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Everything posted by steviewdr
Right - when I click on the FORUMS button on the top - it takes me to the donation page - thats ok. WHAT I DIDNT SEE was the TINY text saying "Continue to the Forums" -> this should be another button like the "Make a Donation" button IMO. Its just that I barely saw the "continue...." link. The Latest/ Next Eposide divs - are improved - but still broken in IE. ScreenGrab -> [a href=\"http://kartbuilding.net/misc/boston.jpg\" target=\"_blank\"]http://kartbuilding.net/misc/boston.jpg[/a] It just looks very off putting. As for the google ads - well change the appearance/colour of them. If they had the same bland & light colour as you have the website - they wouldnt be as noticeable. You have also too much top and bottom padding around the google ads. Move up the Main DIV closer to the google ads. Your Navigation Menu looks VERY basic and PLAIN. Get a background image or something in there. Bullets even. P.S. A small and neat Google Ads, as I have on [a href=\"http://www.kartbuilding.net/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.kartbuilding.net/[/a] is all that is required, rather than a huge div with colours etc. I must remove the google search however - it doesnt do much. Rgds, Steve
Its a little faster - but still slow. As for the css font in the left Nav - you would be doing well to get the font - yes. You could get php to draw the text using gd -just an idea. Rgds, steve
You've a lot of work to do with getjumpline.com micah. With the increase in Virtual Machine technology (xen and the now free VMWare server) you should provide a ton more information IMO. I know that your website (getjumpline) is only an "enticer" however I would like to see way more. Other sites selling Virtual Machines - advertise points like "Own you own Linux Install" and "own an ip address" and install anything you like. Humm - ive done a bit of reading on the jumpline main website and it sort of provides a gui based virtual machine. Im not quite sure what service they are offering. As Andy said - you need to mention or give an image of the GUI manager etc. As for your website - getjumpline - you need to make the top banner a little better and make the text more "punchier" and to the point. Like from reading your page even - I dont know what the service is, or the boundaries of what it provides (it could just be me tho ;-) ). -steve
Its broken a bit in IE 6, compared to firefox. The "Next Episode" is different to "Latest Episodes" - they dont line up and look offputting. Overall - very BLAND colours. I would like to see some rounded edges, and larger text. - THE TEXT IS REALLY SMALL. On your top horizontal nav - the onmouseover images are slow in replacing. As mentioned - the google ads totally muckup the website. There is WAY too much options/actions for each news item. In some cases the actions - seed etc. are more than the Article!! Whats with the ads - Please take a moment to visit our sponsor. You will be redirected to [a href=\"http://crane-poole-schmidt.com/episodeguide/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://crane-poole-schmidt.com/episodeguide/[/a] in 3 seconds. What rubbish. Anyways - works but I dont like it. The FORUMS button on the horizontal nav brings me to Donations! - what a suprise! Anyways - its a little bland IMO. More colours, images, and larger text. Rgds, Steve
Put simply - the bottleneck is YOUR hosting. As on [a href=\"http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/[/a] your site is 156Kb. Although this is large - it should not take that long to load on my end here anyways. Each of your Navigation Menu buttons are ~4Kb approx. These can be done in CSS for free! - instead of using onmouse over etc. As ober said - nice concept - needs improvement on the execution. Get a better hosting company. -steve
Ha! - what if my password contains a Quote " !! The good aul php magic_quotes kick in! A bit useless or a bit of crud. Also for all ye out there -> firefox has a built in- master encryption password for encrypting ALL passwords it stores. It requires this master password on startup or access to sites. Instructions here -> [a href=\"http://blogs.nonado.net/diamond/2006/05/28/firefox-software-security-device/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://blogs.nonado.net/diamond/2006/05/28...ecurity-device/[/a] As for this website - there is a LOT fo work to be done. You use external images or something causing it to ask me to "accept unsecure items" and when I do - lock symbol disappears. Its an idea - but I doubt it will catch on IMO. -steve
You are using WAY too many fonts - your Nav - times, your text - arial your headings - whatever it is. It does look ok-nice. Your top graphic looks very poor quality - especially the writing. HEY - FOR YOUR GALLERY - they're meant to be THUMBNAILS - do you know what THUMBNAILS are???? - you need to go to the wikipedia. Some of your thumbnails are 500Kb!!!!!!!!! Your links page with the standard Blue <a href's> bring down the quality of the website. rgds, steve
