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Re: 100% cpu fade issue. I tested it on another pc and same issue RE 100% usage with IE. My Machine: AMD 3000+ 1gb RAM, Win2k, IE6 2nd Test Machine: 2.4gh Xeon, 512 RAM, Win xp, sp1, IE6 ..so I definately think its your code. To test this correctly - make sure your Browser Window is active, i.e. Task Manager is minimised to the task bar. The little graph should show up beside the clock. Spikes of 100% cpu usage occur with change of photo. RE. Recent Work -> I wouldn't have this stretch to 100% width. Fixed would nearly do it. RE. Diploma Images -> I see also that they get bigger according to Browser size! Its just that I normally view at 1280 X 1024 and them images are quite large at that size. As you said -> your side looks really nice at 1024X768. Its at the larger sizes that the content seperates from the right div. RE. the contact page -> I would have the input fields stretch with the % width of the browser. It wouldn;t be much more useful, but it would help spread the colour and take up the whitespace. Yap - IE doesnt like resizing your website. Id say that would be a PITA to get working. I think you should rethink the code for the right div, and how it works. Rgds, Steve
Ya - AJAX has its place. Anyways - a few points jeff. Im using IE6 on win2k. The javascript you are using for them photos - the fade puts my cpu to 100% usage. The Recent work divs. Well with 1280X1024 they are really wide, and the <- (arrow) you have is way way over on its own on the right. The Resume is good. The 2 large images on the left are a bit big. As with all your images, I think you should make them links to large original versions. The resume page would be nice with thumbnail graphics of your work. Perhaps an ajax mouse over to bring up a larger picture. The contact page is nice. I think you need more % padding on the left to bring the contact box closer to the middle of the screen at high resolutions. In my IE6 - when the width of the browser goes less than 900 px in width all the content goes down underneath the Right divs. This happens on the contact page, Resume and Home pages. Fixed with sites are soo simple in comparison!! Anyways - good luck with it. Looks nice overall. -steve
Echo the previous comments. Have a a:hover for your menus. Skin your forums and boards -> currently the colours are totally different. It looks good tho. There are a few links not working. After doing a Poll -> I am brought to an empty news page. Rgds, Steve
When clicking on your calender page -> it turns up blank - BUT - the code is there, its just that you are forgetting to CLOSE a html tag and this is causing the HTML not to render. But it seems you are quite a way off getting valid HTML. As for your CRAMMED Newest Reviews -> Limit the number of items to 3 or 4. Increase the Font size a little. But some ......'s after an item, instead of writing the entire sentence which takes up a load of room. Also - if you used a <ul><li></li></ul> for these items - the text would be correctly aligned and the bullets would remain on their own on the left. We're not telling you to use css for our health -> it has TONS of benefits. 1. It gives mouse hover effects WITHOUT Javascript. 2. It renders HTML and Background Graphics Quicker than table background="" 3. All your CSS code is kept in an EXTERNAL Style Sheet. This means that clients when going through your site have the CSS and Styling Code CACHED on their computer -> so all they have to download is JUST the few <div></div> and html tags. ;D 4. If you want to change the colour of then awful standard blue <a href's etc. you can change it in 1 file and the whole site updates :D 5. You can tell a background image to repeat in the X or Y direction, or both to form a nice gradient full browser width background. and it goes on and on and on.... There are excellent css tutorials on macromedia.com http://www.adobe.com/devnet/dreamweaver/articles/css_dreamweaver_07.html There were video tutorials there on using css -> I cant track them down at the moment. Rgds, Steve
I have to agree with moberemk. Your site looks squashed together with SEVERAL different font sizes. The first link I click -> http://www.pcritics.com/modules/calendar/calendar.php is broken. NOW thats not Professional. Google may have errors in validation, but that doesnt mean you dont have to. Valid xhtml code means that your website will appear bettter across different browsers, as well as add a professional touch to your website. As for colours and graphics -> they only cut hobby-ish at best, definately not a Business/Professional looking Web2-ish theme/appearance. Your Newest Reviews section is small text squashed in. Your Site Poll and its text is Huge in comparison with other text. You dont have any nice professional a:hover mouser effects. Overall - rigid, dull apperance, old layout and appearance, old html code. -steve
