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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. You never have to pay for an SSL certificate. You can always generate your own, but it won't be trusted by browsers. If you visit www.cacert.org, you can get a completely free SSL certificate for your domain that is expected to be trusted by browsers in the near future.
  2. GNUpg (an implementation of PGP) is usually used for digitally signing and encrypting emails, and I've never heard of it being used for anything but that - but I can see how it could be useful. If several conditions are met, I think it could be done, but I'm not sure how possible it is to meet these conditions. Condition 1: You can make your web server send PGP-encrypted data. There are perl modules that use PGP to encrypt data, and with mod_perl, I think you could find a way to send PGP-encrypted data. Condition 2: The clients can decrypt PGP-encrypted data. That means that the private key would have be distributed, which is always a security risk. It also means that you'd have to find a client that supports decrypting PGP-encrypted data. A quick search of the Mozilla extensions library indicates that there's nothing yet created for this.
  3. Are you kidding me? What the hell kind of computer do you have that you could possibly make that excuse. A Pentium M 1.8 GHz laptop that's two years old and starting to wear out very quickly. I used to have a full-blown desktop with an AMD 64 3200+, and it never failed when I needed it to step up and perform a task. Including autocompletion. But for some reason, the laptop just won't play nicely. I know very well what I'm talking about - please don't infer that I'm a liar.
  4. You should get a proper IDE. I've found that autocompletion (also known as Intellitype, in the Microsoft world) is often more of a drain on my system's resources than its worth to me. I've got a very efficient system worked out, with shortcuts that make the whole process very fast, so it takes only second or two to get all of the information I need.
  5. For me, the syntax is as second nature as typing. I always have to do the same exact things, so it didn't take long to remember them for good. For functions, it's just a matter of remembering and following patterns and remembering from repeated usage. I can't often remember the order of arguments with the multi-parameter functions, so I find myself having to reference the manual very often.
  6. Other than the fact that it would be completely useless, provide absolutely no value, and be impossible to create and maintain, I guess I see no reason why we can't do that. Thread locked.
  7. I'm not sure what this is about, but it looks to me like you want to use someone else's code as your own, for schoolwork. I highly suggest that you correct me.
  8. It was enabled at one point, but has since been disabled. Requests to re-enable it have been brought up in the past, but it won't be enabled any time soon. See the first link for the reasons. Topic locked.
  9. There is a light, or group of lights, that appears occasionally outside of Watersmeet, Michigan, popularly called the Paulding Lights. The light hovers and moves over a power line right-of-way, constantly changing colors, with the most popular colors being red and white, and occasionally turning green and blue. The generally accepted story claims that the lights were first seen shortly after a train brakeman was killed there in a train accident in the late 1800's, but the first documented sighting was in 1966. Skeptics often say that the lights are simply reflections of headlights and taillights from a nearby highway, but believers cast that aside some years ago, when traffic was stopped miles away in either direction, and the light still danced above the trees and still changed colors. There is a sign in the parking lot where observers can watch the light, describing the light, its history, and the popular supernatural story surrounding it. The day after the sign was first installed, people going to observe the light noticed that the sign had been removed from its posts, and was on the ground, propped up against the posts. The sign had been bolted to the posts with very thick screws, with nuts on the backs of the posts designed to prevent removal. The holes where the bolts had been in the sign were now as large as the heads of the bolts, as if the sign had been ripped from the posts. As it was county property and potentially a case of vandalism, the sheriff's office was asked to investigate the area. The sheriff's office was able to come up with only one possibility: A wind had come through powerful enough to rip the sign from the bolts. This was quickly discarded, however, for a few reasons. No winds at all had been recorded that night, much less winds powerful enough to rip the sign from the posts. Also, the wind would have had to come through the trees behind the sign, and nothing in the area showed any signs of wind damage. There is, to this day, no scientific explanation for the sign's sudden removal. The legend of the Paulding Lights has been updated to include this story, with believers claiming that the brakeman had removed the sign. The sign was replaced, and has not been removed since. I have seen the lights dancing, and have watched them merge and separate, and I have no explanation. I can't help but believe that there is something supernatural at the Paulding Lights. My point is this: While you may not believe in the supernatural, there are millions of people and many cultures who do believe in them, and they base those beliefs on facts that cannot be disputed.
