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Everything posted by steviewdr

  1. Just first off - before graphics, When putting stuff into your kart - or updating it - .1 works as a quantity. Perhaps you might want to remove this server side. Also - on this page : [a href=\"http://yallsave.com/cart/cart.php?task=update\" target=\"_blank\"]http://yallsave.com/cart/cart.php?task=update[/a] it says "Secure Site" with YOUR logo. YET it is not ssl (secure). Also with .1 quantity entered - I go (proceed) to paypal and get errors - The link you have used to enter the PayPal system contains an incorrectly formatted quantity value. OK - onto design - for the Shopping kart on the main page - top right - it needs a border - and not a big thick black one like on your Navigation menu. Change the colour and thickness of the borders on your Navigation. > Should I make it 790 width? YES As for Widths of a site - I prefer a fluid layout - where the width will be 80% width of the browser window. I set my left margin to 10%, and right to 10% in css. Your Shopping Cart text (on main page) is formatted incorrect. The Shopping is indented and the Word Cart is un-indented on the next line. Is there a <br> or something wrong? Also your text that rotates under the Navigation - its a little plain. I would prefer to see a rotating graphic with a thumbnail of the product. The text you currently have doesnt look great. Get using your GD skills and dress it up. OK - I'll leave it at that. Rgds, steve
  2. Hi, yip - emails getting marked as spam = major problem. Id suggest to setup your php.ini settings in a htaccess file to point to your own mail server that you use to relay the emails from your mail(). Get the idea? Do a phpinfo() and see the current mail settings. You can get a script also if you like to send emails via your SMTP server. -steve
  3. Hi, First off - I think your site badly needs a top graphic. From your signature - I was expecting a cool graphic - but alas you've only a bit of text or something. Your main text needs padding inside its div. The home,contact,about icons needs to be moved over to the right a bit more. I like your forums - nicely integrated - well done. Perhaps it could do with the same header as your main page though? Just a last thing - your text is a little small. Good tho. -steve
  4. Ya, Mark is on the ball. Your content needs dressing up. For the portfolio - I barely seen the headings: T-Shirts, Logos etc. You need to provide proper headers for them headings - perhaps with background colours. For example put them into tables with alternating background colours - however dont use tables - use css divs for the pictures and headings etc. Also - style up your email address on every page - the plain blue looks poor in your otherwise styled layout. Your pricing page needs to be styled up also. Overall - its ok. Needs better styling of content as Mark said. Looking forward to see good development. Rgds, Steve
  5. Here's my two cents on mail() firstly, as kenrbnsn said, the full mail() is: mail($to,$subj,$body,$headers,$fail_bounce) where $fail_bounce= "-f [email protected]" if your email is sent, and if it bounces or does not get delivered, because of a bad email address then, the email will be bounced back to [email protected] Now - if your php mail() is NOT working at all: you will have to test it out. Do you have ssh (login) access to the webserver? Mail logs are kept in /var/log/mail.info All emails sent and recieved are logged to this file. I doubt you will have permission however to read these logs. Depending on what MTA (sendmail etc.) is on the server, if you have ssh access - you can bypass php's mail() and test if emails CAN actually be sent from your server -> how to test sendmail: [a href=\"http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Sendmail\" target=\"_blank\"]http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Sendmail[/a] If all that fails - then to a phpinfo() and check your mail settings in it. You may have to use your own Mail server to send emails. Best of Luck tracing the problem. -steve
  6. (One last time: [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/)\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/)[/a] I have removed the Admin Home page - was just adding to the already long Nav menu! Will set for 2 weeks of backups. I take it the 2 weeks is to cover any holidays people may be taking ;-) Thanks for your comments Ober - I really appreciate them. I always strive for Ease of Use. Rgds, Steve
  7. OK. (Website again: [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/[/a] ) I liked been pushed and gotten to do stuff for the better. Ober: I have done the nl2br with the News - Definately needed it. The Save Main Config - Yes - it does make it much more user friendly to show the updated form after the save. I have re-written the Ordering of pages correctly this time ;-) Moberemk: I have changed the background color of the toolbars to the light blue used on the Main Content Area - to try and make it a little more integrated. (may not show to yourselves as it caches a lot) I know I could integrate the FCKeditor more - however would require a lot off teedious re-working of my main css and FCKeditor css. Thanks lads. Any more ideas? Hows functionality? I provide a daily backup for a week. - Sufficient? Cheers, Steve
