(',',$_POST['category']) . ")"; ?>
  13. can't believe no-one has picked up on the lack of umask()
  14. <?php include('database.inc'); include('user.inc'); $db = new Database; $user = new User; $user->db = $db; ?> then in the user class.... <?php $this->db->query; ?> if you are using php5 9I stringly advise you do if - even if you don't do that much oop. in php 5 you have the __autoload function which will auto include all teh files you need on a class call - have a look in the manual __autoload measn you only include those files you need and non that you don't
  15. what exactly doesn't work? what is it supposed to do?
  16. like we said before... text has to have some kind of meaning, that's why a book has structure. a <p> is a paragraph - a recognized structure in the world of text. A span has NO recognized context that can be applied to it. Think of the span as the only styling element of html. It allows you an element to change the style of its content without affecting the meaning of all the text in and around it. As an example I vaguely remember reading somewhere that the <i> tag (and <b> <u> <sup> <sub> etc.) should no longer be used but a span should be used instead; and the style applied to that. Some will say '<strong>' replaces bold - not true <strong> actually has its use based in screen readers - allowing the change on stress of the word - similarly <em> specifies emphais. It just so happens that browsers make <strong> bold - which is actually wrong if you just wanted to embolden a word but DIDn't want to alter how it should sound... (OK why make something bold if you didn't want to imply some extra importance and hence extra stress if you were speaking the text out loud)
  17. thats what happens at css zen garden same mark up different style sheets.
  18. you will need to utilize the gd library - have a look @ imagecopyresampled in teh manual http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecopyresampled.php
  19. if you switch to the wonderful php5 you can use the __autoload function which - if you follow the rules - loads those scripts contianing the class you have written for you - saving you time and resources as it only loads those files required...
  20. I woudl advise that generate a 2d array for the articles as you loop through the file. Then use array_multisort on the resulting array to order it by the fields you want.
  21. nope but your urls would mean that you either do need on of them or you have every page in a directory that matches that of the url... If you need a bot of assistance finding you can email me - email is in my profile - I am on msn now
  22. its must be hrad cos you make no sense at all... where is the content of this 'page' stored - are you checking every other page on your site or just the page this post is going to appear on? give us something to work with fella....
  23. your are using friendly urls... you are either usign the force-type directive or mod_rewrite - either way your new server is not configured to do so or your htaccess file does not conatain the rules you need. 1st find out which method you're using - check the htaccess file has teh corrct rules and then contact the host and make sure they support what your htaccess is trying to achieve.
  24. yes the syntax is exactly the same in php http://uk.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.for.php look at example 4
  25. have you restarted your server?
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