Well Im certainately not going to join just to ask a question! Here are a few tips about usability & attractability for your website -> 1. Straight away - Whats your website about/for - I dunno? - it doesnt tell me. Im not going to go reading a whole paragraph to find out what your website is about -> Ive a general idea its about computers and stuff - but what. You NEED A TITLE for your website - in a FEW words. Take forexample phpfreaks - I know its to do with php. I can get an immediate idea from the left menu. Your left menu is VERY general covering everything about computers. 2. Whats all the instructions on joining and stuff in the WELCOME area??? I would MUCH prefer to see some of the articles which are hidden down at the bottom of the page - which would attract me and entice me to read more. Anyhoo - Ill leave it at that - get a proper header/title and make the Welcome better. I know its the design - but it all looks very very light coloured - with nothing standing out for me to easily read. As for traffic - with such a GENERAL website - you wont be the first on the search engine results - you will have to build up your visitors and ratings. -steve
Its not too bad. There are a few things -> it would be better with a little interactivity - a:hover etc. The forums are nice -> however there is no link etc. to go back to your main site. Theres a lot of whitespace at the top etc. Its a little offputting. That logo in the top right is way too big IMO. Your links page looks broken in IE. In your Submit page - even though you type in your email as in: f1sh[dot]b4sh[at]gmail[dot]com, however for the <a href="mailto: emailadd" is in plain text - which robots will pick up just as easily. Overall ok -> tidy up the header and logo. reduce the whitespace a little maybe. the footer looks a little out of colour. -steve
Well by using iframes - the client will not see the ssl cert or anthing to show them that the site is/isnt secure. The login page is very very plain and bare. Rgds, Steve
Well that "Client Login Here" text is v. bad looking. Totally out of character. The length of the left div is much better. On your order page - why are you using iframes with another scrollbar?? ON FIREFOX - Go to this page and RESIZE to 800x600 ................................................... ............................. Now look at your scroll bars - ditch that iframe or whatever. To solve your images from wrapping down onto a new line - put this line into your DIV: overflow: hidden; In relation to the 3d effect on your Nav bar, jcombs is excellent at doing this subtly. My example is: [a href=\"http://www.portal.kartbuilding.net/home.html\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.portal.kartbuilding.net/home.html[/a] and a good one of jcombs is: [a href=\"http://www.multimedia-technologies.com/c3/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.multimedia-technologies.com/c3/[/a] Theres no hovers on these - but you may be able to do something. Anyways thats what I had in mind. More 3d glossy looks on another of jcombs: [a href=\"http://www.multimedia-technologies.com/index.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.multimedia-technologies.com/index.php[/a] Rgds, Steve
Hi, Mark is correct about your email on paypal: hott_guy_1989 at hotmail.com does not look professional at all at all. Anyhoo onto critique - first impressions - a nice clean business website with the usual blue look and feel. A few points: 1. your Nav is not great. I would go with a more 3d effect on the Nav. On the bar under the Nav you have a nice 3d gradient - well, ish. I would like to see the Nav bar with a 3d effect. The mouseover is too plain also. I think your Nav bar is too tall - and making your mouseovers with the dark blue look too dark. Also the sloped dark blue area just before home looks jagged, and the mouseover is too close. I had a guess about your black "more info" | "order" buttons - they are broken in IE. Your top left logo is a tad small IMO. It would be nicer a little bigger. NOW - this LEFT DIV - its way too long IMO. Why does the login need to be there? If you are going to keep it there - get rid of all the padding which is pushing everything down. Even around your Money Back Guarantee picture - there is WAY too much padding above & below. I see its all tables you are using. Pity you didnt get a better template - without the tables!! Overall - its ok. Keep the template and look and feel. Work on the Nav menu. Fix up the Left Div. With an improved top Nav & a bigger more impacting LOGO then you will be better set. That HR in your left DIV above specials looks bad - GET USING CSS. If your leaving the Login boxes there - style them. Your Products page needs to be better divided up IMO. Perhaps border *might* be an idea. Get looking at other Products pages on other websites and you'll see some ideas. Your News page will look terrible with a lot of entries. You have the date hidden at the bottom - IMO the date etc. should be on the top of a News Item. Its allright. Theres something I cant put my finger on. I dunno is it that that left DIV never changes (usually it changes - because the Left DIV is the Nav. Perhaps the picture of the telesales person should change from page to page etc.? I'll be back....! Rgds, Steve
Webdesigning and Hosting company looking for critique...
