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Everything posted by steviewdr

  1. Looks to be working to me on the urls above. -steve
  2. Well it works perfectly for me on Centos5. I done this: 1. As root: vi /etc/security/limits.conf #add the following line, where steve is the user: steve hard nproc 3 #save and close the text editor. 2. su - steve steve@volcano:~$ ps -eaf | grep steve | more -bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable Try replicating this. ############## On debian / ubuntu, I done: 1. As root: vi /etc/security/limits.conf #add the following line, where steve is the user: sburke hard nproc 5 #save and close the text editor. 2. ssh sburke@localhost ps -eaf | grep sburke | ls /var/tmp | less -bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable I did not have anything else to do. I did not have to reboot the server. I did not have to edit any other files. In the case of debian, su - sburke was insufficient. I had to ssh sburke@server, and then the limits kicked in. -steve
  3. See: http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg190893.html You could just do a substr() to get the ipv4 address from the complete address. -steve
  4. Can you edit the file /etc/fstab and add the line manually? -steve
  5. Why did you run a fork bomb? Of course that killed your server, albeit it shouldn't have if you done the config on the previous page correct. Try creating a few processes for the pjoshi user yourself and see how it goes. I suggest you read every bit of that page. Here is one of the comments you might want to look at: ####### @Robert Delahunt: While I am on Ubuntu 9.04, your suggestion was the only one that worked. For me setting hard and soft limits for users in /etc/security/limits/conf had no effect. I had to place ulimit -u NUM in /etc/profile for it to stick. Thanks! ########## I suggest you contact the author of that blog post to ask them about their config. -steve
  6. webhttrack? -steve
  7. Your email checker is wrong. It is possible to have a ' in an email address. I also used a " in every field and I got this: Unable to connect to MySQL and select database. MySQL reported: Unknown database '12345"_eac' The error occurred on line 44 in /var/www/web3/punbb/include/dblayer/mysqli.php You'll have to go over a few things. -steve
  8. So you have 1.7GB of ram? I missed that before. I'm using the following settings on a server with 4gb ram which gets 1-2 million hits a week, and 90+gb traffic a week: StartServers 8 MinSpareServers 5 MaxSpareServers 20 MaxClients 256 MaxRequestsPerChild 1000 I suggest you install "munin" to monitor your server. It will tell you your cpu and memory usage, and if there are any iowait issues. -steve
  9. How much memory do you have on your server? Typically you adjust your apache settings to that. What does "free" look like after a few days? Does the server use much swap space? -steve
  10. See http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-limiting-user-process.html -steve
  11. It looks to me like a web control panel is installed ( webmin ). This can hook in scripts and config files into all sorts of places. It will take a bit of time to weed out all the custom configs webmin put in. If you use or used a webmin web control panel for your server, I suggest you google an uninstall how-to for webmin/web control panel. -steve
  12. Did you say several 1000's requests a second? Why don't you do a connection rate limit on your firewall? I.E. any ip (even a legitimate) can only establish a connection a certain amount of times a second. How many unique IPs are accessing this at any one time? You seem to be doing a lot of looking on this topic. E.g. http://forums.devnetwork.net/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=103174&p=552885 I suggest you try the iptable rule mentioned there. -steve
  13. Sounds like a mx record issue. You need a full proper hostname set. You also need a mx record for the domain you are sending the emails from. Do not use [email protected] Can you send emails to other people? Gmail are very picky about the email servers they recieve email from. If you can provide the exact following details, we can look into it a little more: Proper and working From email address Proper and working To email address IP and Hostname of your server sending the email. -steve
  14. Try taking a look at my sendmail config for using an external smtp server: http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Sendmail Hope this helps. -steve
  15. Search for files or folders with 777 permissions. -steve
  16. Well you need to find out more about esmtp. Perhaps its port 25 is blocked. -steve
  17. cPanel should still run, in my opinion. If you wanted to fix selinux, you could do: yum search selinux yum install selinux-policy.noarch -steve
  18. I used debian as dom0 and domu. It works very nice. No major work either. Debian has all the xen packages you need. I wrote some details down about it at: http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Install_and_Config_Base_OS http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Debian_Etch_Xen_Install -steve
  19. They're probably loaded in memory, and after you delete them, they could be returned and rewritten to the disk. I could be wrong however. You could look at lsof which lists open files. What filesystem are you using? ext3? -steve
  20. :0 c * ^From: .*@*.* | formail -x From: | mail subject... Something along the lines of above. Use formail to get the From address and pipe it off to a script which will reply via an email. I'm sure there are loads of reciepies for autoresponders and procmail out there. -steve
  21. Take a look at my bind config for all sub domains. http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/DNS_-_Bind9 If you can paste your named.conf and zone files I might be able to tell the problem. -steve
  22. Is it software or hardware raid you are using? I.E. do you have a dedicated RAID card in your computer and are you setting the raid leve (0,1,5 etc.) at boot time? Or do you want to use Software Raid, where *nix will do the raid for you in software? There is a big difference between both. If your using Hardware raid, then it should ideally just expose one single drive to install on, i.e. hd0. If your using software raid, then you have a bit of work to do. Most *nix systems do not boot off a raid partition. Typically a small ext2 partition is left to put /boot on. More info and research needed. -steve
  23. Did you restart the firewall after you edited/changed the config? -steve
  24. Take a read. I've had the same issues before I got my own server. http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Sendmail -steve
  25. I don't know. I suggest you set up some logging. You can install smokeping to monitor via http a website. Then you will get graphs of time to load, failed load pages etc. I would get something in there to monitor the proxy. I don't know off hand why that above error would happen (apart from the obvious network timeout etc.). -steve
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