Its not too bad at all. Just a few things: Your Nav menu on the left needs to be tidied up a bit. Currently there is nothing under the TIME section. There is also too much space/padding under the headings of the Sections in the Left Nav. Underneath you Welcome box - where the text is - this needs some more padding around the text. Your images in the header and welcome are quite large. On a code side of things -> The registration takes the following username: steve"s and on the next page it puts in a slash - steve/"s You have to change your Magic Quote settings or something, or alter your code - try using the htmlentities function. The email takes 123123 as an email. There are very useful scripts/ ereg which will check the email format for you. Oh - when I login - then TIME appears! - which is wrong btw. Anyways - it looks nice. The forum is well integrated. A few things would finish it. Rgds, Steve
Looks ok. Its very plain and empty. You can put navigation in the left column, or have a horizontal Nav menu under Your header image. Add more content and especially in the left and right columns, - which btw are old fashioned looking, especially with the sizes you are using. Rgds, Steve
Its ok. There is too much space between the top of the browser window and the main content div. Im not too gone on the breadcrumb trail in the top header image. It would be better if it were links aswell. Overall its ok. As mentioned get a footer in there. Some of your pages cut off very short at the bottom. -steve [hr] [font=Verdana]sfsdfsfds[/font] [color=blue]sdfsfsdf[/color] ' and more test's [sup]asdasdasd[/sup] [sub]asdasdasd[/sub] [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table] [s]dsfsdfsd[/s] <h1>test</h1>
My first post using SMF. Its a change. Anyways onto Critique: Firstly - you have NO a:hovers on your links (<a href;s) or NAV menu. These would add much to your website. Your top banner could be better IMO. Perhaps put an appropriate image or something on the TOP right side of the banner. - Even if it was just your name, affil or a Welcome or something to break the white. Your Browse by Category and View by - would be nice with some bullets and aligned to the LEFT - In my Opinion Only! It doesnt look too bad. With a a:hover it would be nicer. Your SHARE | WATCH | FRIENDS could be better and with some more subtle colour IMO. Other than that - looks good. If you have a test acc. I will poke around inside. Rgds, Steve [hr] [tt]test[/tt] [code]<php echo "test"; ?>[/code] [quote]test[/quote] [list] [*]test1 test2 test3 [*] [/list]
Looks good. 60KB for the top banner is a bit much IMO. The text is a shade on the small side - but apart from that - nice. -steve
You are not strict enough with your user input. You allow single quotes in usernames and you dont stripslashes. You emailed me saying my username was steve/'o. This username does not work. Its steve'o. Get the idea? You allow html tags in comments - not a great idea. I can put nasty iframe tags showing some nasty content on your pages. You also dont review comments. Also - found a bug I cant even figure out. For [a href=\"http://www.adamwhiles.com/comments.php?postno=16\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.adamwhiles.com/comments.php?postno=16[/a] there are 4 comments. After i put some html tags in, only 1 comment with the iframe shows up. Anyways - ill leave it there. -steve
<quote> Signup Form: Reason the fields are yellow is if you have that google toolbar and autofill is turned on for forms, it will highlight some form fields yellow. </quote> I dont have a google toolbar. The fields are orange. I know you might have the satisfaction, but Im willing to bet - I can get a bug in your code ;-) Waiting for a test acc.....! Rgds, Steve
It looks ok. A few points: I hope you didnt do too much work - because these features and design is pretty much available out of the box with wordpress etc. It would be nice to put your TOP banner as a <a href to your homepage/website. Other than that - its grand. posts.php?month=6 What are you going to do about next year!? Your sign-up form is very yellow. Text is black for a reason. Best of Luck, -steve
