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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. Give us the complete contents of your script.
  2. Ron, I don't think he means that you can't express your opinions, just that the profanity was less than necessary. (I agree, btw. Profanity of any kind is generally not necessary.) And while they are all perfectly valid opinions, I'm not sure that politics should be discussed, due to their potential for flame wars. One more thing: I hate microsoft just as much as the next man. But I'm not going to get started here... maybe some other time.
  3. Without quotes, it tries to execute the program called 'wonderful', which probably isn't going to be found. If you want to echo the string "wonderful", do this: #!/bin/bash echo "wonderful" And in the future, enclose scripts, program output, etc., in tags.
  4. Thread closed. Azu, watch your language. This is an official warning.
  5. Sorry guys, I'm to blame as much as anybody else, but we need to stop this particular thread. Locked.
  6. This is indeed a problem. However, with manufacturers like Dell and HP offering Ubuntu GNU/Linux on some of their machines, I think GNU/Linux will start to become more well known. Canonical, Ltd., founded by Mark Shuttleworth, provides millions of dollars worth of commercial support and promotion of free software - primarily Ubuntu GNU/Linux. With this financial backing, Ubuntu is starting to make some serious headway. This is changing very rapidly. I have yet to find a computer with any hardware that wasn't supported by the Linux kernel. Ubuntu's kernel, by default, comes with support for every device in the kernel built as a module, so you almost never need to do anything to get hardware to work. Video cards are still a problem, although this, too, is changing. ATI (now owned by AMD) has informed the GNU/Linux community of the development of video drivers that will be functionally equivalent to the Windows drivers, and nVidia's drivers have always been excellent. This, too, is changing. The forums, wikis, and IRC channels for their respective GNU/Linux distributions are becoming more and more useful. I find that I rarely have to ask a question in the #gentoo channel on Freenode, due to the excellent documentation. And while I have gotten my fair share of links to documentation pages that I should have been able to find by myself, I find no problem with that. I got the answer I needed, so I don't really care if I had to look through the docs myself. iD Software and Epic Games have been, for years, releasing nearly all of their major titles with GNU/Linux clients, as well as Windows and Mac clients; Unreal Tournament 2004, the Quake series, and the Doom series are all that I know of, but there could be others. I've played UT2004, Quake 4, and Doom III on my Gentoo GNU/Linux machine, and I can honestly say that they performed better in benchmarking than on the same machine with Windows. Yes, they are the extreme minority, but it's still something. I plan to keep supporting iD and Epic for a long time.
  7. The Gimp has a nice little gradient tool built right into it - give that a shot, see if it does what you need.
  8. It's not much more difficult to right-click on the page, view the source, find the script's source, and navigate to it...
  9. [quote author=Azu link=topic=105646.msg688658#msg688658 date=1188947201] [quote author=markjoe link=topic=105646.msg686295#msg686295 date=1188636218]It's not the same as stealing someones car.[/quote]Ah, the old "if I can't physically touch it, then I should be able to do whatever I want to it without being punished for breaking the law" argument. Tut tut tut... [/quote] I'm afraid you missed the point. Stealing someone's car would be the same as disconnecting your neighbor's internet connection and re-routing it to your house. Piggybacking on someone's wireless network without their knowledge and/or permission is (nearly, but not quite) analogous to hopping in the car's back seat, hiding until they arrive at their destination, and then getting back out. You're not depriving them of the use of the (car|internet), but you're still benefitting from it.
  10. There are three types of lies: Lies, damned lies, and statistics. (A quote which Americans very commonly misattribute to Mark Twain. Mr. Twain, in fact, quoted Benjamin Disraeli; Mr. Twain was simply responsible for popularizing it in the United States.) There is, without fail, a bias, some extraneous, excluded, or data-skewing variable that will throw the results. In this case, if it's true, the data-skewing variable is that the majority of domains are parked (This, I believe) and that the majority of most parked domains are served by IIS. (This, I have no reason to believe or disbelieve.) The fact remains that Apache is much more flexible, much cheaper, and extendible than IIS, and it always will be. I do not predict that web hosts will just abandon Apache.
  11. There are two minor differences. Embedded JS: 1) Apache only handles one request for the PHP file and the Javascript data. 2) JS file is run through PHP - a little overhead is incurred here, but nothing noteworthy. Separate JS file: 1) Apache handles two requests - one for the PHP file and one for the Javascript file. 2) JS file is not run through PHP. Apache gets the request, gets the file, and sends it. I hope that answers your question?
  12. Now, if you were running *nix, you wouldn't have that problem - ies4linux's IE 6 and 7 co-exist beautifully. Another reason to switch? I think so!
  13. While completely nonsensical and nonfunctional, this has never failed to amuse me: $ unzip; strip; touch; finger; mount; fsck; more; yes; yes; fsck; fsck; umount; sleep
  14. My guesses: A) It didn't like the empty script, or B) It didn't like the capital PHP. In my tests, neither one of these triggered it, but that's all I can think of.
  15. You might also look into unit testing. Check out PhpUnit.
  16. This is something that a lot of people would like. A self-maintained ranking system would give users an idea of whose ideas and solutions to listen to completely, and whose posts are utter rubbish. Granted, there's a little room for error, but it's usually pretty accurate.
  17. I'm a big fan of php -f and php -l; php -f <file> checks <file> for parse errors, and php -l <file> checks for syntax errors.
  18. You can indeed run your own DNS service, but it will require a very stable server, and a dedicated, static IP address is strongly recommended, if not necessary. Bind is the industry standard for DNS server software, and can be found at www.bind9.net. And one more little thing: Domain names are never free. You have to buy them from the appropriate domain name authority.
  19. mplayer is awesome. To decode a video with mplayer: $ mplayer -vo yuv4mpeg:file=filename.yuv path_to_file.ext Note: very large files will result. To encode the video to MPEG, with a video bitrate of 800 kbps and 24 FPS with mencoder: $ mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=800 -ofps 24 filename.yuv It's the same for audio files, just use mplayer to output the raw audio to a file. Something like this: $ mplayer -ao pcm:file=filename.wav path_to_file.ext And I've never encoded audio with mencoder, but I imagine it's not very difficult at all.
  20. Infinite loops are bad. That's all I have to say on the subject.
  21. I suppose I could tell you how to send data of your choosing to a page on a third-party website, which I suppose could be an attempt to insert malicious data. If you control the other website, you should have no problem with using it to send the data.
  22. Shoutcast is a network streaming audio server, and can be downloaded for free from http://www.shoutcast.com. If complete freedom (free as in free speech, not as in free beer) means anything to you, icecast may pique your interest. If you're not looking for streaming network audio server software, and are just looking for a good internet radio station, I might suggest sky.fm or live365 - sky.fm actually hosts the streams, but live365 simply directs you to the free ones. I use both on a regular basis.
  23. Now, of course, neither of those situations where you might want to use print's return value are very common, nor are they very advantageous over any other ways of solving the same problem, but they are there.
  24. You can, but you need to change it a bit. <?php echo $displayed ? null : "Some message."; ?> Close, but not quite. Now that the message has been displayed, you need to adjust $displayed accordingly. I've used this in situations where I want a particular set of text to be shown once, and where there are multiple triggers. Once the text is shown, you don't want it shown again. How about something like this? <?php if($variable || print("Some message")) { //Execute some code here } ?> I can see this being useful in situations where you want the code to execute, but you want to show a warning or some other text when the first conditions weren't met.
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