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Everything posted by JD*

  1. Hello all, I'm having some trouble getting my vhosts to be recognized by Apache. I'm running 2.2 on a windows 2003 box and I've gone ahead and set the default server to my site, created a proper directory and virturalhost area inside of the config file, even tried to move it external and uncomment the line to include the external virtual host file. The end results is always the same: I can view the default site, but none of the others. Trying to go to any of the other addresses drops me back to the default host. I am running it on port 81, and have the listento address set properly on all hosts, but I'm not making much progress. I can post my config if it will help, but if anyone has any ideas off hand...really struggling with this and I'd like to find a solve. Thanks!
  2. Not with much accuracy, unless you want to get into parsing log files. When a user leaves your site via closing the window, nothing is sent to the web server to indicate their leaving. As for leaving the site to go to another, you can parse the logs to see the last page and time the IP address was there, but you'd be constantly parsing the logs.
  3. As he stated in his post, it's for his company...sometimes we don't have the option to switch.
  4. You could parse the log files and find the last occurance of the restart, or see if there is a specific file that is touched when a reboot occurs and use that information (with some PHP command line greps) to get the time and then do some math to figure out the time.
  5. As GingerRobot said, it's good to have the checking in there. Personally, I only validate via PHP, but I build my scripts to refill the form with previously submitted data to help ease the burden for having to fill out everything again.
  6. Do the following: echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location=\"wherewegoonsuccess\"</script>"; change the location and put it at the bottom of your success code.
  7. In that case then yes, you would need to have a variable scope, or instead you'd have to create a function for including c.php, where you can report the file name of the current file calling the function.
  8. Grab the url of the current page and do a check...since c.php is included in a.php, the url will contain a.php and then you can have c.php echo that information, or whatever else you need.
  9. Check out the following: addslashes and htmlentities They should get you 90% of the way.
  10. Will there be a difference if you convert your string to all lowercase? Like so: elseif(strtolower($get_lastname) != strtolower($lastname))
  11. Sounds like the date function is programmed properly to know the difference between months with 30 days and 31 days
  12. Do it the other way around. Get the number of days, then make a loop that will create the TD and put the relevant information inside of it.
  13. If you're familiar with them, you could use an array to define the proper types, then get the extension and do an in_array search to see if it matches.
  14. @ag3nt42 - See PFMaBismAd...that's what I was getting at.
  15. Does your server require authentication?
  16. It's hard to tell what PHP stuff is going on, as the PHP parts only happen when you submit a page. From the outside, it looks like normal processing. Everything else on the page is using Javascript to control (updating prices when choosing frames sizes, changing pictures based on radio buttons, etc). You can view that javascript by searching through the source code for the javascript include link and then going to that link in your browser, or installing the web developer tools for firefox and then using the javascript inspector found in there...it's really useful for figuring out how people put their site together. Your best bet for figuring out the project is to sit with your friend and work on a site flow, so you know exactly how a person gets from the homepage to the shopping cart, what information is needed to complete the sale and get the items shipped and, finally, making sure a customer can track their order as it's being processed in the system (if your friend wants to offer that type of service, and not the delivery portion, just the "Order accepted, order processed, order shipped" type).
  17. You can use .htaccess with the deny all functionality, but I'm not a genius with that stuff, so some googling is probaby in order to get it working.
  18. check out this article, it will probably get you all the way there: http://www.frozenminds.com/disable-sessionid.html
  19. For that, look into CSS and the suckerfish dropdowns (search that on google)
  20. Not with pure php. Since it executes on the server, it can't reach out to a user's computer and do things. You'd need to look into a Java/Javascript solution. Of course, all of this is as far as I know. There may be a way, but if there is, nothing I've research has shown how to do it with only php.
  21. I'm not sure if you need to even check the "on" state...I think with check boxes they only get added to the array if they are checked. If they are not checked, they are not even posted, key or value.
  22. http://www.codeave.com/javascript/code.asp?u_log=7032
  23. PHP can still upload to a folder outside the root. Just place your folder there, and then when you upload, have it do a move file to the absolute path on the system
  24. You'd want echo nl2br($address)." <br />".$postcode
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