  8. Oh Lordie: [a href=\"http://www.ezadmintools.com/upload/info.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.ezadmintools.com/upload/info.php[/a] And a browseable folder it is: [a href=\"http://www.ezadmintools.com/upload/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.ezadmintools.com/upload/[/a] As Mark said - your uploads - awfully dodgy. Im glad your not on my server :@ Apart from that - I dont mean to sound bad, but who needs to use your site? There are tons of others providing loads of info - netcraft to mention 1. Also what are them 3 tiny toy icons doing hidden on the top right of your large graphic? Your tiny house, magnifer, and letter icons? Your forum doesnt even have the same colour scheme as your website. Get your skates on..... -steve
  9. Thanks Ober. I have taken your comments into account and made appropriate changes. 2. I have made the size of the Text Editor (FCKeditor) longer - Hope that was what you were on about. 3. I have put the news into 3 seperate items - allowing for LESS user hassle or intervention required. I have tidyied up the Input boxes for title and heading. (I had to solve a quotes problem cancelling out stuff typed in with " or ') I have put a max length on the news, heading and titles on the server side (simplest). 4. Website Traffic problem - fixed. I find that with webalizer, I need a htaccess in place limiting ip addresses due to spam etc. 1. As for the reordering of pages - YES - it is a little messy. Im glad you managed to get it working. I tidyed it up a little. The first page (Introduction with ref_id 1) should not move up/ down anyways. Basically its a SQL statement which adds 1 onto an integer (the one been moved) and subtracts 1 from the others! With a combination of up & down, the end-user should be able to move the order of their pages. Any other comments or ideas on making this good & userfriendly? Thanks again. -steve P.S. yes - I have removed the htaccess file for critique purposes. Is htaccess suffient for single-user editing of an admin back-end?
  10. I agree totally with Mark and Ober. Your site, as Ober put it, needs "containment". You need to put a border/ div around your entire website. You can then change the background colours, putting in a light hue - getting rid of all that white (as Mark said). You need a better Navigation Menu to draw attention to it. Perhaps get a bullet for each point? The Dublin Hotel Guides logo is only 1/2 ok. The HOTEL in green is a little hidden - but tastefully done. The "History of Dublin" text in the green box doesnt look good. Either a different font, or different size of font. Another vertical green line, as on the left seperating the Recommended Hotels, would be nice seperating the Vertical Ads by Google from the main text. I see you are also using a .htaccess password auth at /admin The table on "Articles & Travel Tips" could be styled a little better also. Some good elements, requires "containment", better Navigation Menu, and some further styling. -steve
  11. Hi All, The Long and Short of It: [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es[/a] I have just managed to get around to completing a back-end for the previous Environmental Sustainability website I was doing part-time. I used various parts from different systems around the web. My intention was to have a backend with FCKeditor (WYSIWYG) editor so that NO web admin is required to update the website. I will wrap the admin section in a .htaccess file - keeps things easier, and out of google. See if it would be useful on a general scale. Thanks, Steve
  12. Cheers Ober. I am going to write my own backend code - nearly as quick. Im going to use FCKeditor or a different one and integrate these elements. Reasons for a Cron-Job updating site (or "Publish" button): 1. Site will not be changed very often - (once a month ish) 2. Flaky database on University server (has improved a little) 3. Dont want to have to make a db connection for every page BUT - I havn't gone that route - I am building everything into the database which the website will read from. Reaons: I dont want to chmod 777 my folder/ files for the "Publish" option with the webserver running as different user. I envisage little traffic. MySQL nearly easier to setup without requiring shell access for chmod. As for the graphics - well I know I could spend more time at it - but its good enough - Im now onto the backend. Cheers Very much Ober and others for your advise. I will post up the backend later here maybe. -steve
  13. Yes the News section was a little quiet and hidden. Have tweaked and done: [!--quoteo(post=350286:date=Feb 28 2006, 05:24 PM:name=jcombs_31)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(jcombs_31 @ Feb 28 2006, 05:24 PM) [snapback]350286[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--] The news section needs to stand apart from the main content more. Add some more padding at least. [/quote] Main Page: [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/[/a] Old : [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/old4\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/old4[/a] Cheers. -steve P.S. Any ideas on a backend?
