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Everything posted by JonnoTheDev

  1. If you use a meta tag then the content has to be served to the client prior to the redirect. Using a 301 header on the server does not require any content to be sent to the client prior to the redirect.
  2. You shouldn't really take notice of the wattage of a speaker. 2000W doent mean it is better than a 100W. The other thing not to take notice of is a speakers PMPO, basically the power output. Both wattage and PMPO are usually used as marketing gimmiks. The number to look at is the RMS. This is the accurate measurement of the power output of the speaker over a period of time. If you are looking at stereo speakers for music then what you want to be looking at first is an amplifier. You can have the best speakers, but plugged into a crappy amp will make them no different from a lesser product.
  3. I have said this before but people who have experience are much more valued than graduates. You could come out of university and still end up with no employment. In my opinion it is good to have a certification however not always a degree. In the UK I would go down the HNC/HND route where you can also work around your education. Graduates that I have employed had knowhere near the knowledge that I would have expected and required a lot of training that unfortunately I didn't have a lot of time to give.
  4. It all depends on the size of the application. With a very simple small website you can literally jump in and start programming after you have the templates ready. With a much larger application then paper design always comes prior (by the way i'm not talking about graphical layout here, purely programming). Firstly database design. If you are using OOP then you must design your objects. UML. Then you can start creating and testing objects. Then you can start piecing the application together. Finally you test and debug.
  5. Of course. It does not have to be a poweful machine as it is just routing traffic. Get a copy of linux on it. I would use Squid proxy.
  6. There are coders of all levels on this forum
  7. Simply, someone who writes programming code, whether it be a bit or a lot. And what's the definition of 'truly code'?
  8. Just a quick random string creator. You could do this a million ways. <?php function createPassword($length = 10) { $array = array_merge(range('a','z'), range(0,10)); shuffle($array); return substr(md5(implode("", $array).microtime()),0,$length); } print createPassword(10); ?>
  9. The simplest answer is to just setup a proxy server that sits between the network computers and the router. Point all the machines at the proxy server for their gateway traffic. You can setup the proxy server to require a username & password before allowing http traffic through. The server can also provide realtime traffic and usage statistics per user. There are loads of proxies to choose from.
  10. Official Document. There are 3 levels of accessibility that you can conform to. All websites should at least meet level 1. http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/
  11. I dont know if this is possible as a virtual machine is not a true pc. You see in a network with a Windows server you would configure the DNS server via the services controls to resolve the domain name that you want to use to your local servers IP i.e 192.168.x.x = domain.top or domain.local. All the machines on the network would have their IP settings the same so that they get DNS information from the Windows server i.e Primary DNS 192.168.x.x. When they browse for www.domain.top the DNS server resolves the domain to its own IP. This is what you would do for lets say a local Intranet. If the virtual machine can have its own IP that is not the same as your own PC, then you will not be pointing your IP settings to it as a DNS server for obvious reasons, however you could add manual entries in your PC's hosts file.
  12. glossy drinks mats
  13. how dare you
  14. What level is your error reporting set at?
  15. If you get a blank page you may have an error and have error reporting switched off. Make sure it is switched on. ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); Also, performing such an operation may be more suitable via the command line rather than trying to execute through a web browser. Your script may exhaust the allocated memory limit or exceed the max execution time limit.
  16. <?php $x = "<object id=\"foo\" name=\"foo\" type=\"text/html\" data=".$_POST['flashvariable']." height=\"700\" width=\"580\"></object>"; print $x; ?>
  17. Nothing. Its just your work is not a way of life, hence that statement being totally untrue.
  18. You can tell i'm crap at maths! Ah bitwise operator. Never used that before. PFMaBiSmAd, rewrite it buddy.
  19. Absolutely. You would not have a life if it was.
  20. I get a result of 72. Play about with it. <?php $variables['l1'] = 100; $variables['l2'] = 50; $variables['x'] = 60; $variables['y'] = 30; $result = ((($variables['l1'] ^ 2) - ($variables['l2'] ^ 2)) + (($variables['x'] ^ 2) + ($variables['y'] ^ 2))) / 2; echo $result; ?>
  21. I think you have OCD! Get a hobby away from a computer. Computers rot your brain.
  22. Really. Do you get paid before 9 and after 5?
  23. 29. Now get off Nightslyr's lawn, damn kids! *shakes cane too*
  24. Could be one of these http://arts.guardian.co.uk/netmusic/page/0,,1127237,00.html
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