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Everything posted by trq

  1. You could either do.... $stripslashes_description = stripslashes($row_questions['description']); $stripslashes_description = nl2br($stripslashes_description); or the equivalent: $description = nl2br(stripslashes($row_questions['description']));
  2. Probably best to post them in the third party script board considering you didn't write the code.
  3. The error is pretty self explanatory is it not?
  4. It could be as simple as a copy and paste, but it might not be either.
  5. wtf? You could likely execute some underlying command via exec that will get you similar information. Not sure what that command would be though, I'm not a windows user.
  6. That error has nothing to do with the sys_getloadavg() function.
  7. You can't have a form submit to two locations. You will need to combine the code in both scripts into one file.
  8. trq


    From the DateTime class man page:
  9. What does the outputted html source look like? eg; Right click-> View Source.
  10. A return value of true just means that the function succeeded. The only way you'll know if it actually left will be to check the mail server logs, and the only way to check if it arrived would be to look in the inbox, or trash or spam or wherever.
  11. Ive been using Jira for the last 12 months or so. The best I've seen, gets expensive though.
  12. I use subversion. http://subversion.apache.org
  13. The totals are all a bit mixed when you look at the actual db. mysql> select posts from smf_members where member_name = 'thorpe' limit 1; +-------+ | posts | +-------+ | 23201 | +-------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select count(id_msg) from smf_messages where poster_name = 'thorpe' limit 1; +---------------+ | count(id_msg) | +---------------+ | 22931 | +---------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) mysql> select count(id_msg) from smf_messages where poster_name = 'thorpe' AND subject LIKE '%MOVED%' limit 1; +---------------+ | count(id_msg) | +---------------+ | 1515 | +---------------+ 1 row in set (2.28 sec)
  14. A better option would be to automate your build process. Assuming your using a version control system (which you should be) it wouldn't be too difficult to ftp or scp your files to each server when there is a commit.
  15. There is no way of doing this without placing the files in question within a specific drive and network mounting it. Making a request for the file via http will simply have the remote server execute the php and send you the resulting output.
  16. It does seem excessive but, KingPhilip had been a mod (?), so allot of posts could be out of view or even just simple 'thread moved' posts. I haven't time atm or I'd run a query or two and take a look. I know for a fact that something like 30% of my posts are those 'topic moved' things.
  17. Wer need to see more code, are you within <?php ?> tags?
  18. That is a terrible method of querying a database. Absolutely no error handling. Try: <?php include('includes/session.php'); if ($result = mysql_query("SELECT text FROM text WHERE id = '1'")) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { echo mysql_result($result, 0); } else { echo "No records found"; } } else { trigger_error(mysql_error()); } ps: You don't actually expect the stored php to execute do you?
  19. trq


    You use nl2br when you retrieve and display the data back from the database.
  20. Further test reveal that normal links are indeed working within IE (not FF), but the anchor type one are still broken. Funny thing is, within FF they link's don't even have the cursor set as a pointer. its like there not being recognized as links at all. Yet, within the attach method. If I change: $(ops.stage).fadeIn(ops.fade, function() { $(ops.stage).find('a[href^="#"]').click(attach); }); to: $(ops.stage).fadeIn(ops.fade, function() { $(ops.stage).find('a[href^="#"]').each(function() { console.log($(this)); }); }); The anchors are displayed.
  21. Hmmm. I stand corrected. Sqlite returns 'misuse of aggregate function MAX()' Looks like it should work.
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