  14. Thanks Ober. I see what you mean - it does look a little boxy. I have tried putting the top graphic on the right. Its here: [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/right/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/right/[/a] I dont think it looks as good - the Nav menu looks out of place - the green of the nav doesnt match in as good without the green leaf above it. Anyways, I have got good vibes from people about the main one: [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/[/a] so I think I will go with it. The layout is solid - its just the boxy effect in the graphic and the dark colour of the top div. I hope to use the same layout for my next project - but change colours and graphics - which will be good. Thanks lads, in especially Ober for your advise and suggestions. Also - if anyone knows a good backend (CMS) I could implement to make the entire website via an admin backend - I would be grateful for your experience. What I would really like is: Store code and php in a mysql db - and generate static pages every night (and /or via an admin "publish" button). Thanks for your time - appreciate it. Talk later, -steve
  15. Ok. I hope that it is nearly done this time - I have taken in ALL of your comments. New version is at: [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/[/a] Previous version moved to: [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/old3/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/old3/[/a] -> moberemk, jcombs_31, Javizy: I made the top graphic smaller 75% - YES it does make a big difference. It is still clearly made out and it helps with my minimum width - it easily fits inside a 800 X 600 window and is fluid (boy is trying to get a fluid website tough - fixed size is simple) Anyways. Just to give ye an idea of what people are seeing websites as in this University - take a look at the main University of Limerick Homepage - [a href=\"http://www.ul.ie\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.ul.ie[/a] ! Thats why I wanted big square pictures - because everyone was on about the Main homepage one and its nice photos. As for the dark colour on the top right with a hint of green - I tried to integrate the website by bringing down the shadow on the right, left and bottom with the same colour. As for the WIDTH OF THE NAV - Well as the top graphic got smaller - I couldn't bring the width of the nav menu to suit - so I have the width of the nav menu ending in the middle of the second box in the graphic. Javizy - what type face would you use for the "Environmental Sustainability". If you suggest one - I'll try it, otherwise its the best I have managed to pick out. As for the Text: A Research Group in the University of Limerick: M&OE Department. This text will change depending on time etc. - and as a result is tough to keep making an updated graphic. Also if that text was a graphic - then it wouldn't flow very well. But yes - Javizy - it would look better as an image, but I think it isn't feasible. My only concerns - the Nav is a bit basic? Anyways overall what do ye think? The shadow border is ok - took long enough. See what ye think - a good critique please. Cheers, -steve
  16. First off - get rid of that background. Just put a normal background - a very light green etc. and put the tractor logo somewhere - definately not tiled. The pdf out is nice. Didnt get excel out to work. It is very basic as mentioned previously. It needs a proper design and website - sometimes the most important part of a web application. Thats my 2 cents. Also you need to check for bugs. It could also do with an injection of "ease of use" as it is a bit rote. For searching via dates - how about a javascript calendar? Anyways - nice work done - more to do. -steve
  17. Hi, Well all it seems that you have done is to output some data in table format with css - Nothing major new to me. If you are going to make a spreadsheet online application - then you are going to HAVE to use javascript. And for which there are many javascript spreadsheets out there you could easily use and integrate with php etc. For example a search in google for "javascript spreadsheet". The first result: [a href=\"http://www.blueshoes.org/en/javascript/spreadsheet/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.blueshoes.org/en/javascript/spreadsheet/[/a] Cells can be resized etc. Best of Luck, -steve P.S. if you want to know how to resize cells in javascript - look at the above one and study their code.
