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Everything posted by steviewdr

  1. Get a copy of your web (apache) logs and run webalizer on them. They may already have webalizer or awstats in place, and this should give you a good idea of what is taking up the bandwidth.
  2. apt-get install squid Job Done.
  3. If you can ssh into the server, you can use PuTTY to act as a socks server. First hit in google: http://vectrosecurity.com/content/view/67/26/
  4. FTP support would be ok. Its the emails thats the problem. If you don't send emails from a proper IP with RDNS setup it will be put in as spam. You could relay your emails using a mailhost. Bottom line: for proper mail delivery inbound and outbound, you'd need a fixed IP with a rdns setting. -steve
  5. See: http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Tomfmason_Fedora_Server_Setup#phpmyadmin_installed_from_yum
  6. How about: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*\.css.*$ [NC] Afraid I don't know enough of mod_rewrite.
  7. Hey Ober, Long time no see Anyways, something like this *might* work: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !^.*\.css$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !^.*\.jpg$ I pulled it from a htaccess, so apologies if it doesn't work, but it might give you an idea. -steve
  8. You need to check if any folders/directories are NOT chmod'd 777 (world writeable). Also, it would be a good idea if your host would put a firewall in place blocking outgoing traffic from its servers. -steve
  9. Make sure you have the firewall disabled on the router if you have one.
  10. I'd say you would want to setup some sort of server monitoring. I don't know if your on linux or windows. Anyways: Use Monit to monitor services such as apache, and it can restart apache if it stops responding I'd recommend to use Munin to monitor the health of the server including memory and bwidth, processes etc. -steve
  11. cat text.txt | grep sun > sun.txt | sed -i "/sun/d" text.txt -steve
  12. Try using a different Internet Browser. Try Opera or Firefox.
  13. Google suphp. -steve
  14. As thorpe said, you should get in touch with GoDaddy. Most hosting companies won't allow ssh access by default. You may have to request it.
  15. So the firewall is still blocking http traffic on you. You said, you added: -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 80 -j ACCEPT-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 443 -j ACCEPT-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT. Did you reboot the server after doing this? If not, do so, and the above rules should be taken into account. You can also try going: yum install system-config-securitylevel-tui system-config-securitylevel-tui Then you should have a menu to allow you access to open what ports you require. You can always do it manually by going: iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT ^This should definately work and take immediate effect. See: http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Iptables_Firewall
  16. As root or sudo, run: netstat -tap (paste the results here) iptables -L (paste the results here)
  17. Edit: /etc/sysconfig/iptables and add in a line for port 80, tcp.
  18. It can take a while for google to get the new urls. Did you check with www.google.com/webmasters ? Login there and see.
  19. Well there are plenty of docs out there on this. See: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13580_3-9867657-39.html http://www.techthrob.com/2009/03/02/virtualization-in-linux-a-review-of-four-software-choices/ If your looking for personal opinions, here is mine: I use xen myself on my production servers. I like it a lot. I have found a few minor issues with it, and these issues required some research to solve. I used vmware on my desktop pc for running virtual machines. Vmware provided a lot of flexibility. It was super easy to use. AFAIK vmware server is free. What do you want to do on your Virtual machine? Do you want a X graphics server? Games etc? I use xen with virtual machines for servers with console only. Xen requires the virtual machine to run a modified kernel. If can run windows and any os as a guest vm, however you need a modern cpu with virtualisation support. As I said, xen requires a bit of bashing to get into shape. As the saying goes: Different Horses for different courses. I suggest you google more. I also suggest you setup and test a few versions and see for yourself. -steve
  20. http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/ jmeter++ ab works nice and quick too.
  21. Perhaps Allow Overwrite All is required in your apache conf to allow you to use .htaccess files in that folder.
  22. I advise ubuntu/debian. It has loads of packages which you can easily install. E.g. phpmyadmin. I'm not sure can you get that with centos by default.
  23. Thanks guys for the feedback. premiso: I see what you mean about the About me and Portfolio. I've tried re-arranging them, putting them at the bottom but it didn't seem to work better. Its just for the front page, so Id say I'll leave it like that. As for the tag line, I would like something there to give the user an idea of the nature of the site. tail: I trimed it down. I did design on my 1900x1200. I've tightened up on the background images so it'll look better on 1240x1024. MrAdam: Thanks. I didn't realise how distracting them background images were. While I didnt want to remove them I changed them. I put a slight rotation on some of the images. I made them grey so they do not stand out (didn't realise how glaring the old version was. I also made them so they dont come out too much. Old design: http://burkesys.com/stephen/webdev/sburke.eu-v1 Modified: http://burkesys.com/stephen/webdev/sburke.eu See what ye think. Thanks again. -steve
  24. Its trivial to enable mod re-write. What OS are you using. I gather its linux, but which distro? Do you have root access on the server? What version of Apache are you using? On ubuntu/debian its just a case of going: a2enmod rewrite /etc/init.d/apache2 restart -steve
  25. Id go for linux too. I've had a lot of issues with a hosting co' who used windows with parallels. Specifically with file uploads, permissions and unable to delete/remove/rename files because some windows process had a lock on a file. Also, it is easier, in my opinion, to setup apache, ssl, mysql, php etc. on linux using the package manager (aka apt-get or yum). -steve
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