  10. # gpasswd -a username groupname I always hated typing out all of the group names when I had to add a user to a group. And to publish files in your home directory, you can create a directory ~/public_html, define USERDIR (-D USERDIR) in the startup options in your apache conf file (/etc/conf.d/httpd, maybe). Just make sure that directory is readable by the apache user.
  11. I'm in need of a good GTK+ browser that doesn't use any mozilla libraries - I'll gladly test any solutions you may create.
  12. C has been around for 35 years, since 1972. It's used in both desktop applications (i.e.: Pidgin, the popular free-and-open-source IM client) and in low-level implementations that require interaction with hardware (the Linux kernel, for example). C++ is a bit younger (since 1979), but statistics show that it's more popular than C. Keep in mind that there are noise factors, listed at the bottom of the page I linked to. C# is the baby of the trio, making its first appearance in 2001. However, the platform- and OS-portability factor of the .NET project is making it a very quick up-and-comer. With the mono project implementing the .NET functionality for Unix-based systems, it's truly a programming language that everybody can use. However, C and C++ have considerable momentum behind them (I've heard it said that "they just won't die, no matter how hard we try to kill them"), so don't expect C# to become any real standard, de facto or otherwise.
  13. If you'll notice, AndyB didn't say "height * 2", he said "height * height". There's a rather significant difference there.
  14. Nope, third-party - developed by someone other than me or my organization.
  15. I think you ought to clarify this question a bit - I can honestly say that almost every piece of software I use is third-party. I have written a few dozen scripts, and my system is home to thousands of applications that I have nothing to do with. When it comes to scripting and programming, though, I always check thoroughly to see if there's already a solution before deciding to solve it on my own. I see no point in duplicating functionality.
  16. I always suggest www.newegg.com for US residents, where 512MB of PC3200 memory costs around $25 and 1G of the same costs about $60. For non-US residents, I don't know what your best option is.
  17. You know, it's not like these guys have a personal collection of commands that they can just look through to find the one you need. They had to look through man pages, read `ffmpeg --help`, and whatever else they could find. You can do it too. It never hurt to do a little searching yourself.
  18. neylitalo


    # iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT
  19. That's exactly what I had for several years, and it worked just beautifully. I've since upgraded to a build-your-own firewall with iptables, but it was perfectly safe when I did use it.
  20. Assuming your firewall is active and effective, yes, all of the computers behind the second router are safe. You can turn off the firewall on your second router if you like, and simply use it as a router and not a NAT device. One little thing, though: The term DMZ, in network lingo, refers to a section of the network, usually a specific machine, that has been completely opened up and has all firewall restrictions lifted.
  21. I dont want to side track to much, but is php unable to take high traffic? What if you have a dedicated server? Does that help? PHP is able to work with high levels of traffic, but there are much better alternatives for something like Google. I guess that there would be a detectable performance decrease if they were to use PHP.
  22. Me, I'd go with "because Youtube is one of the single most visited sites in the world and they can make a bundle from advertising." But that's just my theory.
  23. I highly doubt they use PHP. While PHP is, indeed, very powerful, with a heavy-duty and heavy-traffic service like Google, PHP would be one of the worst ways to go. I assume they use python, perl, or a combination of the two.
  24. I get my news from a combination of good old fashioned newspapers (the only good newspaper we get comes from about 550 miles away, but it's close enough to be semi-relevant) and RSS feeds. The RSS feeds mostly keep me up to date on the world of technology, free software, and the activities of some of the organizations that I like to keep up on. Since every form of media is biased one way or another, I prefer to check facts against several different sources, just to get a more accurate picture. You can't really do that efficiently with TV news, and you rarely get any added value from it, so I generally stay away from it.
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