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Everything posted by benanamen

  1. Md5 is insecure. Dont use it for passwords period. There are several threads on this forum that will give you details about what you should be using.
  2. You are concatenating the first $headers2. $headers2 .= Why are you posting the same exact thing to this forum when you were already provided answers on another site forum? The answers are not going to be any different here.
  3. You need to learn about JOINS. You are also using deprecated code that will not work at all in the latest version of Php. You need to use PDO with prepared statements. I believe your database design may be wrong as well. Post an SQL dump of your database.
  4. Only when it is checked? If so, look here: http://jsfiddle.net/QqVCu/14/
  5. You posted before I deleted it. I got confused seeing the makepass function in his post which appears to have nothing whatsoever to do with this thread.
  6. *Edit: Confused answer with the makePass function.
  7. #wine_club_selection { height:200px; width:800px; border: thin solid #F00; }
  8. Why would you even create such a cluster <?=str_rot13("shpx"); ?> ?
  9. If someone is signed up, are they not logged in when they make a purchase?
  10. Why do you need paypal to send you information you already have?
  11. The column type should be 'date' and the date should be in the format YYY-MM-DD, ie. 2015-12-25. You can use Mysql's STR_TO_DATE to update the data in your DB and then change the column type.
  12. Lets start with the DB design. What are Students and what are Administrators? They are People. Depending on exactly what your doing and what you may do in the future, you could have problems splitting 'People' into two tables which it seems you are already at. Students and Administrators are roles the people play. It is very possible for an Administrator to be a Student and a Student to be an Administrator. The result of that would be duplicating data which violates Database Normalization. What you would want to do is have a 'persons' table with all the people in it, a role table with Administrator and Student as role options, person_role table with the person.person_id and role.role_id. This will allow for unlimited persons with unlimited roles to grow infinitely just by adding a new person and a new role. Get to this point and we can go from there.
  13. Here is where we are going for a simple problem Rube Goldberg anyone?
  14. Just one thing that wasn't mentioned, it is called a user-defined variable in case you or someone else wants to look it up.
  15. For gawd sake, why do you people continue to insist to do things the wrong way. You have a whole team with a combined hundreds of years of expertise at your fingertips telling you how things need to be done right and you still insist to do it the wrong way and then want to attack the people that are helping you for FREE! SHAME ON YOU!
  16. It means exactly what it says. There is no table with that name. Replace that with a table name that exists or create a new table. Try blog_members
  17. Complete working demo: <html><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <link href="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link href="http://pingendo.github.io/pingendo-bootstrap/themes/default/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head><body> <div> <!-- Nav tabs --> <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"> <li role="presentation" class="active"><a href="#home" aria-controls="home" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Home</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a href="#profile" aria-controls="profile" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Profile</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a href="#messages" aria-controls="messages" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Messages</a></li> <li role="presentation"><a href="#settings" aria-controls="settings" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Settings</a></li> </ul> <!-- Tab panes --> <div class="tab-content"> <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="home">Home</div> <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="profile">Profile</div> <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="messages">Messages</div> <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="settings">Settings</div> </div> </div> <p> * Links must be copy/pasted to address bar. Will not work clicking here.<br> <a href="#home">Home Link From Outside</a><br> <a href="#profile">Profile Link From Outside</a><br> <a href="#mesages">Messages Link From Outside</a><br> <a href="#settings">Settings Link From Outside</a> </p> <script> var hash = window.location.hash; hash && $('ul.nav a[href="' + hash + '"]').tab('show'); $('.nav-tabs a').click(function (e) { $(this).tab('show'); var scrollmem = $('body').scrollTop(); window.location.hash = this.hash; $('html,body').scrollTop(scrollmem); }); </script> </body></html>
  18. Okay, my bad. The tabs are not standard bookmarks. Add this Java-script to your page, then doing a normal bookmark URL as previously talked about will work. I have tested this. First new thing I learned this year. <script> var hash = window.location.hash; hash && $('ul.nav a[href="' + hash + '"]').tab('show'); $('.nav-tabs a').click(function (e) { $(this).tab('show'); var scrollmem = $('body').scrollTop(); window.location.hash = this.hash; $('html,body').scrollTop(scrollmem); }); </script>
  19. Why, oh why do people not pay attention on here. You have a tab problem all by it self, let alone any redirecting.
  20. The problem is his bootstrap tab code is wrong. Nothing to do with the redirect. OP, Your bootstrap tab code is wrong. Start with the code sample provided by bootstrap and make sure Tabs are working with the default tab code, then you can integrate your additional code.
  21. @Ani123, No, no, no! You dont loop through the data twice.
  22. I dont know what this redirect is you have. It should be header with Location. You have not shown how you have the bookmark setup. If this doesnt work, your bookmarks are not done correctly. Bookmarks are simple. Bookmark Link: <a href="#C4">Jump to Chapter 4</a> Bookmark Target: <h2 id="C4">Chapter 4</h2> die(header("Location: edit_project.php?id={$project['id']}#bookmark"));
  23. He is using bootstrap. Op, look up and learn how to use a html bookmarks and linking to them. That is the answer to your question. Basically your URL will be page.php#bookmark Or page.php?id=123#bookmark
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