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Everything posted by trq

  1. You haven't really explained what $row['login'] holds, but a simple example would be..... echo "<a href='page.php'>{$row['login']}</a>";
  2. The code underneath is the same for clean urls, vs the style that you are currently using. The directories don't actually exist, its a trick done with Apache's mod_rewrite.
  3. Take a look at the find commands manual. man find
  4. I'm not here to pump out code for people. Take a look at jQuery's toggle method. You could easily apply that to a button which would switch the 'newwindow' var from 'on' to 'off'.
  5. Would be easy enough to do using jQuery. Something like.... var newwindow = 'on'; // set this via a form or whatever. $(document).ready(function() { $('a').each(function() { if (newwindow == 'on') { $(this).attr('target', '_blank'); } else { $(this).attr('target', '_self'); } }); });
  6. Centos and Fedora both use the same package manager and can both install rpm's. Ubuntu uses Debian's package manager and requires deb packages.
  7. This has what to do with the installation & configuration of php?
  8. Well said. There's been books around for PHP6 for 2 years. Its just publishers & authors trying to cash in by selling a 'new' book.
  9. I would probably try... if ( is_feed() || isset($this->_playerAdded[$post->ID]) || get_option('pod_player_location') == '' )
  10. Your really think were going to go through all that code? How about narrowing it down to say... line 214.
  11. Its up to you really. Its probably going to make your site little clunky compared to what can be achieved with a server-side, client-side combination but it will also make your site more accessible (not that many people have js disabled these days). Maybe you should have a look at one of the Javascript frameworks. jQuery (http://jquery.com) really does make Ajax & DOM manipulation very simple.
  12. So... back to my first question.
  13. Did you look at the links in the previous post?
  14. $userid and $username are not available within your function. You'll need to pass them in as arguments. function validate_User($userid, $username) { session_regenerate_id (); $_SESSION['open'] = 1; $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid; $_SESSION['username'] = $username; } $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $userid = $row['userid']; $username = $row['username']; validateUser($userid, $username);
  15. The only variable defined within that script is $from, where exactly are the rest defined? If your expecting them to be automatically sent by your form, that feature / bug was disabled in default php installations almost 10 years ago. You'll want to look at the $_POST array.
  16. You cannot set the path to a file the a user is going to upload. It must be done by the client.
  17. echo "<?php\";"; echo "\$con = mysql_connect(\"localhost\",\"forum\",\"password\");"; echo "mysql_close(\$con)"; echo "?>";
  18. What steps are you taking to change the hostname?
  19. Why not post the problematic code so that we might help you fix it?
  20. What is there to explain? If the 'Smarty.class.php' file is within a directory which is on your include_path the above code will include it into your code. Do you know what the include_path is? Take a look at set_include_path & get_include_path. the include path is where you should put any libraries so they are easy to include.
  21. Most MVC implementations Ive seen in PHP have one access point (the front controller) which will then hand over responsibility to individual action controllers.
  22. What does getimage.exe actually return? copy expects a path to a file. If I where you I would get rid of this getimage.exe file all together. it doesn't sound like its doing anything that can't be done in php alone.
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