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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. Very simple conditional message output. I've used this in a few situations, usually for error messages. <?php // If some message hasn't already been displayed, then show it. If it hasn't, then don't show it. $displayed = $displayed ? $displayed : print("Some message."); ?> You can't do that with echo.
  2. Apples and oranges. It's like asking "What can a pencil do that an airplane can't?" HTML is not even remotely related to a programming language. It's simply a markup language, a pre-defined set of tags and attributes that our web browsers can read, and show us pretty pictures, colors, and words. All it's used for is formatting the information that you want to show. But if you really want your question answered, though, HTML can, for example, output italicized text. I'd like to see you make PHP do that.
  3. Yes, a monopoly is most effective - for the ones who control it. For the users, though, it's not so great. They're forced to use the crap that they produce, pay the prices that they set, and deal with their insensitivity towards the users needs, opinions, and privacy. There are a great many of us who are very grateful that we have a choice, and that we don't have to use Microsoft products. Yes, he donates money to charities and there's the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, but what do you bet that those donations don't even put a dent in his pocketbook? I quote the Bible, from a story commonly known as The Widow's Offering. I realize that everyone isn't Christian, but that doesn't mean that there is no wisdom in this: While he may be donating millions of dollars to wonderful causes, it doesn't actually say very much for his generosity - he can afford it. i think the greatest "money givers" are those who may not be able to afford it, yet they give anyway. Not I, and I'm sure that there are quite a few who who feel the same way.
  4. What amount of time are we talking? If you're wishing you never had to wait more than a few hours, then you need to find an IRC channel (##phpfreaks on irc.freenode.net is our IRC channel). The "standard" response time I've seen on all of the forums I've been on is usually a few hours, and maybe on a slow day, I'd have to wait until the next day. I've never had a problem with waiting that long.
  5. On this note, it should be known that nobody's post or question has any amount of priority over anybody else's. We're not here to help you, we're here to help everybody. If you want dedicated support, I'll gladly bill you at my normal hourly rate, as I'm sure will many others here.
  6. I'm not sure if that's a shameless plug, or if it contributes enough to the conversation to let it go... very sneakily done, either way.
  7. You can still read it, you just can't edit or add anything.
  8. I very highly doubt that Microsoft has provided any sort of interface with which to interact with SharePoint. Microsoft is very rarely inclined to let other people (gasp!) interface with their software.
  9. Properties/methods in a class are, by default, non-static and require instantiation to be usable. Otherwise the 'static' declaration would be absolutely useless, no? And I was mistaken - test::x() does indeed return an object, but it isn't an object of type test. Rather, it's an object of type "stdClass", which I'm assuming is the default "generic" class that PHP uses when dealing with static class members. object(stdClass)#1 (1) { ["_str"]=> string(1) "x" }
  10. I rather doubt it, particularly in the way it's designed in the code you wrote. I'm sure you can chain static method calls, but not a mixture of static and non-static method calls in the same object/class. roopurt18's warning applies in this situation - you're expecting different datatypes than you're getting. The problems I see with it: 1) You can't reference or modify non-static properties from within a static method. 2) I don't think $self is what you're looking for - you use $this from within instantiated objects, and the keyword "self" from within static elements. 3) When you use test::x()->y(), you're assuming that an object is returned from test::x(), which isn't possible until test is instantiated.
  11. I'd guess that it's the adaptor - it's just more likely that the adaptor would be broken instead of the monitor. One way you could test it is by trying a different AC adaptor, or a different monitor, but I'm guessing you have neither, or you'd probably be using it. If the equipment is still under warranty, you might consider returning it or getting it fixed.
  12. You may very well be right, I don't have much PHP 4 experience.
  13. Oh, definitely. You can even do something like this: <?php $object->method()->property->method(); ?>
  14. Step one: ask the person if they'll sell it to you. Step two: Don't Start Every Word With A Capital Letter. It Makes Sentences Very Hard To Read.
  15. When you have a ISO code xx-yy, the first two are the abbreviation for the name of the language, and the second two is an abbreviation for the country that particular dialect is used in. In the case of English, there's en-us and en-gb, since they're two different "forms" of the English language, one in the US and one in Great Britain.
  16. Here is a thorough description of print vs. echo, although I wouldn't say that echo can do more than print. They have their pros and cons, and there are situations where you would prefer one over the other.
  17. What on earth are you talking about? chmod is a security hole? Since when do you need chmod to install everything? And just so you know, Windows has the equivalent of crontabs - it's called Scheduled Tasks. The advantages of Unix-based operating systems are far beyond having cron.
  18. Well, considering that I have no clue what AS/A is, I'm guessing I'm not waiting for mine. I'm a little curious as to what it is, though - can you educate me?
  19. I have my high school senior picture as my avatar - that's good enough, right?
  20. Congratulations on 60 years of independence.
  21. Unix filesystems are usually designed with a maximum capacity of X inodes per filesystem, not X directories and Y files. If you want to know the exact number of maximum inodes or files/directories that your FS type supports, Wikipedia usually has the answers. And just a word of advice: Filesystems are designed to handle very, very large amounts of data. You are very probably not going to even hit a point where you can see a performance loss.
  22. I'd like to say the same thing. I've been using them for years and haven't looked back.
  23. When it comes to acronyms that don't follow the rules of the English language (PHP, SQL, etc.) I just spell them out. You can say things like AJAX, but PHP and SQL are impossible to pronounce as they are spelled.
  24. I'm starting to get the feeling that this conversation is starting to go off-track... let's call it quits, shall we? And I changed "powerfufl" to "powerful"... I'm not sure what you're upset about.
  25. GMail is a mail application, for which there are alternatives. I use the alternatives. I do not use Gmail, for a few simple reasons: I think the interface sucks, I don't like using web-based applications, and it's powered by Google. There are clauses in the licenses of nearly every single non-free application that specify how you can and can't use it, how you can and can't distribute it, and how trying to change the behavior is a violation of the license. You're stuck with the behavior provided by the developer, never mind the fact that it may not be what you want. And I don't care that I don't want to modify every single application I use - all I want is the ability to do so if I desire. I'm a huge proponent of freedom, be it the freedom to speak your mind, the freedom to travel within your own country without telling the police where you are (a law in some European countries), or the freedom to analyze the software you're using, modify it however you see fit, and distribute the modified software to your friends (or the world). Please note that I'm not picking on Google. I just don't like supporting their rise to power and being one more user dependent on them.
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