steviewdr replied to Demio's topic in Website Critique
A big improvement. However - your index page doesnt look great. That blue + dividing up the areas looks cat IMO. I also think you should NUMBER your packages. I.E. Need a Domain = 3 Premium Hosting = 1 etc. etc. I think it would help to differentiate your packages and offers etc. - again just looking a little more professional and official. On that + dividing area - it seems that the padding is messed up or something. Your other pages are fine - its just your index page is a poor show/ attraction. Also - the colour of your headings is the same as your a href's - Id like it different. Your order page - "Swiss Domain Registration Order Wizard" (http://www.swissdomainregistration.com/modernbill/order/checkout.php) looking for all the information - its a tad messy and unorganised IMO. Your error detection form (if fields are empty) is poor - no red and a ton of text. I also note your For Fraud Prevention purposes: you dont get my real IP - only my proxy server which is little good IMO. Please note also - We dont have Zip Codes in Ireland. You have them compulsory!! You dont use SSL? It would be nice to see and cost nothing IMO. Actually - do you offer SSL in your packages? - I cant see it jumping out. I only see PayPal - can I not pay with credit card? If not - I would NOT go with ye. I know paypal is easy and ok - but its hassle. Anyhoo -- keep working. -steve -
Webdesigning and Hosting company looking for critique...
steviewdr replied to Demio's topic in Website Critique
Yes - your main selling & attracting website needs a little work. 1. (this is my rule and ramblings) Large Heading text should be anti-aliased as an image. You have Very large and Text standing out at me in blue. There are other ways to attract the eye rather than large text. I would put the text in a nice image and perhaps an underline or subtle background using css - to show nicely that it is a heading. 2. Them learn more Buttons - Why is the fillet/ round so "oblong" or out of shape. A nice ordinary rounded corner on the "Learn More" would be WAY nicer (IMO of course). The SIZE of these buttons are wrong also. You have NICE nav buttons - but then you come along with these HUGE "Learn More" buttons which are coloured differrent to other buttons or text on your site. There is also too much of a gap between the Content and these Buttons. 3. Your Background IMAGES are too dark. Background images (such as the objects you are using) should only provide a "hint" or with a little focusing of the eye - be descriptive. Currently the bg.s are too dark (IMO of course) 4. Whats the Control Panel Login for???? It should be hidden and the URL emailed to clients upon sign in. I do like the photo on the HOSTING page. It looks WAY more professional that some button or background you have tried to make. I would also perhaps put a white fade around the sides of this image. Anyways Im going to leave it at that. </rant> -steve -
Overall - quite good. It grew on me a little more as I browsed through it. The bottom border is missing as Demio said. The links (nav bar) at the bottom looks stuck in. It needs more styling - perhaps the text size smaller - as its only a Nav Footer. Your website (the pages beside the index one) are short on images - IMO. I think you need some more icons and pictures to help the readers get to what they want rather than reading a bunch of text. Good tho - nice look and feel - they grey bg. grew on me - its ok now. -steve
I agree with ober. The text - php, mysql css in pale lime/green etc. It needs to be darker. The current colour of that text clashes too much with the background. -steve
Hi - its a very resourceful website - tons of tools I have bookmarked. I like especially the safair emulator which takes pictures of my website at different res's. Its always a good feeling when all of my existing sites work on safari - which I havnt been able to test. Your website could do with a little work. Perhaps putting borders on the left and right would contain the website a little better. -steve
Hi, I dont remember seeing your previous website - but yes, this one looks good. It is nice. A little dark for my liking - but is ok. Your Blockquotes (from stop to error etc) are a little thick and dark. But the icons look nice. A good start. It needs a few pages to see its flow and how the nav works. rgds, steve
