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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. If the Exchange server has IMAP export enabled, you can use any IMAP-ready email client, or you can use Evolution, the Outlook workalike, with the evolution-exchange backend. Check your package manager for the packages you need.
  2. Really? That's odd. That's never the case! My university strongly advises all members of the campus community against using IE. Have you found a fix that doesn't hinge on not using IE, or otherwise forcing the user to make the change? If not, how about this: Is it necessary to check for the submit button? Instead of checking: if(isset($_POST['add_group'])) would it work to check this? if(isset($_POST['text_entry_field'])) You'd have to make sure that the name of the text entry field is unique, and that it would indicate that you're coming from the correct form.
  3. Good enough. As long as one counterexample exists, then the rule is broken. The rule being "y can't sound like i", in this case.
  4. Ah, the crazy words that make it into the dictionary... :-\
  5. Mmm. Okay. Gonna play with my yo-yo brb. By the way, do you do any yoga? And do you eat any yellow foods? I'm going to have to side with Azu, obsidian... can you provide some examples where a y sounds like a long (as in wine) or short (as in fish) i? I can think of plenty where it sounds like a long e, but none of the former two. Edit: I just thought of a name that uses y as a long i (Kyle), but I'm not sure if names count in this context.
  6. You need to install exaile with USE="mad". "mad" and "mp3" are common USE flags for mp3 support, but unfortunately, they're not unified. (A flaw, in my opinion.) The "mad" USE flag will pull gst-plugins-mad.
  7. And scuba = self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.
  8. WYSIWYG - wizzywig. And regarding PostgreSQL: I just say "Postgres". It's appropriate, too, since the name is derived from "post-ingres", where ingres was the dominant storage mechanism in use at the time of PostgreSQL's inception.
  9. Not sure. I know for sure though that I wouldn't use a program just because it's expensive. Vista Ultimate is expensive and I wouldn't touch it with a bamboo pole >.> I agree on the Vista thing, but that's a little different than what roopurt meant - making that analogy is assuming that you wouldn't want to touch Photoshop with a ten-foot pole. Photoshop is an awesome program, therefore, I would expect him to take get his money's worth out of it.
  10. It seems to me that if an application can edit images, it can create them as well... Just as a quick example, I made my avatar in The Gimp. Yes, it is - I'd forgotten about Inkscape.
  11. After further research, every dictionary I've looked in says that there are actually three: dā'tə - I hear this one most often. The first a is pronounced as in "same". dă'tə - I hear this very often, but not as often as the first. The first a is pronounced as in "match". dä'tə - I have never heard this one. The first a is pronounced as in "arm".
  12. While I don't know what you mean by "sound like uppercase", I do know that there are two different pronunciations of "data" - but I also know that both pronunciations are perfectly acceptable. There are dozens of words that are pronounced differently in en-US and en-GB, but that doesn't mean that one is any more correct than the other. And I couldn't help but notice that I used the ISO abbreviations for the languages instead of typing them out... that's got to be indicative of something.
  13. You know, I was looking all over the place for something exactly like that - SA.skills.google > self.skills.google. Thanks.
  14. Just to get this out of the way, I'm not talking about software. I've got an excellent music player installed on my Gentoo Linux computer. I'm looking for a portable, powerful audio player for a decent price. I don't expect you to do my shopping for me, but if you happen to run across something, if you know of something, or if you know of any resources I can use, I would love it if you would share them. My requirements: No less than 20G Must support the OGG/Vorbis file format Must connect as an external storage device (I can figure this one out on my own, if you're not sure) I know the subject says "linux" specifically, but if it meets those three requirements, it doesn't matter if it's based on Linux or not. I just figured that a Linux-based player would be more likely to fit the second two criteria.
  15. /boot is almost definitely the smallest partition. You usually only set /boot to about 32M - just enough to fit the grub files and a few kernels. The rule of thumb for swap space is memory*2, with a maximum of 2G. If you've got 2G of memory, you're pretty much assured to never need to use swap space. And in the typical three-partition setup (the layout you described - root, boot, and swap) your / (root) partition should occupy the entirety of the free space. Everything has to go on your root partition. If you're this motivated, there are a few possibilities. On one end of the dive-right-in spectrum are Slackware or Gentoo. I assume that slack's installation process is not graphical, but if it is, Gentoo's is not. (There's a Gentoo GUI installer, but it is teh suck.) The Gentoo installation process is very well documented, and if you follow the directions, you will graduate with a fully functional system. If you stray from the beaten path, odds are that it won't work quite right. And on the other (extreme) end of the dive-right-in spectrum is LFS - Linux From Scratch. This is not a distribution. It's DIY. You do everything - download the sources for each individual package, unpack them, and configure, build, and install them. I suspect that you won't want to try this one, at least not without a bit more experience under your belt. I just thought I'd mention it.
  16. Just push buttons and see what happens.
  17. This color scheme generator has a permanent place in my bookmark toolbar.
  18. I would say that the "massively" part means that you have a very large amount of players (more than two four-man teams) able to directly interact with one another. WoW, for example - you go run over this hill, and there's a bunch of people. You go into this town and there's a bunch more people. Not so in Halo - your four-man team goes over the hill and sees another four-man team. And that's it. You can't interact with nearly as many people as you can in WoW.
  19. I'm a big fan of vtcalendar - http://vtcalendar.sourceforge.net/
  20. Actually, it's experts-exchange.com - I'm sure they were very careful to do that. And nowhere on the website do they show the words without something distinctly separating them... but oh, if they hadn't, what fun could be had.
  21. At first glance, it reads as "beast tit" - and then, after considerable effort, I see "beast it", but that isn't much of an improvement. They're both odd, and neither fits the "social networking" idea particularly well. Sorry, mate, I tried, but I can't think of anything good about it. :-/
  22. Hm... it seems that Gentoo is the odd man out when it comes to setting PS1 in the bashrc file. Ah, well. Thanks for the rc's, Steve.
  23. I need to know the default bash PS1 variable, usually set in /etc/bashrc or /etc/bash/bashrc, could someone post the relevant lines here? If you don't feel like digging, the entire file will do just as well. If you don't have GNU/Linux or some other Unix derivative, then you don't have what I need, but thanks anyway.
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