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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. [!--quoteo(post=383892:date=Jun 14 2006, 11:58 AM:name=Crayon Violent)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(Crayon Violent @ Jun 14 2006, 11:58 AM) [snapback]383892[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--] alternative paypal method: send payment to me and a *promise* to forward it to you [img src=\"style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/laugh.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":laugh:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"laugh.gif\" /] [/quote] I like the way you think. :D akitchin: The only payment methods I've played with belong to a Business account, and those required actually going to the PayPal site. However, you could apply styles to the page, add your own header image, etc., to make it look exactly (or very much) like your own site. Does the Premier account come with invisible integration?
  2. And it's not just the "I've gone through more college, so I should get more money" idea - I'd think it's more the fact that very few people are qualified and willing to take a job as a technical writer, and as such, are in high demand.
  3. I'm really hoping this is a joke, to which there is a predetermined answer... because if it isn't, it should be deleted ASAP, if not before. There is no one question that determines the quality of a programmer.
  4. Scott Adams does something very similar with Dilbert... he asks his readers to send him stories of their experiences at work, and if he finds a good one, he makes a comic out of it.
  5. Moved to Miscellaneous - the Core PHP Hacking forum is reserved for discussions regarding modifications to or extending PHP itself.
  6. Good choice! I love Postgres - it's much more powerful than MySQL. May I suggest the ADOdb library? It's a PHP library that gives you an ultra-easy way to interface with nearly any database system on the planet, and it's very powerful. [a href=\"http://adodb.sourceforge.net\" target=\"_blank\"]http://adodb.sourceforge.net[/a]. Regardless of your decision to use ADOdb or not, you'll want to check these things:[list][*]Make sure that Postgres is running. If you're running Windows, it's probably in your Services list, and if you're running *nix, then you can run "ps ax | grep postgres" to see if there are any postgres processes.[*]Make sure that your PHP has postgres support enabled. In Windows, you need to uncomment the appropriate line in php.ini - in Unix, you need to compile php --with-pgsql.[*]And make sure your connect string is correct for your server, if the above two are taken care of.[/list]
  7. I'm going to write it like this for clarity: [code]include($zfile ? $zfile : "home.php");[/code] This is an example of a [i]ternary[/i] comparison - see [a href=\"http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php\" target=\"_blank\"]this page[/a]. In a ternary operation, the term before the ? is the [b]condition[/b], the term after the ? is what to return if the condition is [b]true[/b], and the term after the : is what to return if the condition is [b]false[/b].
  8. yeah, it's definitely not anything I'd use. I don't even store passwords on my computer, let alone a server on the web. And I've noticed a few whoopsies up there - you say you use a one-way encryption method? How, then, if it's a ONE-way encryption method, do you get the password back to send it to the user? You can't decrypt a one-way encryption...
  9. instead of "or", use "&&" - like this. [code]if(($cookuser == $adminuser) && ($cookuser == $adminuser4)){[/code]
  10. PHP works with many other databases - I suggest you use the ADOdb library for interaction with databases. It makes for a seamless transition from one database to another, so when you switch db types, you don't have to change your scripts except to tell ADOdb that it's interacting with a different database type. It's really slick. :) [a href=\"http://adodb.sourceforge.net\" target=\"_blank\"]http://adodb.sourceforge.net[/a]
  11. I've run it 9 times, using the PHP CLI. Attempt 1: [code]Option 1 :  0.603678941727 Option 2 :  0.286610126495[/code] Attempt 2: [code]Option 1 :  0.550763130188 Option 2 :  0.43427491188[/code] Attempt 3: [code]Option 1 :  0.318045139313 Option 2 :  0.107208967209[/code] Attempt 4: [code]Option 1 :  0.244568109512 Option 2 :  0.107848882675[/code] Attempt 5: [code]Option 1 :  0.474720954895 Option 2 :  0.508259057999[/code] Attempt 6: [code]Option 1 :  0.475308895111 Option 2 :  0.506058931351[/code] Attempt 7: [code]Option 1 :  0.476417064667 Option 2 :  0.28511595726[/code] Attempt 8: [code]Option 1 :  0.546325922012 Option 2 :  0.504494905472[/code] Attempt 9: [code]Option 1 :  0.190877914429 Option 2 :  0.107209920883[/code] Averages: [code]Option 1 : 0.431189563539 Option 2 : 0.316342406803[/code]
  12. [!--quoteo(post=376619:date=May 24 2006, 04:55 AM:name=Steady_Eddie)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(Steady_Eddie @ May 24 2006, 04:55 AM) [snapback]376619[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--] why not just take a copy of it once youve given them your finished version. then when u get home change it enough for them not to be able to sue you for it and then copyright your own software at home. [/quote] In order to "change it enough for them not to be able to sue you", you'd have to completely rewrite it. The specific action you speak of is most likely also in an agreement signed by the employee. I know it's in mine.