  18. Hi Again. Ok I have taken some comments into account. Website is at: [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/[/a] The old ones are at: [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/old2/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/old2/[/a] [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/old1/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/old1/[/a] [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/old\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/old[/a] I have left the Nav at a simple a:hover - even though I did spend tons of time at that opacity - but sure anyways. I have put in an extra page with the design graphic. I tried to put in a News section as best as I could on the index page. What I would like: To put some nice css graphics (x * y repeats) along the edges of the main website div and also perhaps the borders inside. Im thinking of matching the colours with the v.dark green div with the white text in it. Ideas would be invaluable. Also I am awfully worried about the min width in IE - the top banner flows very abruptly. Cheers Again, -steve
  19. The flash looks ok. I like the coloured icons - Home - Contact - Site Map. Can you get coloured icons for your Left Nav aswell? For Get a Loan etc... Regarding the width :- Just in relation to the width of the left Nav - well just that the text width is 1/3 width of the main div. Its just a point - Im sure you know better. Other than that - nice. Rgds, Steve
  20. Its nice. Im not gone on the a:hover for the Nav menu. I think the colour changing is loads. The tabbing in of text is too much on hover. Would the Nav menu be a little too wide? Id say it would be nicer if trimmed a little (width wise). Chat Later, Steve
  21. OK - Cheers moberemk, I have made a few changes: I have moved the old website with the gradient and old probs to: [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/old/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/old/[/a] Same website with updated changes at: [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/[/a] The white middle lines meeting looks way better - cheers. As for removing the underline on mouse-over - well in Opera there is no Opacity - so without the underline there is no Mouse (hover) effect. Can you suggest a different Mouse Over effect instead of Underline? I have put in the light green background (hue). It does look a little better. Im thinking of a combination of a huw and a gradient. I.e. Go from light green to a lighter green. Comments? Thanks again, -steve
  22. Hi, A php timing script : example here -> [a href=\"http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/akent20000926.php3\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/akent20000926.php3[/a] There are loads out there. As for the top left graphic -> it now has no <a href! Rgds, steve
  23. Hi, It is a little slow on loading. You could add in a php executing time on your pages to find out where the bottleneck is. Anyways - nice website. On the Navigation - you could think about leaving the coloured square on, at what ever page you are at. E.g. if your on the Festivals page, then the Festivals green square could be coloured in. You could put a "home" on the navigation. Also if you could make the graphic for the main icon larger - to cover all of the splash logo - it would be easier to return to home. - Like if you click on the splash to the right or the bottom - the <a href wont register with a person. Overall nice - fixed layouts are grand. Rgds, Steve
  24. Hi Again all, Website: [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/[/a] I am trying to design a visually appealing website with the theme - Environmental Sustainability. I have done a good bit of the layout and css - painfully. Ive a few questions on my mind: Colour schemes of background? - I dont want to go all out green. I also need a div (place) for a picture on everypage - similar to where the News div is. I know that Opera doesnt support the opacity on the Nav Menu. Ive a min width problem with IE. Im just looking for general impressions and suggestions please before I move onwards with the development. Thanks again for any assistance. Rgds, Steve P.S. Thank you Ober for your link :-) [a href=\"http://www.sxc.hu/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.sxc.hu/[/a]
  25. Its ok. Straight off: You need a heading on the main page. The text "Welcome To Killerz-Tech" should be as a <h2></h2> container etc. with some padding keeping it down from the top div. Also the left div background: the colour needs changing a little - dont fade from grey to white, go from medium to light grey. -steve
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