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Everything posted by trq

  1. You need to pass $dbhandle to mssql_init not $selected.
  2. The easiest way is to do it via enterprise manager. Is there a reason you need to do this via php?
  3. Who cares, its a ridiculous design. You don't even need a separate table. Just have a flag set for each user if they have been verified or not.
  4. The online manual is the best reference, but you can also download it if you need too. Once again, its all in the manual: http://www.php.net/download-docs.php
  5. And why on earth are you using to databases?
  6. Look at this line..... $sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_name(confirm_code, name, email, password, country)VALUES('$confirm_code', '$name', '$email', '$password', '$country')"; Where is $password defined?
  7. It is nowhere to be seen in that piece of code.
  8. You cannot output anything to the browser prior to calling the header() function. Its all covered in the sticky at the top of this board.
  9. There is an example in the manual that should be pretty straight forward to change from file storage to database. http://php.net/manual/en/function.session-set-save-handler.php
  10. Yes, That is the password of the user [$password] But $pass and $pass2 is the vars to connect to the db'S in CONFIRM.PHP only after the confirmation link are clicked Well, I don't see it defined anywhere in that script.
  11. The best thing to do with Zend (or any framework really) is to create your own directory for your libraries and keep everything in there, using the same conventions as Zend. The easiest place to put this is probably within the library directory right next to the Zend directory.
  12. The models directory is not on your include path.
  13. In SIGNUP_AC.PHP, your INSERT statement inserts a variable called $password. Where is this variable defined?
  14. Pretty vague question, but using jQuery it could be as simple as.... <a class="adder" href="#">Add New</a> <script> $('.adder').click(function() { $('.adder').after('<input type="text" name="in[]">'); }); </script>
  15. A class defines the characteristics and behaviors of a single thing (an object). You are inadvertently jamming unrelated functionality within this object. OOP is not something that is going to be explained in a single post, maybe you should invest in a good book on the subject?
  16. Sweet, its a much better approach.
  17. None that would be particularly efficient or well designed, its not part of the language. The classkit extension may be of use, but it will make your scripts unportable across servers. That sounds like a terrible idea.
  18. Execute both a call to mysql_query & mail within the same script passing them whatever data you require.
  19. Whatever you just posted is not valid, nor an array. More like.... <?php $store = array(); $var1 = 'var1'; $var2 = 'var2'; $var3 = 'var3'; $store[$var1][$var2][$var3] = 'new variable'; ?> I really think your over complicating for no reason / benefit.
  20. Variable variables are far less efficient than using arrays. And the bigger more complicated your program is the more this (efficiencies) and readability will matter. I urge you to rethink your logic.
  21. You can't do this. And in all seriousness, your classes shouldn't really be that large that they would ever need it.
  22. Heading down this path makes for hard to maintain code. Why exactly do you think this is required?
  23. $band is a file handle resource, you need to pass it to fread.
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