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Posts posted by wildteen88

  1. Your query here is all wrong

    $q2 = "SELECT fname,sname FROM student WHERE $rsconfirm = 'sno'";

    That code will produce the following query

    SELECT fname,sname FROM student WHERE Array = 'sno'

    That query will tell MYSQL to fetch the fname and sname fields from the student table where the field Array equals sno.


    What you want to do is use a JOIN, Example query

    SELECT student.fname, 
    FROM student
    LEFT JOIN student_course
        ON (student_course.sno = student.sno)
    WHERE student_course.cid = $cid

    Your fixed code

        $cid = (int) $_GET['cid'];
        $query = "SELECT student.fname, 
                  FROM student
                  LEFT JOIN student_course
                      ON (student_course.sno = student.sno)
                  WHERE student_course.cid = $cid";
        $result = mysql_query($q);
            if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
                echo 'Student\'s Signed up to course: <b>' . $row['cname'] . '</b><br />';
                while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
                    echo $row['fname'] . ' ' . $row['sname'] . '<br />';
                echo "No results returned!";
            echo "Problem with the query: <pre>$query</pre>Error: " . mysql_error();



  2. What do want to the results to be ordered by? The cust_id field in numerical order

    SELECT cust_id, customer FROM customerinfo ORDER BY cust_id ASC

    or the customers field in alphabetical order?

    SELECT cust_id, customer FROM customerinfo ORDER BY customer ASC


    if you don't specify an order it will just return the results in the order they where added into the database.

  3. You just need to separate your queries


    // get the cid
    $cname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['cname']); 
    $getCID = "SELECT cid FROM course WHERE cname='$cname'";
    $result = mysql_query($getCID);
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
        $course_id = $row['cid'];
         // add the student to the course_student table
         $addCID = 'INSERT INTO course_student (cid, sno) VALUES(' . $row['cid'] . ', ' . $YOUR_STUDENT_ID_VARIABLE . ')';
         mysql_query($addCID) or die('Error:' . mysql_error());


    Or If the student is already within your course_student table then you'll run an update query

    $addCID = 'UPDATE course_student SET cid=' . $row['cid'] . ' WHERE sno=' . $YOUR_STUDENT_ID_VARIABLE;

  4. You're sort of one the right track. The issue you have is variables are not parsed within single quotes. You should instead concatenate your variable into the string

    $files = glob( './docs/' . $row_fullname['department'] . '/*.*' );
    foreach ( $files as $file )
            '<a href="./docs/' . $row_fullname['department'] . '/' . basename( $file ) . '"target="_blank">'
            . basename( $file ) . '</a><br />';

  5. If my code is outputting

    SELECT * FROM products WHERE keywords LIKE '%testtest%'

    Then I don't think you're using my code correctly. As my code should be generating your query as

    SELECT * FROM products WHERE keywords LIKE '%test%' OR keywords LIKE '%test%'


    How I tested my code

    $search_exploded = explode(' ', 'test test');
    $searches = array();
    foreach($search_exploded as $search_each)
        $searches[] =  "keywords LIKE '%$search_each%'";
    $construct = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE " . implode(' OR ' , $searches);
    echo $construct;

  6. Hi there i have an array that catches all appropriate records from my database and selects a random row which is then outputted as a hyperlink.

    If all you're doing is wanting to displaying a random row. Then there is no need to get all the rows from mysql and then choose a random row with PHP. MySQL can select a random row, example query.

    SELECT * FROM ships WHERE PlayerName = %s AND Class=%s AND Template='1' ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1

  7. Change your foreach loop to

     $searches = array();
    foreach($search_exploded as $search_each)
        $searches[] =  "keywords LIKE '%$search_each%'";
    $construct = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE " . implode(' OR ' , $searches);

  8. if the sno field auto_increments you'd do

              mysql_query($sql) or die('Error:' . mysql_error());
              $sno_id = mysql_inser_id();

    $student_id will now hold the id of the student just inserted into your database.


    You can assign $student_id to a session so you have access to it throughout your site.

    $_SESSION['student_id'] = $student_id;

    In order for sessions to work properly make sure you call session_start as the first line of your PHP scripts.


  9. I think the issue is to do with the onClick attribute

    ... <a href="#" onClick="CCPEVE.showInfo{1377, 359320675}>StyphonUK</a> ...

    Notice you have left of the closing double quote after the } and before the >. That could be the issue.



    		echo "<td><a href=\"#\" onClick=\"CCPEVE.showInfo{1377, " . $charId . "}>" . $charName . "</a></td>";


    		echo "<td><a href=\"#\" onClick=\"CCPEVE.showInfo{1377, " . $charId . "}\">" . $charName . "</a></td>";

  10. The real reason for that error will be logged within your sites error log. That error usually occurs due to problem with the servers configuration. PHP may also trigger the error if there is a problem in your script. Bluehost should provide a facility for viewing your logs.

  11. You'll need to use a third foreach loop to echo the key/value pairs for the  $products['pens']['sex'] array


    foreach ($products as $section => $items)
    foreach ($items as $key => $value)
    	echo "$section:\t$key\t($value)<br>";
    	// check whether the current item is an array!
    		echo "$key is sub array:<br />";
    		foreach($value as $subKey => $subValue)
    			echo "$subKey:\t$subValue<br />";

  12. I don't thing you can use the matches returned from regex to call a variable/array item. Instead you'll need to use preg_replace_callback. Example

    $array[1] = 'test';
    $array[23] = 'foobar';
    $content = 'test-23<br /><br />test-1';
    $match = preg_replace_callback('|test-([0-9]+)|',
                                    create_function('$matches', 'global $array; return $array[$matches[1]];'),

  13. One way you can do it is with CSS. Add a new stylesheet to your webpage that is only used for printing (make sure you give it the media type of print), eg

    <link rel="stylesheet"   type="text/css"   media="print" href="print.css" />

    What will happen now is your web browser will apply the styles within print.css and override the css defined in your main stylesheet.


    Or in PHP just create a new file which only outputs the bare minimum data needed for printing.

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