Need some help on what system to use on my site
steviewdr replied to Street-Car's topic in Website Critique
Humm .... theres a fast reply option now! Anyways - hey you definately need a custom system to allow your users search by car manufacturer. It is simple to do with php & mysql - including an admin backend. There is a tutorial here on phpfreaks about a games store database (i think) Heres the URL to it: [a href=\"http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/133/0.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/133/0.php[/a] Hope you find some ideas. Best of Luck. -steve -
Need some help on what system to use on my site
steviewdr replied to Street-Car's topic in Website Critique
Well how do you want your users to browse/search for the info? Will they know what they are looking for? - If so a search will suffice. If not - then you will have to arrange your details in groups - e.g. browse by manufacturer/ alphabetical/ details (cc etc.). Drop down menus may suffice in this case. Which is it? - Search or Browse? Rgds, Steve -
Its ok - the dark gray is not a great choice - it sets a sombre tone to your website. To do that layout in CSS - it is simple out - especially as you are using fixed widths. Tables are gone - and for a reason too - they are slow. Also as wildteen pointed out - you have tons of inline styles - put them into your external css - this external file is cached on the client and will speed up your website. -steve
I know this is an old topic but here's my tupence: To prevent spam from contact froms etc. I limit the number of posts/ messages/ contacts per IP in an hour/day. The captcha way is foolproof however. -steve
Hi - a few things to note: First off - I hope you optimise your pictures - your website is 443kB !! - This is quite a lot and makes your website look poor untill fully loaded. The Crawford Communications banner and the div on top of it (login one) are way too tall IMO. I have to go way way down the page before I start reading some text. At 800X600 - 1/2 your screen is just banner. The username & password - why is this login area on a darker grey background? - Id say to run across the light grey from the left and use this light grey bg. for the login area aswell. Also your Blue Crawford Communications Div - Your Image runs out (not long enough) at my res. - 1024X1280. You might have alignment issues - the login is way up at the top right - your text stays at the bottom left. Even at 1024 X 768 - your website (text - main body area) is still very narrow. I would like to see a a:hover for your horizontal nav. - Just an underlining of the text etc. Overall it looks good - just some issues to sort out. -steve
The contact form is ok - needs a little work. You should have the Name, Email, etc... boxes completly clear once clicked on. Some people take an age to figure how to delete text ("whats the delete key they say"!). The contact form is quick - fine for me. Now on the [a href=\"http://www.cerebralstorm.net/pages/confirm\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.cerebralstorm.net/pages/confirm[/a] The contact tab on the nav menus need to be blue. What that "Actual Anaylser" - Id hope by now you have your own php user tracking system! ;) -steve
Well it is totally broken in my IE6. The corners of the small divs are square. The content (pictures etc) are way way down the page. Anyways - I'll review it so in firefox...! There is a bit of a rule about large headings - thats to make them images, where you can anti-alias the text. Its up to yourself. The small divs on the left - they need some padding for the content, i.e. Login, Register etc.. Your left container div is way too long and contains too many photos. Your main page is 1.3 MEGABYTES - WOW Have we reached an era of MASSIVE webpages or what!? The light green of the top header image doesnt match the dark green in the main divs on the right/left. The green in your main middle div - Welcome to ....... .net is a lighter shade of green than on the left/right divs also. The text in the header - planet of the gods - its a little hard to read. Its an ok website. The greens everywhere need to be matched up. -steve