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Posts posted by wildteen88

  1. Yes, you need to dynamically generate your query, eg.

    $domains_list = implode("','", array_map('trim', $lines));
    $query = "SELECT domain FROM domains WHERE domain IN('$domains_list')";
    $result = mysql_query($query);

    That will query the database for all entered domains.


    You should validate the domains the user has entered. Drop any invalid domains before querying the database.

  2. Your quotes are the wrong way round

    $username = $assoc['username'];


    Also this line will return an error too because you have left off ")); at the end of it

    $parseRank = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ranks WHERE id = '{$ranknum}'


  3. If you have named your submit button in your form then check for the $_POST['submit_button_name'] variable in exists in upload.php, eg

         // add the code for uploading the images here
        // display error or redirect back to form.php here

  4. Only guessing but maybe change

    		$information[] = array($action, $action_details[$k]);


    		$information[$action][] = $action_details[$k];


    If not what is $news['action_id'] and $news['details'] set to?

  5. The basic code I gave you does what you want, you need to modify it slightly so it works with your existing code. I'm not going to do this for you. If you want someone else to modify your existing code you need to post in freelance board.

  6. i have been working with a website but only locally. i am now trying to put it online which is ok. when i was working with it locally i have been able to create multiple users which have different privileges to each page. for example i said one of my users can only read and the other can read write.

    the problem is when i have went to create these users online i can't seem to find the create user option in phpmyadmin.


    i am missing the obvious or will i have to code them in and if so can you direct me to a tutorial which shows me how.


    thanks in advance     

    That sounds to me you are creating new MySQL user accounts for each user that registers to your site? You should not be doing this.


    Your user accounts should be stored within your own database. And code your own system for logging in users.

  7. For example I want a username to include only letters and numbers so I ideally want to strip out any white space, illegal characters such as " ' ( ) etc...

    Using mysql_real_escape_string will help to prevent sql injection attacks.


    My issue with this is with the password, I would ideally like the user to be able to put as complex a password as they would like, so how would i prevent against illegal characters in this instance??

    Just encrypt the password straight away using md5 or sha1 encryption. These only return hashes that contain letters and numbers regardless of what characters the user has in their passwords. Example

    echo sha1('mybad"password"');
    echo "<br />";
    echo md5('mybad"password"')

    Will return the following hashes

    107577e77c5ef454152af92f84ab36f5a9fdae75 <- sha1 hash
    0c2f336b9977f0c40f1782e43f57e2e2 <- md5 hash


  8. This is the basic code you'll need to authenticate a user from a database

        $username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['access_login']);
        $password = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['access_password']);
        $query = "SELECT user_login_username, user_login_password FROM user WHERE  user_login_username = '$username', user_login_password = '$username'";
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        // check that the query executed
            // check that the query returned a result.
            if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1)
                // user entered correct username/password credentials
                // consider them logged in
                $_SESSION['isLoggedIn'] = true;
                $_SESSION['username']   = $username;
            // No results was returned. Display error message
                echo "Sorry the username/password you entered is incorrect";
        // query failed for some reason, probably due to an error lets see why
            die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error() . '<br />Query: ' . $query);


    That code should be enough. However when dealing with passwords you should be storing them in their encrypted form rather than as plain text. The most popular are MD5 or SHA1 hashes. If you decide to store the users passwords in encrypted form you'll need to modify the code so it compares the passwords in their encrypted form rather than plain text. If the passwords are stored in the database as md5 hases then you'll chang the following line

        $password = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['access_password']);


        $password = md5($_POST['access_password']);

    Now query will compare the hashes.


    Now to check if a user is logged in you'd use the following code in any page that requires the user to be logged in.

    if(!isset(_SESSION['isLoggedIn']) || (isset($_SESSION['isLoggedIn']) && $_SESSION['isLoggedIn'] != true))
         header('Location login.php');

  9. Remove the highlighted quote.

    echo "<a href='bio.php?shortName='" . $shortName . "'><img src='/images/spotlight/".$img[rand(0, (count($img)-1))]."' alt=Spotlight border=0 /></a>";

    This is ending the link too early and thus the shortname is not shown in the url.


    Also a neater to way to do $img[rand(0, (count($img)-1))]. would be to use array_rand

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