This is your page: [a href=\"http://www.mandarindesign.com/opacity.html\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.mandarindesign.com/opacity.html[/a] Note that Opacity doesnt work for Opera!. Im not sure about Opera 9 (which looks sweet) You could do it via image roll overs - but they'd be WAY too image intensive. Best of Luck, -steve
The colour coded divs are a big improvement. As for images - I thought the process was automatic? Anyways, if your doing it manually - a thumbnail anywhere would be nice. Trial and error will get it right. Keep going. -steve
Why are you showing 3 grey divs when the webpage loads up? It doesnt look too appealing. It might seem like a great idea with the a:hover/mouseover etc. but it isn't visually appealing. Your HipHop page is ok - a little plain - but works. Like - an idea for your home page - have the 3 pictures faded out with opacity etc. and on mouseover/hover have the opacity go to 0. A person would see a nice image and on mouseover/hover it would come into full colour. -steve
You need to get some HEADINGS and structure your page. Currently its a load of code and comments. You need to put headings and sort the information. Also - you should make the headings bold, and the code colourised as in a php editor. So your if's and elses etc. should be colour coded. Its all about making it "READABLE" and easy to find what Im looking for. Best of Luck, -steve
At 800x600 your portfolio page is not user friendly - with two scroll bars. I would prefer you to make the webpage longer rather than putting a scroll on a small div. Overall - there are no problems/bugs with it. Are you going to allow something for people who have javascript disabled? -steve
Would you consider grouping news items? I think that in todays day and age of broadband etc. that people would much prefer to see an icon/ graphic rather than reading a *ton* of text. To save me reading your whole news page of text - an image would draw my eye to that story. Get the idea. OK - I know what you are trying to do, but its NOT VERY USER FRIENDLY. Like if you were making it viewable for a PDA or WAP -, Id say something. You should use external javascript references - they cache on the client and dont have to be downloaded every time. -steve
Its fairly decent and nice looking. A tad on the blue side IMO. The footer needs a little work also. It currently just hangs unformatted there. Rgds, Steve
Its still broken in my IE6 - with the "more info" and "order" black buttons. Im not too gone on the website really. The text in the top banner SHOULD be as an image IMO. As mentioned previously - Im not sure about the recycling logo. Its nothing got to do with servers/hosting IMO. For your NAV - I would MUCH prever to see the blue tabs changing background, and for the whole tab to have the <a href and not just the text. E.g. [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/es/[/a] I think the rounds on the ORDER images are too much. You have SMALL radius's on the divs - and large radius's on them images. I think smaller, more subtle rounds would be better. Your large text, e.g. headings etc. are WAY too big. Your links in the main text are white and dont show up great. Your contact page - with the large headings looks very fragmented and unorganised. -steve
Initial impressions are good. Its very image heavy. The nav could be done with simple a: hovers. Whats killing it with xhtml and not working across browsers is that its ALL TABLES. I am suprised at you, I though it would all have been css. I think you should try and convert/move over to css and that will solve your problems. When moving from your portfolio page to your home page in firefox - the page jumps to the left due to the scollbar. I had the same problem with my recent website and I put in overflow: scroll and it solved it - allbeit it including scroll bars on every page - but I think its ok. -steve
Genius. Thanks very much Chris - that worked a treat! Pity dreamweaver doesnt have it included. Anyways - thanks again. -steve
Well it crashes if I do anything but watch the video. Buuuuggggggyyyyyyy. It crashes if I move the mouse over stuff, click on a link etc. etc. The video also tries to restart. It could be my IE, so you'll have to get testing on different pcs. -steve
The header image - the gold leaf and TEXT etc. I think it could be better grouped together to give a logo or something. It just looks fragmented and seperate at the minute. As for the Guest Book. The positioning looks ok now - must have been my mistake. HOWEVER the top of the rounded box is broken, see [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/webtodesign.jpg\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/webtodesign.jpg[/a] Also - the Submit Text is VERY small. P.S. Im using IE 6. -steve