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Everything posted by trq

  1. I'm not sure there are open-source licenses like that around. Generally, your free to modify and then redistribute the modified code as long as the original author is still credited and the original license remains n place.
  2. trq


    Your not exactly describing your issue very well, but it sounds to me like your design is floored somewhere. I have a CMS that runs multiple (currently almost 300) web sites. Know where within this system do I need to store php within a database or allow clients to edit any php.
  3. Not daft, but you haven't really explained what you want to do with this data.
  4. The reason it is being converted to an object is because you are referencing it using ->.
  5. While I agree with you in theory, the best thing about using a framework is you don't need to know the ins and outs of what goes on behind he scenes, you only need to know the frameworks API. jQuery makes Ajax and dom manipulation an absolute breeze. All the hard work & cross browser stuff is all taken care of.
  6. I meant the documentation for the plugin itself, not jQuery (not that w3schools is much of a reference for anything). See http://www.ndoherty.biz/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2, the crossLinking option in particular. You need to turn it off. Not sure how to set options? Something like.... $('#yourdiv').codaSlider({crossLinking: false});
  7. Your over complicating things. $ptdbResultsArray = array(); while ($ptdbRow = mssql_fetch_assoc($ptdbResult)) { $ptdbResultsArray[] = $ptdbRow; } foreach ($ptdbResultsArray as $row) { echo implode('|', $row) . "<br />"; }
  8. Days? Off the top of my head there isn't a setting that would create such an effect. Can we see some code?
  9. Really though, it could be anything. I've made and sold POS systems developed in Python. In fact I still would be if my partner hadn't.... well, anyway.
  10. Sorry, but I still don't understand your question / issue at all.
  11. Your use of variable variables is making this look more complicated than likely need be. I'm really not sure what your asking. And why the need for variable variables? Arrays are for more efficient and much easier to read.
  12. Have you looked at the documentation? Ive never used this piece of Js yet was able to track down what you are looking for in less than 30 seconds.
  13. While continuous integration tools can help put profiling information into context, you probably want to start with the actual profiler / debuger they use. http://xdebug.org
  14. Why not ask the people who make it?
  15. Different people learn in different ways but I would suggest learning the basics, then moving onto more advanced stuff. You need to learn progressively in order to understand how things really work. There is a free book in my signature (Hudzilla) that will guide you from simple beginnings to more complex topics. If you read that start to finish (without skipping ahead) you will surely be off to a good start.
  16. Considering its done client side, all code is available for everyone to see. This (http://method.com/#/work/brand//js/paging/lib_columns.js) file is of particular relevance to your question.
  17. Mind posting some relevant code?
  18. Like all things, this is covered in the manual. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/ssi.html
  19. That was the only method I had in mind. Not exactly efficient, but it will work.
  20. You can't easily do this, its just not logical.
  21. The first error indicates that you are attempting to access an array index (called password) that does not exist. You should always check indexes exist before accessing them. The second error is the most common of all errors. See the 'header errors' sticky at the top of this board.
  22. Nope. I still don't see any question in your post.
  23. Your missing the $ from both instances of the $password variable.
  24. There are heaps of simple ajax examples around. I would recommend using a framework though, they make things allot simpler. Check out http://jquery.com
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