  13. I'd suggest doing it something like this: Have one PHP file, but have it take info from $_GET and use that to generate the embed tag. Something like this: [code]<?php $fileName = $_GET['video']; echo "<embed src='videos/".$fileName.".avi'>"; ?>[/code] I don't know the syntax for the embed tags, but you'd have to do something like that for the "src" attribute. Go nuts!
  14. I always suggest AVG as an anti-virus solution, and ZoneLabs' ZoneAlarm software as a firewall. [a href=\"http://free.grisoft.com\" target=\"_blank\"]http://free.grisoft.com[/a] for the free version of AVG Click [a href=\"http://www.zonelabs.com/store/content/company/products/znalm/freeDownload2.jsp?dc=12bms&ctry=US&lang=en&lid=staticcomp_za\" target=\"_blank\"]here[/a] to begin the process of getting the free version of ZoneAlarm.
  15. A year has to meet the following requirements to be a leap year:[list][*]It CANNOT be evenly divisible by 100[list][*]Exception: If the year is ALSO evenly divisible by 400, it is a leap year.[/list][*]It MUST be evenly divisible by 4[/list]This function takes care of the requirements. [code]function isLeapYear($year) {     if( (($year % 100 != 0) && ($year % 4 == 0)) || ($year % 400 == 0))     {         $isLeapYear = true;     }     else     {         $isLeapYear = false;     }     return $isLeapYear; }[/code]
  16. [code]if($find >= 5) {     $gold += 3; }[/code]
  17. The Sam's Teach Yourself [i]x[/i] in [i]y[/i] Days, etc., series are all excellent books - in this case, there's [b]Sam's Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL, and Apache in 24 hours[/b]. I got started using Jason Gilmore's [i]PHP 5 and MySQL: From Novice to Professional[/i], and once I learned the basics, I used the PHP manual.
  18. OK, can you give a few more details on what you're trying to do?
  19. If I understand correctly, you're asking about your home directory - check in /home/your_user_name.
  20. Invisibled in favor of [a href=\"http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=54859\" target=\"_blank\"]this one[/a]... we can delete this one in a bit.
  21. FCKEditor is excellent, too... [a href=\"http://www.fckeditor.net\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.fckeditor.net[/a]
  22. I love hockey, and I'm from the US... although some would argue that I'm not really in the US, seeing as I'm in the Upper Peninsula of MI. :)
  23. I think, and Eric agrees (unless his opinion has changed since [a href=\"http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?s=&showtopic=62300&view=findpost&p=249489\" target=\"_blank\"]this post[/a]) that it'd be best to stick with something already in existence... I think it would take years to get a forum software to the point of usability, especially with a community as large as this one. I've heard excellent things about vBulletin, and it does have the Lo-Fi feature you like so much, Eric. It's called "Archive" in vBulletin, and does the same thing as Lo-Fi in IPB. And it even has a PDA version! You can create your own private demo of it at [a href=\"http://www.vbulletin.com/admindemo.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.vbulletin.com/admindemo.php[/a]
  24. And just how do you know Crayon Violent is a Ms.? [img src=\"style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/wink.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":wink:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"wink.gif\" /]
  25. I think the license key is the same thing as the product key. And I think James is right - it's probably in your registry.
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