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Everything posted by trq

  1. All you need to do is execute a SELECT statement that looks for the given email within your database, if not found proceed, otherwise, display some message saying the email is already in use.
  2. There's not really much you can do server side. This is a client side (browser) setting.
  3. Its been a long while since I've used Zend and there could be a more standard way of doing it but, if you want your Models directory on your path you need to add it. set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array( realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library'), realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/Model'), get_include_path(), ))); Also, your models directory should be named Model and the albums.php file should be named Albums.php
  4. Is application/models on your include path ?
  5. Your getSettings() method is not static. meaning it cannot be called using the :: syntax. You really need to be developing with error_reporting set to E_ALL and display errors on. You might also want to give using classes a miss for a while because your not really adding any benefit to your programs design the way you are using them. In fact, until you have a greater understanding, I think they are the source of allot of your confusion.
  6. If the value is empty why are you using var_dump() on it? it is var_dump() that produces string(0) ""
  7. $this->link = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass);
  8. I'm really not sure what your asking. You've written a rough spec, all you need to do is translate that into code. If your stuck there, you'll likely need to post your request looking for a programmer within the freelance board.
  9. Your original code isn't incorrect, but generally its bad practice to echo data or even produce html within functions unless of course that is the actual intention of the function. For instance, a function called getCatigorys(), should return an array of data, not a html drop down. What if you want to use the same functionality within a script that produces XML? However, you could have another function called arrayToDropDown() that is specifically designed to make a dropdown from an array. Combing these two functions now gives you all the functionality you need to make a dropdown from a simple query while still keeping all the functionality separate enough to be reusable.eg; <?php arrayToDropDown(getCatigorys()); ?>
  10. You never echo the value within the $config array so it shouldn't be working at all. <a href="<?php echo $config->base['url_path']; ?>messaging">Messaging</a>
  11. Yeah, I am aware that is down. I'm in the middle of rebuilding my server. Thanks for the reminder to remove it from my sig.
  12. You might want to post the code that actually makes these weird links.
  13. The link works fine for me, http://www.hudzilla.org/phpwiki
  14. As I said, there is a link in my signature. Click it.
  15. There is a book in my signature (Hudzilla) that has chapters on handling forms and sending emails. I suggest you start there, though you really should learn some basics first.
  16. If you don't need php configured just install Apache. It is a web (http/s) server.
  17. I'm not asking how to setup a local php server, so please take your link and get the heck out of my thread! You need to stop spamming peoples threads with a link to lmgtfy, especially when it holds no significance to the question in-hand. You are asking how to setup a local server configured to execute php though.
  18. You can pass arguments to a cli php script in the standard way. phpscript.php argument1 These arguments will end up within the $_argc array within your script.
  19. I don't see anywhere where you actually set $theme->var['test']
  20. Please, have a read of the sticky at the top of this board.
  21. The header function expects a url, not a file system path.
  22. I have been attending gigs for a long while, have played guitar for longer than you have been alive and am fairly versed in production techniques after playing in bands and producing music for more than 15 years. These guys can't hold a note, it really is that simple. Ive seen better performances at my local pup. How's your band called? Or what are the names of some of your albums? The last band I was in was called Dat65 (we split in 2005-6), we released two EP's (ten foot maniac, this is not a life saving device), no albums. You won't find them online.
  23. I have been attending gigs for a long while, have played guitar for longer than you have been alive and am fairly versed in production techniques after playing in bands and producing music for more than 15 years. These guys can't hold a note, it really is that simple. Ive seen better performances at my local pup.
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