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Everything posted by trq

  1. If its a fee service it is likely disabled. You can check via phpinfo. You can set error reporting up at runtime by placing the following at the top of all your scripts. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL) ; ini_set('display_errors', '1'); ?>
  2. There isn't two teams. Its just that third party problems are generally harder to help with for the reasons I posted above. If you posted your question in two boards, one would get removed as it is against our rules.
  3. You need to have allow_url_fopen enabled within your php configuration. Make sure you have error reporting and display errors setup while developing too.
  4. file_get_contents should suffice.
  5. trq

    news logic

    How about you be a bit more specific with your problem?
  6. trq

    news logic

    That would completely depend on your spec. Store them along with a timestamp.
  7. trq

    news logic

    When you add new news it becomes current and all other news becomes old.
  8. Read my first response.
  9. Is nerc_1.php uner your control? What does it contain? Sessions do not persist across domains.
  10. Yes, some languages use a dot php uses -> to refer to a method or property of an object.
  11. Subversion is a version control system allowing developers to checkout projects, then to update the repository with there changes. Version control is an essential tool when working in groups (personally I use it even when working alone). There are many issue trackers around (I use one called Jira by http://atlassian.com, though there are plenty of free ones). These allow you to post bugs, feature requests, proposals whatever.... and have each feature (whatever) tracked through various stages of implementation. Again, these are another way of making sure you don't tread on each others toes. A dev can login, assign a task to himself then go about there work knowing that know one else is doing the same task.
  12. The first thing I would be doing is setting up a Subversion server and an Issue tracker.
  13. Allot of the time people using these 'third party scripts' do so because they don't know enough about php to write them themselves. This inevitably leads to these threads being allot more difficult to resolve becasue: Firstly, you have an OP who doesn't know what there doing. Secondly, there using code that they don't know the ins and outs of. Thirdly, because of the reasons above its hard to get credible information from the OP or relevant code posted. Basically, supporting 'third party scripts' sux, unless you know what your doing and your the one who is actually using the code.
  14. Well, there really isn't any shortcuts I'm afraid. If 'vanilla' was using a MVC approach you might have more luck but most forums aren't that well designed.
  15. Even when php is installed as a cgi (which your obviously is) it shouldn't require the shebang line. I would be speaking to the server admins, it is quite obviously a misconfiguration.
  16. Not really. Most people however would place 'include' files into a sub directory or something but nothing is set in stone.
  17. Looks like you don't have the soap extension enabled.
  18. You need to either copy the library folder (containing Zend) to your C:\ drive (and leave your include path as is), or place C:\ on your include path (and remove C:\Zend). Then, if you haven't (and are not going to) actually bootstrapped any Zend application your going to need to include the class yourself. <?php require_once 'Zend\Service\LiveDocx\MailMerge.php'; $phpLiveDocx = new Zend_Service_LiveDocx_MailMerge(); $phpLiveDocx->setUsername('******') ->setPassword('******'); $phpLiveDocx->setLocalTemplate('template.docx'); $phpLiveDocx->assign('Name', 'Mr. B') ->assign('Venue', 'Radisson SAS') ->assign('Date','06/07/08') ->assign('NumberofPeople', '10'); $phpLiveDocx->createDocument(); $document = $phpLiveDocx->retrieveDocument('pdf'); file_put_contents('document.pdf', $document); ?>
  19. You might want to take a look at date.
  20. Take a look at file_put_contents & file_get_contents.
  21. Store it in a text file then.
  22. Generally content (text) is stored within a database and dynamically added to web pages from there.
  23. Tortoise is an svn client (a pretty crap one at that). Are you looking up setting up a server?
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